I have been at 200% for 3 weeks. I need all the "you got this" and "you can do this" yall can muster.
Little bit late, but I just wanted to say that your potential (which you can achieve) is a great deal better than anyone (including you) ever permitted you to believe. You can totally do it.
So the 200% lasted 3 weeks and then I've had another 3 weeks at 150%. My roommate and I went our separate ways per her request. I won't say more than that but after my dad and his health issues it turned into a double whammy. I'm exhausted. Mentally, physically and emotionally. like a piece of jerky left in a smoker or dehydrator for too long. You are probably going to see me painting quite a bit. Expect multiple blog updates. It's not a substitute though and I'm looking into options.