Re: Next AOW lizardman great model indeed. if i had to leave one piece of criticism i would say that i think the wrists are a bit too thick for my taste.
Re: Next AOW lizardman It was a little, must have moved when I tried to set the two parts together, but it's easy to fix. Ranking up with skinks, your guess is as good as mine.
Re: Next AOW lizardman My God that things epic! Could you please inform us all when this guy becomes available cause I need one ASAP!
Re: Next AOW lizardman Shouldn't be too far off. Last week was a blessing, full week off work to get as much sculpting as possible done. However I'm back to work now so updates will be much slower. I've had a huge amount of feedback regarding the weapon ends, a lot of people have requested, bigger, chunkier and less round. I will do my best to make the correct changes and come up with something new and eye catching. Watch this space.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Brilliant work as allways Rikard. As alternative models for the lizardmen are so few, it makes me appriciate your work all the more. My one issue with this model is his arms, which seem just a tiny bit to thick for the model. Don't get me wrong, im still sure as hell getting him, just though i'd give my two cents.
Re: Next AOW lizardman your work is incredible, have long have you been sculpting. i particularly like the models head, it looks very beast-like and primitive.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Glad to hear enthusiasm in the project is still high (was getting worried). First off got Oxayotl cast (one cast only for painting and nothing else). I've also got a metal version so I'm dead set on going for a GD this year (trying my best and all that) so I'll be butchering the metal model with my shabby attempts at painting before attacking the resin cast one. Secondly I've been working more on the lizardman: The weapon is still a huge WIP so will be updating that as and when there's more to see. The feathers around the toga are not very sharp so I will redo them. The thighs and upper arms could probably use more smaller scales so I'll be doing some of those too. The center piece of the necklace is not finished yet (been sculpting it separately) I will also be cutting the square chunks on the bracelet to make them more square and less blobby. Hopefully the jaw issue will be fixed too, I'll make more photos from the front to allow for this.
Re: Next AOW lizardman This guy just keeps looking better and better I can't wait for him to come out! You sir are a fantastic sculptor and I applaud your amazing work keep up the awesome work!
Re: Next AOW lizardman WOW. My only piece of criticism would be that I think the hand should be open flat on the ground or grabbing that piece of stone. But regardless your skill puts GW to shame.
Re: Next AOW lizardman As requested, shots from different angles. Hopefully all finished now on the Lizard, bar a few minor corrections where needed, looked at some of the old JB sketches and artwork from the 5th ed LM book for ideas. Just got to wait to hear back from Felix.
Re: Next AOW lizardman This looks crazy good, though I feel like the "heads" of the weapon should be swapped.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Just one question: Will this be the same size as the normal krox? If so, I'm buying!
Re: Next AOW lizardman He will be shorter than other Kroxigors (but not by very much) and he is certainly broader in terms of shoulder width. Just waiting now to hear back from Felix, then I'll mail it out to him and get the final report on what happens next.
Re: Next AOW lizardman I know it's a bit late but I really think the weapon is a bit much. Personally I think you should take of one of the heads ( preferably the one on the left looking at it from the back) otherwise you just put GW to shame, smashed them they are crying themselves to sleep and eating prodigious amounts of treacle pudding (you'll only get that if you're from the UK).
Re: Next AOW lizardman I haven't sent it to Felix just yet, still sorting out one or two minor problems and have been given permission to hold on to it for the UK gamesday. I'll post updates as I know them.
Re: Next AOW lizardman I know its really late but because you put so much detail into the scales and spikes I feel that the muscles especially on the arms aren't in as much detail and it really contrasts and clashes with the rest of the model . Maybe more muscle straitions as a suggestion ? But a really amazing model . Keep up the good work !!