Re: Next AOW lizardman Insanely amazing. I don't think there is a stronger emphasis of badassery, but the crafting you've done is certainly deserving of that praise.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Small update, To keep things moving faster I am using the lizardman on foot first rather than Krok gar as it's quicker. I'm also using super sculpey firm rather than green stuff now.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Cool! Cannot wait to see the progress. How in the world did you make those teeth? Super Sculpy sucks for small detail like that. Looking great.
Re: Next AOW lizardman I used apoxy sculpt, roll out teeth and stick to the outside of the jaw when it's still in an armature stage, this works a treat.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Yeah, I did something similar with the teeth on my sallie sculpt, but I had to dremel into the head to make a space for the teeth as I hadn't planned doing the teeth this way from the start and the head was nearly complete by that point. Great work on this - i like the T-rex shaped upper skull and the pose looks dynamic as hell
Re: Next AOW lizardman You are a fantastic sculptor man, I hope they start selling your work soon so I can paint that beast.
Re: Next AOW lizardman A small update, Due to the shortness of the neck I've had to scrap the entire head and break the armature apart in order to re-sculpt it. I have also decided it's been to use Fimo rather than sculpey for small scale work, so will be beginning again from scratch.
Re: Next AOW lizardman The big difference is in how crumbly it can be, sculpey firm is a lot less sticky (sticky is good, always good, so much so it still amazes me people insist on killing green stuff with water). The main thing I do to judge how well a putty will hold shape is to stretch it out by pulling on it and seeing how far I can pull it apart before it breaks. I also look at how it breaks, sculpey firm is more crumbly and so breaks quickly, it means the material can't be pushed around as much as a material like fimo soft or green stuff. Although green stuffs problem is the drying time and it's just too thick and rubbery for really fine detail.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Hi, Fimo is great. I tend to use a mix of classic, soft and the quick mix... I really would love to see/know how you do the scales on the model!!!!!
Re: Next AOW lizardman First off, some smallish but important news, doc thinks I have an over active thyroid which is causing a few things from short attention spans to wanting to do everything the world and live have to offer in the next year (I personally call bull on that as I happen to be in shape not from an over active thyroid but because I get off the couch once in a while). Although he has said the other possibility is I have some sort of undiagnosed mental thing, but getting bloods done on tuesday to find out about the thyroid. Either way hopefully something will be done to help me concentrate more on sculpting. I do have piccies though and Felix has cleared them. Taller than current GW lizardmen, I was hoping for this one to be a champion. A few notes, first off anatomy is proving much easier as I know how everything works now, areas like the traps I have greater increased in thickness and length as they need to support a large head and long neck. Wings will be getting added too. As for height against a GW saurus, well currently the head of a GW saurus reaches the bottom of the deltoid on this dragon blood, but I don't see a problem getting them to rank up at the moment, I have been asked to widen the torso however so will be removing the arms today and placing them further apart. This is more of a "skin" layer it means I'll be lessen the muscle detail and definition by adding a skin and scale layer over the top. Also, I should point out I'm starting to do my own lizardmen too, my take on Kroq from 5th ed Lizardmen, this is the artwork I'm looking at copying (though not an exact copy) what do you all think?
Re: Next AOW lizardman Wow he looks great. Edit: well I did look great, now the pictres of your sculpt seem to be missing.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Sorry about the photos going missing, I've re-uploaded them. With any luck should have more to show by tuesday evening.
Re: Next AOW lizardman New photos for you, I broadened the shoulders as I was asked to and seeing as this is the unit champion I raised his arm (he has a very large skull topped weapon which I'm working on). I have also included the base I did for the wings (very tricky work on small wings). They will likely get bulked out so I can add detail on them. As you can see he's quick tall, but I hope everyone likes him.
Re: Next AOW lizardman You certainly can.