Fiction Fate's Hand

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Kcibrihp-Esurc, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    The piece is out! We have returned!!!

    I watched as Boqtlan’s body was floated out into the pool, the Skink who was leading the ceremony was intoning prayers and blessings, near the end the whole crowd lowered their heads, and the Priest finished his prayer as the body began to sink. “From water we come, and to water we shall all return. Boqtlan served the Great Plan with strength and integrity, his loss is a blow felt by the world. His spirit is with the Old Ones now.” After the body had sunk we all left, Conquakhe had told me that there would be a day for everyone to mourn as they saw fit.

    “How is she?” I asked the skink attendant,
    “She has a broken arm, five splintered ribs, an impact laceration from her temple to her chin, bruising on most of her body, as well as bruising to one of her kidneys and her lungs. Some bone fragments from her ribs caused small amounts of internal bleeding from her liver and heart, small splinters also damaged her aorta.” The skink inhaled before continuing. “Our healing has managed to stem most of the internal bleeding, and we managed to remove the splinters in her aorta with a minimal increase in bleeding. She is very resistant to magic.”
    I winced, “And her chances of survival?” The skink fidgeted, looking away before continuing, “She could die from this.” I felt like I had been stabbed in the chest.

    ‘Ardaris stood in a church, cloaked in black flames, with streaks of blood red. She was surrounded by warrior priests in red. They brandished golden hammers at her, dripping holy water. Vasdbo walked forwards, dressed similarly to the priests, with more gold. Statues of Sigmar grew out of the ground behind the priests. “Vile creature of the night, we the devout servants of the March of Sigmar, banish thee in Sigmar’s name!” The flames around her vanished, revealing a suit of armour that looked like a set of my family's ancestral armour, except for a fist sized gemstone that looked like a bubble of dark blood.
    Suddenly the golden hammers burst into flames, melting in the priest’s hands. They backed away, and the statues of Sigmar had blood drip from the eyes, whilst the bodies cracked. “No.”
    The priest’s eyes melted out of their sockets, and they began to cough up blood.’

    I woke up, drenched in sweat, with a pain in my chest. Why was I dreaming about Ardaris? What was the March of Sigmar? Melting sanctified hammers and causing Sigmarite Statues to bleed and break? Maybe Scetto rubbed off on me, all his insistence about her not being dead might have messed with my mind. “I might, but I could just take you to one of your ancestors, your people have an annoying tenacity when it comes to dying.” I stiffened, if anyone would know, it would be a Daemon.
    My reverie was broken when I heard something heavy hit the ground. I slid my sword out of its sheath, and grabbed my shield, creeping outside. There was a platform on the ground, suspended from a giant floating balloon. Four figures stood on the platform, one short, two not dissimilar to beastmen or skaven, and one enormous figure towering over the others.
    I stalked closer, sword at the ready, when I realised that one of them was Scetto, from the voice and glowing red eyes. “Scetto? Is that you?” The figures turned to look at me. “Norimia?” I heard Scetto say. “What are you doing here? Who are these other three?” Scetto lit a lantern, revealing Tzaqor, a short, old human and a massive ogre. “You already know Tzaqor, the human is Jekal and the ogre is Gurzgrat. Anything happen while I was gone?” I looked away,
    “A Bloodthirster attacked the island. It attacked Eliara, and... it killed Boqtlan.”
    Tzaqor inhaled sharply, nearly hissing and Scetto’s eyes went round with shock. The Ogre seemed to pick up on the emotions of the moment, and looked sad.
    “How is Eliara?” Tzaqor said in Riekspiel, but my shock was quickly suppressed by the question. “She could die.” Tzaqor’s crest fell, and Scetto looked pained. “Whilst on the subject on death and the dead, you left to find Ardaris, didn’t you?” Scetto looked sheepish.
    “Yes… As well as a few other things…”
    “She’s alive, isn’t she?” Scetto was surprised by the question.
    “What brought this-?” I cut him off.
    “Don’t avoid the question. She’s alive, and in the Empire, isn’t she?” He just nodded, dumbfounded. The human narrowed his eyes, “How did you know? Scetto said that everyone thought she was dead, especially you.” I shrugged.
    “Just a few coincidences, which is why I asked, I wanted to be sure.”
    A patrol of skinks arrived, led by Conquakhe. Their crests shot up in surprise at seeing Scetto and Tzaqor, “Tzaqor? I thought you were on the ship bound for Lustria?” He then shot a glare at Scetto, “And where did you disappear off to? Thrikth has been scouring every nook and cranny on and inside the island!” Scetto winced and looked around.
    “Oops. I’ll go see him.” The Skaven slinked off.
    “I was on the Lustria bound ship, how I ended up here is a long story that I would rather not repeat more than once, so I’ll save it for a later time.” Conquakhe nodded and looked at the other two. I take it that these two are here to help?” I heard him ask as I walked off.

