7th Ed. Engines super duper charge Q

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Glorystorm, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. foster

    foster New Member

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    I'm surprised no has mentioned giving the EotG's War Drum of Xahutec on this website, I find it very popular at my GW store. It makes the steg able to march and weave around enemy units so you can get to the best place to use Burning Alignment where it would hurt your opponants the most. Instead of hurting just one or two units while charging I'm doing damage to 3-4 units and then planning to do rear charges in the next turn. In my opinion this tactic can do more damage then a frontal super duper charge.

    I just want to double check with you guys can a Stegadon wheel without using up their movement?

    BTW I do not use a Slann prefering the Carnosaur to munch my opponants, so which Lore do you guys use on the Priest that has the best combination of magic in your opinion. I just use Fire Lore all the time so I'm curious if there are better magical combinations without using a Slann.
  2. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Must not have read much if you haven't seen the war drum/EotG combo on this site! It's a fairly well-known combo here and elsewhere.

    Stegadons don't wheel, they pivot like all monsters. Read up on the monsters section of the BRB, I found things in there I never knew, having started WHFB playing Dwarves.
  3. WheelR
    Chameleon Skink

    WheelR New Member

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    I don't get this part.. You mean the Mage priest what kind of lore "we" pick or the skink priest? Which isn't allowed to take anything else but Heavens.
  4. foster

    foster New Member

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    I must of read Arcane Configuration wrong, thought it allowed the Priest to pick any Lore at the start of the game. As to that statement about me using fire all the time is a bit of a fib, I haven't used an EotG's yet with my new list, which is lucky because I would've looked like a complete idiot giving Fire to my Priest in a game, like I do now. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

    Anyway I just got the new rule book today so I'll be looking up on my Monster rules shortly.

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