So, here goes nothing! I’ve signed up for an 8th edition 2500 point tournament on September 16th-17th of this year and plan to have a fully functional/painted lizardmen army by then. This will be where I will track my progression to the tournament. Today I have picked up what I believe to be a worthy second hand buy off of someone local: For those interested in the breakdown I can throw it in the replies. Not bad for just under $300. Along with this I have the Start Collecting Seraphon Box, the New Seraphon Army box, and the Starblood stalkers. I am assembling some possible lists at the moment just to start out with, though the slann with temple guard bunker will definitely be included. And probably a cowboy and bus of cold ones. Other than that, my first steps are going to be assessing what I will keep/sell from this lot (I do NOT need 6 razordons ) so I may also grab units I may want (I’m looking at you salamander packs), then doing a test scheme for the army so I can officially “start”. Of course all comments and advice are welcome Here we go!
That is a great haul! And it looks like you got plenty of time too! What is your plan of action to get these painted?
Great question! Well, I have a rough idea of the lists I would like to bring/work on, so I'm working on selling the chunks of the lot above to buy the the miniatures I do want/need. Ideally I'll paint the unpainted miniatures first, then do the labor of stripping the already painted models and re-painting them to fit into my scheme/style. That way if I do run out of time to paint the models before the tournament, I'll have a little bit of a cushion to work with!