I'd love to, but as is I'm broke... Maybe sometime in September. How does this go for everyone else then? Cheers!
I'm having alittle difficulty with the picture-taking process as the only pictures i can get are blurry... I have another camera... somewhere... but, have you guys any tips?
first off what kind of camera is it be specific also try taking it out doors on like a dark non reflective surface for better light. If you cant do it out side and can only do it indoors here a couple of tips that my GF is teaching me Camera if you can hold it still then dont. find a stool wall or something to place it on. Macro setting. Ive notice once ive used this setting most close up and colorful models do look better Water peice of paper with out a flash try use a blank peice of paper behind the model this will reflect a lot of the surrounding light. and sometimes will keep the flash off. some of pics are horrible but my personal camera is a old Kodak camera she has a nice cannon 960. just the camera's alone can change a lot.
First of all, take a lot of photos before putting them on your comp so you can weed out all the bad ones at once. The problem with models being blurry is because the camera is focusing on something behind them rather than the model, you need to make sure there is nothing interesting behind the model for the camera to try to focus on. Give macro a try, it has a longer shutter time so will be a bit harder to keep steady for long enough and in my experience gives a bit of a strange colour to the models, but it definitely gets in focus. The other thing I have found is to sit a bit further back from the model rather than getting up close and just zoom in a bit. Remember there are so many pixels on photos these days you can have the model just in the middle square of the camera, and crop all around it out, then probably still need to shrink the pic a bit before uploading. Good luck.
Thanks for the tips. I've *sort of* got the pictures, but right now I'm lazy and am working on painting my Grey Company for LOTR. I'll get on it. Eventually