Re: Next AOW lizardman That head is amazing! I saw your first AoW lizard on Carpe Noctem and loved it, can't wait to see what you do with Oxayotl!
Re: Next AOW lizardman I don't follow GWs style, doing so would be a bad idea and at least with a piece like this which will be significantly different it means that GW can't make a fuss or cause Felix any trouble. I occasionally use needles (not pins) but mostly it's for eye sockets. @president kang Cheers mate! @BezZeMad I should probably log back in there soon, not used it or sculpted a new lady vamp in too long.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Could maybe post a pic of him next to a GW Saurus or Kroxigor for size comparison? I like the Weapon quite a lot. I was wondering, does AoW only do metals or will this guy maybe be in plastic or resin?
Re: Next AOW lizardman Cheers right back at you! For those of you have only known 6th edition and beyond, most of the 5th edition lizardmen had loin cloths. I believe the only ones that did not were the kroxigor. It was a different style. I can't speak for Rikard and what inspires him, but I prefer his dinosaur based models to the direction GW went with the Lizardmen from 6th and beyond.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Deep down 5th ed was my bread and butter, it had the best set of lizardman minis and I think this is reflected in the many Lizardman players, seeing as loads of them use 5th models still as in many cases they are the best ones available. (Salamanders) Might sculpt a salamander one of these days if Felix wants one and if not I'm sure Ed at troll forged would. I don't unfortunately have an saurus I can scale him again or kroxigor, but from his feet to the top of his head he's about 60mm tall. The average human figure height is 28-32 mm.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Here's another update for you, At the moment I'm working on the decorations and bracelets on the Lizardman. I've done the loin clothe too and am adding a few bits and pieces here and there still, but what I need now is some feedback. I've also included a side view photo of the thigh guards, I will be filling the space between them and his tail with some more spikes. What would you like to see? I've been thinking about adding some sort of Incan aztec light armour to hang down from the chest, something with small plates joined together, but not something which covers up all the muscles. I've also thought of including a large demon like skull in the center of this, as well as some dinosaur bones and spikes What do you all think? Do you like this idea or is there something else you would like me to add to the miniature? This is your chance to up forward your ideas and suggestions. I've also included the armature work for Oxayotl, still keeping the pose consistent with what Mark Gibbons did way back in the 5th ed book, but have spaced out his legs, he will be mounted in a mangrove like tree and so altered his feet and tail to help give him balance. The blow pipe is almost finished, just need to add spikes to the strap and the tie on ends for the strap (not included yet which is why it looks a bit bland). ]
Re: Next AOW lizardman This is simply amazing! As a wise man onde said, "Shut up and take my money!" But seriously, wonderful work, mate. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
Re: Next AOW lizardman I think the armor is a good idea, but have it cast separately, with some other optional stiff. like alternate weapons and other add-ons.
Re: Next AOW lizardman im blue with envy of your skills over here the loincloth is really nice tbh, even if it might clash a little bit with all current nudist lizardmen Oxylot is coming along nicely too. you really have captured the essence of what made the 5th ed artwork superior to the current. i dont like the 5th ed models better than the 6th ed ones, but the 5th ed artwork is in many cases to the 6th ed models. you seem to have taken the best of both worlds
Re: Next AOW lizardman I can't really do that, it would be majorly fiddly for Felix, I don't think he would go with that. I get very little sculpting done during the week (hard to sculpting in the evenings after work) but will be back at the grindstone hopefully on Friday night. So far I'll I've been able to do is build more ideas on the weapon and start work on armatures for another two pieces.
Re: Next AOW lizardman I must say that your kroak is great, I love that artwork and your sculpt seem to capture it perfectly!
Re: Next AOW lizardman Some armour would be very nice, I would stray away from the idea of the daemon skull though, it might make him look a little too chaosy. I know that they're a major pain to sculpt (though looking a your skills that may not be the case), but have you considered adding a few feathers? Maybe as a sort of krox earing or something? In any case he is looking gorgeous!
Re: Next AOW lizardman Good point on the skull, will leave it out in that case. I have considered Feathers, I think they have to be done in large amounts as they are thin otherwise which makes for tricky casting, but will be adding them certainly to the weapon as well as the arm bracelets. @totzro Thank you, I'll finish the new Kroak one of these days...
Re: Next AOW lizardman Small update, Work is going steadily but I've done the basic shape and design of the weapon. I'm unsure of the bottom parts though, I think they need removing and replacing with something else. As for the haft of the weapon I thought of making some sort of snake skin/scale covering, I can then add decorations and additional parts of the top. I'll also add some designs to the weapon blade. I've also given him a turtle shield arm guard, will work on getting some photos up for that too. I've also tried to add some feathers to the braclet, I hope it helps. Let me know what you all think. As for on coming projects, I'm going to be working on a saurus after this one (private piece) and then another (yes another) howling banshee, though this one different, think of a wych crossed with a banshee and you have it.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Man, didn't you used to have a DA account like, waaaay back? With the bare-faced Banshee exarch? Or was that someone else? Anyway, glad see that you've turned your talent into a profession, of sorts. And while I came in during 7th, that 5th ed. Kroak is a crazy design.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Looking good. I like the weapon. I do wish the pictures were a littel bigger. Kind of hard to see all the detail.
Re: Next AOW lizardman I did and still do ( I've done two banshee's without masks and will be doing a third once I'm happy with sculpting in fimo and/or sculpey, though I'm hoping the third one will be a vast improvement over the last two. Kroak still alludes me, I know I have to work more on him, just not sure when where and how with a lot of it. @Arli Those were thumbnail tags, no idea why they're showing up so small though, the link below to the warseer project log should let you see them full size when you click on them. Other than that I think some major changes need to be made, especially towards the rear base end of the weapon, will keep you all up to date.
Re: Next AOW lizardman i love the cerated edge on the blade. really looks like the good old 5th ed times to me. no idea why they moved away from that theme with the 6th and 7th ed models.