But they weren't shown to be using the force. Furthermore, they looked to be slow and clumsy. In any event, it was just too silly to serve as the climatic finale of the epic Original Trilogy. True. Even an ordinary person should have been able to take them down, let alone the supposedly trained elite of the galaxy.
They couldn't hit a target down a straight hallway. Although I suppose the EU says that is because Han wasn't lucky so much as force blessed.
Agreed. Those insurgent forces were still more advanced than the Ewoks (Celts, Native Americans, Zulus, e.t.c) and the main forces were less advanced than the Empire. Or the Isengard Uruk-hai being beaten by Hobbits.
Agreed! Back on topic... mode-wise this has to be one of my favourite AoS releases. Daughters of Khaine still hold the top spot, but this may displace Kharadron Overlords for the second place spot. Deepkin get bumped down to fourth place and SCE are still dead last!
Yeah GW really nailed it with these little guys. The endless spells and new plastic squigs in particular are amazing. The only destruction forces I own at the moment are Gutbusters, but I will be getting a few of these guys. Probably just enough to use in Narrative games or maybe a Path to Glory campaign. Hopefully they will get a few good Start Collecting boxes within the year.
I’m surprised that you like these so much in particular - is it due to the sheer faithfulness with which they sculpted the other minis to match the Warhammer Fantasy Witch Elves? Personally I thought Deepkin were better than Daughters, but to each their own. Why am I not surprised? (For the record, Sigmarines are dead last in my list too, apart from all the Hippogryph-based troops purely because the Hippogryphs are pretty fun). Certainly GW have pulled out all the stops with this release and I’m immensely impressed by it all. I think Gloomspite have actually taken the top spot for me, yes even above Fyreslayers, but if GW do release a second wave of Fyreslayers (which has been rumoured for a while) and do a similarly great job, Fyreslayers might creep back up. Kharadron are thus in third place, Deepkin 4th, then Ironjawz, the Tzaangor part of Tzeentch, Beastclaw Raiders, Beasts of Chaos, Khorne, the rest of Tzeentch, the Treeman and Kurnoth parts of Sylvaneth, Bonesplitterz, Daughters of Khaine, the rest of Sylvaneth, Nurgle, the Hippogryph Sigmarines, Nighthaunt and finally the rest of Sigmarines down at the bottom.
The last place (strictly IMO) is a close call between SCE and Fyreslayers. These last ones are not appealing to me because: 1 - models are very similar between each other 2 - lack of originality; they just look basically as slayers 3 - i don't like magmadroth. It's amongst the most uninspiring monsters in all AoS.
Perhaps that’s the point - an evolvement of the Slayers. You could say the same about Daughters of Khaine and Bonesplitterz essentially being evolvements of the Witch Elves and Savage Orcs, Bonesplitterz being the worst off because they have nothing except different variations of the Savage Orc and Boar Boyz kits and a few characters. I’m surprised the Magmadroth looks uninspiring to you - I think it looks far better than any of the Nighthaunt rubbish, or even the Dracoths and Stardrake for the Sigmarines. Besides, I’m still hoping Fyreslayers might get a second wave some in that introduces more different stuff.
ah, yes, that's absolutely personal tastes… probably that's because our lizards are so much better. ...and I like very much the Nighthaunt line, i place it near the top.
I wouldn’t say better, just different. The Magmadroth just oozes Dwarfness despite it being a dragon, because it relies on its stout stumpy legs to move around on rather than large wings, much like the Dwarfs themselves generally prefer to keep their feet firmly on the ground. It’s stocky and tough compared to the thin, lithe Elf dragons as well.
I just dislike the Nighthaunt because it focuses too much on the traditional Grim-reaper aesthetic rather than doing the ghosts in the style of, say, the Dead of Dunharrow from Lord of the Rings, who look much more like human souls separated from their bodies. The rules for them are fine (I was once contemplating using LoTR Strategy Battle Game Dead of Dunharrow models for Nighthaunt units in game) but the models aren’t really that original in my view.
Crazy blood lusting elf ladies... what's not to love? The whole range is spectacular. I never thought I'd see the day! You love that faction. For me, Gloomspite easily surpasses the Fyreslayers. Nighthaunt deserves much better than to be clumped together with the Sigmarines at the very bottom of the barrel! lol I agree. It looks too static and boring in my eyes. You really hate the Nighthaunt. Personally I think the Magmadroth is nowhere near as nice as something like this... Of course, all this comes down to personal tastes (except SCE... they are just horrible )
Even that comes down to personal taste - I quite like some of them! (although I’m not a fan of the latest Sacrosanct models, and they definitely get a vastly disproportionate focus compared to the others, which while it makes sense what with them being GW’s ‘starter army’ for new players, it’s nonetheless annoying to see yet another release for them). The new Gloomspite Gitz though are hilarious - I love the Gobbapalooza in particular!
I prefer my ladies behaving in a more elegant and civilised fashion, but that’s just my view... Well, as I say Fyreslayers may get a second wave sometime, and if it’s particularly awesome, they would return to the top of my list. We’ll have to see what 2019 brings. Olynder herself is OK I suppose, but I don’t like those little skull-faced Banshees following her around - I think they detract from the model personally. I just don’t like the Grim-Reaper aesthetic being used for ghosts - I by far prefer the skeletal transparent humanoid look for representing departed spirits, like the Dead of Dunharrow. But all I can say is to each their own.
They have a Slaaneshi vibe... all hail Slaanesh! Since GW never releases mortal Slaanesh followers to my liking, these Daughters of Khaine will have to do. Easily my favourite AoS army (though I still view them as Dark Elves). I'd be surprised if Fyreslayers get any sort of significant update in 2019, but who knows.
From the rumors I have heard, 2019 will open with Grots, then there will be some army updates in the vein of Beast of Chaos, followed by one original faction, and finishing the year off with S2D/Everchosen rework. So FS might be on the docket.
If we are one of the army updates, I would have thought it would likely be new Battletome and some endless spells. I can’t think of anything that would make a Seraphon themed terrain piece