    I packed my armour, weapons and clothes as quietly and tightly as possible, before sneaking it onto a small, but seaworthy boat. I then snuck back onto the island, getting enough rations to last me the trip.
    There was a saurus waiting in front of my boat. “Nor-rimm-ia?” It struggled to say, “Tzaqor said you would be here. He said to tell you not to go, but if you insisted on going to go with you.” It stopped briefly, “Don’t go.” I shrugged,
    “I have to, there’s something I need to do.” The saurus nodded, picked up a filled sack and stepped onto the boat. I went to follow suit.
    “You realise that that boat takes three?” I recognised Eliara’s voice and span, she was leaning on one of the defensive walls, with her belongings packed and on the ground in front of her.
    “Eliara! You should be resting!” I hissed, my heart pounding, what was she doing out here?
    “And you should be staying to lead the Legion, who’s worse?” She retorted, and I winced.
    “Okay, I yield. But how did you find out, the saurus was Tzaqor, who told you?”
    “I overheard Scetto telling Raymond. I think they’re planning on stopping you.” She started limping to the boat. I stepped in front of her. “No, you are staying here.” She scowled, then winced.
    “Someone needs to keep you out of trouble. I’m coming.” I glared at her.
    “The saurus can.”
    “You can’t take him into a town.”
    “I can get a member of the Legion.”
    “You outrank them so they would follow you.”
    “I’ll kidnap one of Raymond’s peasants.”
    “You’re heading to the Empire.” I swore under my breath and she limped past me. I scowled and headed onto the ship, and prepared to cast off

    Important Characters

    Conquakhe- Leader of Cuaqtla’s building caste, he also leads the kroxigor in battle and is larger than the average skink, spawn brother of Alyrhex. Has an unknown blessing with steel-like grey scales

    Tzaqor- Was the highest ranking Skink Chief of Cuaqtla, rode a Ripperdactyl, taken by Ruagahnn whilst heading to Lustria, currently on Jekal's Airship headed for Cuaqtla

    Jekal Narkel- An eccentric mage-engineer, many of his inventions are volatile, but he tends to try make them safer.

    Norimia- An experienced warrior, member of The Legion of the Ulv, previously in the service of Vasdbo

    Scetto- Master Assassin, he was 'The Black Terror of Mordheim' but later hid with Thrikth's clan, Skritchvit.
    He is rapidly mutating and is the current wielder of the Fellblade that was used to destroy Nagash

    Eliara- Norimia’s second in command, this Ex-Wood Elf is one of the finest archers in The Empire, badly injured by Alxebren

    Ardaris- A powerful vampire who allied with the lizardmen of Cuaqtla, and left to find allies, died fighting an overwhelming force of Orcs, resurrected by very strong magic.

    Gurzgrat the Titanic- A very large ogre tyrant, thirteen feet tall, seven feet wide at the shoulder, he has a protective streak a mile wide, and loves the company of those who enjoy food and drink.

    Important Locations

    Cuaqtla- Located on the island of Kaixilixapati this Kahoun was created as a place to store knowledge and as a focal point for the geomantic web

    Deceased Characters

    Boqtlan- The lead Oldblood of Cuaqtla, had the blessings of Itzl, Quetzl and Tepok and was revered by the inhabitants of Cuaqtla as a great leader, when it came to war Goqtli himself listens to him, rode a Cold One, killed by Alxebren
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Brilliant! I have waited a long time for this! Now I need to find out what is happening with Adaris! No more breaks you! ;) Get writing!
    tom ndege likes this.
  3. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    Well @Bowser you can look forwards to the next piece in two weeks, as @RoseThorn and I are alternating. Last week was him this week me. Unless we do the Truth or Dare he keeps nagging me about. Or popular opinion makes us decide to post more of one set than the other. We are working together due to timeline things, since his pieces caught up.
    (Peril Begins' fight coincides with the end of Queen's Return)
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  4. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    No comments other than Bowser?
  5. RoseThorn

    RoseThorn Active Member

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    Well, since no one has replied (I blame @spawning of Bob ) I will have to reply! Grr...

    Aww, right in the feels man!
    AAAH! What was that dream sequence!!??!?!?!?
    Also, dafuq Vasdbo?
    Also, dafuq Ardaris?
    Also, dafuq Ardaris' Gem?
    I don't know why, but this Saurus seemed so cute!
    I quite liked this part, it showed how well Eliara and him know each other, that she just instantly counters every time he says something.

    Overall quite a good piece, I like that you are finally giving characters on the island some more stuffs, even if that stuffs is leaving the Island!
    I know you said that Eliara's survival was uncertain in her character bio at the end of 'Rage and Revenge' but the injuries you described are really bad!
    Also I was kinda hoping he'd just kidnap a peasant.
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  6. RoseThorn

    RoseThorn Active Member

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    Well, I liked it if no one other than Warden, Ndedge and Bowser did...
  7. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    To be perfectly honest, I don't have much of a frame of reference for a lot of the elements and characters here. It was written well enough though, but I'm lost.


    But good on your work.
    RoseThorn likes this.
  8. RoseThorn

    RoseThorn Active Member

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    @Carnikang the index mentioned in my, and K-E's signature lead you to the links of all the stories, in order.
    Carnikang likes this.
  9. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Ill give it a look.
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I got lost in the dialogue a bit, but I enjoyed the character descriptions at the end. And the backstory for your Lizardmen, I need to go back and check out the Kahoun of Cuaqtla again.
  11. RoseThorn

    RoseThorn Active Member

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    (Would this count as a Necro, cause I have the Image)
  12. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    Oh for god's sake!

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