You aren't mounted on a carpet. You buy it, it gives you flight. You're still unit type infantry. Which is better; you get a 4+ look out save for being near 5 or more infantry. Way better than a +1 to armor save that Lizard characters don't need. -Matt
The only problem that I have with that build, is that in combat you're only getting a 3+ armour save. That means that vs S5 opponents you're going down to 5+/4++, and vs S6 its 6+/4++. Given that most of the heavily armoured units in the game that you want him smashing up are S5+, I think its really important to get the 2+. In addition, given that he'll get a Look Out Sir against cannons when near infantry, and is running a 4++ anyway, I think he has a pretty reasonable chance of surviving 2 rounds of shooting until he can get into combat. Plus if they are shooting your Flyblood (Oldcarpet? Hmm... maybe FSoD is best), they aren't shooting your Stegadons! I'd kind of disagree, only to the extent that if it gave a +1 armour save, it'd be much easier to get to 1+ for Dawn Stone re-rolls and 1+ with Great Weapons. But then you are passing up the 4++ and LoS, so its tough to call.
I'll gladly take a 2+ with great weapon and have a 4+ look out vs a cannon. 1+ re-roll won't do much against a cannon.
For reliability, I'll go with the Dawnstone/Sword of Might/Enchanted Shield combo. You get your 4+ Look Out Sir and no ward save, sure, but really this guy will be able to get himself into combat after one round of shooting. If the cannon isn't shooting at your Stegadon, you're happy anyway, because it is actually a more vulnerable target than the Aladdin-blood. Now you may be thinking, why not great weapon?? Strength 7 is better!! If you want a strength 7 oldblood, you are far better off on a cold one. Remember, the Aladdin-blood can still be stomped! Plus the things that you will be slamming into with that str 7 character will likely be bearing down upon you anyway. If you are taking 50 points to fly, I'd say you want to make full use of your flight ability by being able to charge over things, and getting deep into enemy territory. Sure, rippers can also do this job, but not nearly as well. The Aladdin-blood will be able to take on "special assignments" for which rippers are too squishy.
I've got it: Oldladdin! You raise a good point, Canegham. Your build comes in a close second for me as its extremely resilient in combat. Statiscally superior to 2+/4++, in fact, especially against all important S5 and S6 attacks (and Stomps). But I'd still be just too nervous about Death snipes or Metal magic all the same. And the S7 really helps punch through that 1+ armour save. I think I'll run with the 4++ crutch for a while and see if its as vulnerable as I fear. Edit: Would you be at all tempted with a Potion of Strength over the Sword of Might? One round of 5 S8 attacks will really hurt; though I don't think the Oldblood has the WS to really make the most of it.
I like Flyblood or perhaps Flybloodin, or even Flybladdin lol. Yeah I see what you mean about the AS. It definitely needs to be 2+ in combat, 1+ vs shooting. It was possibly quite late and I missed the obvious. I'm all about the ward too. I play VC a bit and that scream is ridiculous, though it's not often that fast-moving units are caught. Same about metal and other things that negate armour. I feel he's too expensive to leave without a ward. Perhaps I'm just being paranoid. EDIT: I also wanted to add that I tried a skink chief on a ripper with the Ogre Blade and he was a bit too squishy: T3 and 2+ armour still isn't great but he did make a good assassin. I wont have any trouble running this guy around the battlefield.
4+ ward won't make you invulnerable to cannons nor to death nor to metal. You still will not (should not!) let those spells target him, or let cannons shoot at him. Against cannons, you only get 50% protection (you'll just as likely to fail it as you are to pass it), and against Metal or Death, it's the luck of the roll (number of hits) that will seal your faith. Even if you don't die outright, you'll get a wound or two and won't be as useful. I'd prefer the 1+ rerolable to 4+ ward for this guy. He'll be able to target specific combats, go where his 1+ rerolable and high toughness will make him last for a long time.
50% chance is better than no chance at all. Indeed, without the ward you are relying on 50% anyway in the form of Look out Sir against all those things. With the ward you jump up to 75%. I'm inclined towards the ward so you can combine it with a great weapon for s7. But both builds are solid. In regards to your last point, I'd be interested in what units you'd see as a good match up.
I like Oldladdin, rolls right off the tongue! 4+ ward keeps him alive longer at range, where the armor build I think keeps him alive longer in combat. I think it all depends on how you are using him. If you think you'll be able to get him in combat starting on turn 2, you only have 1 round of shooting to endure. Then the OB might be in combat for a couple rounds, skipping the following magic/shooting phase, during which time your other air support and chameleons can try to silence the artillery.
Oldlaladdin has a lot of potential strategy wise and fun wise You did a good job describing kits and missions I squeezed in GW, LA, SH, Dawnstone and Dragonhelm in my 2400 Slann led list. This guy gets the job done On the sunny side, model of this guy would be an awesome sight I played three games with Oldaladdin and the people could not stop laughing
Well, the prime targets for him are cavalry of all sorts (yes, even monstrous). At most these guys will have S5 and this guy will endure that quite easily - everything hits him on 4s, wounds on 4s (at best!), and he saves on 3 rerolable. Charge any cav in the flank and you'll win combats! Other than that, any infantry with strength 5 or lower. S6 will eat you trough quite faster than S5, so I'd avoid those pesky White Lions. Avoid any units with static combat res (ranks or banner/warbanner combo units) and you should be fine and not loosing combats.
How do you fit it into Slann list at 2400? Do you use a super super light Slann? I have difficulty squeezing one in at 2600 (650pts max on Lords). Mainly because I want both Soul of Stone, Harmonic Convergence, Loremaster and BSB.
That oldladdin build comes to about 250, giving you roughly 350 for a Slann at 2400. Your slann would need to be light - maybe wandering deliberations and becalming max, or just wd.
I ran my Slann with Harmonic Convergence and Chaneling Staff just to generate power dice. 4 spells is fine. I then use the skink priets (2 of them with scroll and cube) more. It just means your Slann isn't the ultimate caster like we are used to, he is an average one, albeit a 345point level 4 caster. I put the BSB on my Scar-Vet with 2+ armour and 4+ ward on foot.
I agree with talisman of pres. Oldblood with: double hand weapons or great weapon? LA shield arabyan carpet Talisman of preservation charmed shield (for cannons) or enchanted shield (for 1+ save) So thats 2+ (or 1+) with 4++. 6 attacks S5, unless we go 5A S7 great weapon I would use him for hunting annoying wizards/warmachines Alternatively, if he doen't really need the save++ then we could go with the Other Tricksters Shard to hunt those ward dependant mages
Oops I was going through 2 types, one with magic shield and one without - and then merged them ...or double hand weapons (without shield) There isn't much point taking the mundane shield in this situation I would mostly definately take the magical shield