Re: Next AOW lizardman Very exciting. I love this model. I would preorder this the second i'm able. I didnt get your first aow. Only because my the other lizardmen player in my group uses him as his lord. I would be all over this guy regaurdless. Best large lizard i've seen. I want it. Haha
Re: Next AOW lizardman Small update here, begun work with the decorations and armour, the leg plates I'm working on and the weapon head is taking shape (photos of it when finished). No idea how the codes work for clickable thumbnails... Unsure on the rope attachments on the leg plates, thinking straps might be better, also thinking of ways to make the leg plates look more Aztec/Incan.
Re: Next AOW lizardman I think the rope looks fine as it is. Is it possible to see some concepts for the weapon? I'm really curious
Re: Next AOW lizardman I have to agree that this model is looking really cool! I think I will buy it when it is available too even though my army has enough kroxigor now.
Re: Next AOW lizardman i must say that you have really captured the image of a kroxigor that i have in my mind. pretty much perfect as far as i am concerned. did you decide what to do with the weapon? that is always something that can "make or break" a deal
Re: Next AOW lizardman I could upload the bare structure of it, but it wouldn't be enough to get you excited, even if you do like the design. I have however finished filing the axe head (I sculpt a rough shape, then smooth file/drill in places to get the right look, this stage is the one that takes the longest though). @Stormfrog Do you have a larger photo of your av, it's giving me an idea for a Slann or slann variant? I'm a sucker for the old 5th ed artwork, Mark Gibbon's and co really did Lizardman back then justice. I'm even working on Oxayotl based off his work and Kroak. @strewart Thanks mate, glad you like how it's shaping up.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Sure thing, If you make two more of those dudes so I can get a kroxigor unit to die for. No pressure. Heh. Here's a link to the picture He would make a good Slaan, yes. Fat, big mouth and looking slightly dopey.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Well unless Felix asks me to I'm afraid it's just going to be the one for now. :c To tide everyone over while I get things advancing on the weapon I thought i'd show you two other projects that are underway, both of them have kind of a back seat as I'm hoping to enter a GD with them and so other projects come first. First is Kroak. I prefer the old 5th ed artwork, it's what got me started on sculpting, here's my old version of it. By contrast here is the updated version I'm working on, I will also be sculpting the palanquin too. As you can see I'm aiming for two main things I didn't before, tighter detail and greater accuracy, this project though will take me a long time to finish. Here is my old version of Oxayotl, my new version is only a head at the moment so I'll hold off on photos just for the moment.
Re: Next AOW lizardman As alway, amazing work. The new, updated mask is very nice. The old one looks great too.
Re: Next AOW lizardman i think the edge flange on that deathmask is the best sculpting i have ever seen ever. how on earth did you do that?
Re: Next AOW lizardman I made the indents first with a bullet tipped clay shaper, the cut those out with a drill bit when it was hard. After that I rolled out a thin line of green stuff (using a little more yellow in the mix for stickiness) and started doing the frills by hand, bit by bit, but not stopping. It took two hours just to do the raised parts.
Re: Next AOW lizardman damn.. i was hoping for a shortcut. i figured "he cant possibly have done that by hand "the hard way""... i was wrong
Re: Next AOW lizardman Lord Kroak looks stunning. Any news on the weapon? I'm still very curious. A few options would be cool too kinda like how AoW did their Minotaur Lord.
Re: Next AOW lizardman This is all I can show you at the moment, there's still loads to be done and much of this weekend was spent adding scales, spikes and finishing work on the tail and new thigh guards. Also got the WIP of the head for Oxayotl done (still got chin spikes to do under the throat), for size reference I held a needle just above the head as I took the photos.
Re: Next AOW lizardman ... Wow the detail on that head is nuts! I wouldn't even be able to see some of that detail on actual size. Do you use a pin as a sculpting tool? I'm not entirely convinced by the loin cloth since no other LM models have one, but I'd have to see it finished and possibly painted before judging I guess.