I agree, you are correct good sir. Both SM and SCE are superhumans. Both are enhanced, one through science and one through magic, but on that front they are essentially the same. SM are the champions of the Emperor and SCE are the champions of Sigmar. Sigmar is the Emperor figure in AoS. They are pretty much the exact same thing. They are also both treated in the exact same way by GW. The second I laid eyes on the SCE (upon the release of AoS), I knew they would be getting the same preferential treatment that SM enjoy. There is a reason why they are nicknamed Sigmarines.
Yep, i see your point(s) and in the end i cannot disagree. It's just the way i perceive them.... my guts tell me a thing that (from a rational pov) i know it's different
yes and no. Yes, if we look at the sheer volume of attentions given to them. No, if we look at the part of the gaming rules. Imo SCE are much better than SM, they are a really strong army with top-tier abilities. SM are at best a mid-tier army, being largely surpassed by Nurgle-related armies, Dark Eldars, Imperial Guards... Codexes for specific chapters are better, but still they fall back when you look at the statistics of tournaments. But of course, this is only about competitive lists... SM have a so great variety of options that in the end you can play whatever you want, while other armies struggle to have even a small part of SM range of choices.
Only because they were one of the first armies to get a 2nd Edition Book (surprise surprise), but you wait - like Space Marines succumbed to powercreep in 8th Edition 40K, Sigmarines will fall behind when the 1st Edition armies are all updated with new models and tomes (Kharadron, Fyreslayers, Ironjawz e.t.c) and more new armies show up. As do Sigmarines - I’m hoping GW will eventually slow down the rate at which Sigmarines get new stuff (their range has already got at least one of every troop type now with all possible fields covered - I can’t think of any other units they could possibly do for the most at this stage) and that they will drop to middle tier as I’ve said before. The Space Marine rage isn’t already starting to stagnate as GW start to run out of good new ideas, and I imagine the same will happen to Sigmarines. However, Sigmarines will always have a good frakload more options than anyone else and will be able to play to any playstyle like Space Marines can. Compare this to Kharadron and Tzeentch on one side, who will always have scary missile troops but pretty awful melee troops, and Fyreslayers, Daughters and Khorne on the other who will never have that many missile troops but will be able to use loads of melee units. Sigmarines, like Space Marines, will essentially become a Jack-of-all-trades force and master of none.
The huge range in list building is what makes SM and SCE tournament viable. If you have a good idea about what the meta you are likely to face will be then you are able to tailor a list from the SM or the SCE to fit that meta. Most armies are very limited in their ability to do due this. Which can really compensate for their somewhat weaker rule set. The Sacrosanct Chamber is pretty strong though. However, it should lose more often than not vs Idoneth, DoK, and almost any Death Army.... other than Flesheaters
The Allegiance Ability is up! https://www.warhammer-community.com...s-and-allegiance-abilitiesgw-homepage-post-4/ Each turn the Bad Moon will shine on a quarter of the board, boosting all your units in that quarter and nerfing and damaging enemies in that quarter, essentially encouaging you to cover large amounts of the board in order to benefit the most from da Bad Moon!
More tidbits. https://www.warhammer-community.com...2-relics-spells-and-heroesgw-homepage-post-1/ https://www.warhammer-community.com...-gitz-preview-3-warscrollsgw-homepage-post-1/
Found this battle report fresh from the foundries - the Gloomspite player here uses the Idol of Mork from Skull Pass as a Loonshrine so I’m going to use this video as proof that it counts as an acceptable Loonshrine piece even though it is about a quarter of the size: (If anyone accuses me of cheating with a tiny Loonshrine I now have someone else to blame )
Nifty painting tutorial, too bad I loath drybrush https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/13/13th-jan-how-to-paint-troggothsgw-homepage-post-4/
Have you ever tried using a makeup brush for drybrushing? It really took my highlighting to a new level.
I really like this painting approach instead, using drybrush and shades to give smooth transitions in 3d and then final layering framing everything up.
@Crowsfoot was thinking of doing a Troll list, so it may be worth asking him. He's got the book now apparently so I imagine he'll be working furiously to get a good Troll list working