I remember buying 40K on its release then trying to work out how to play it. It was a book of ideas I also brought Space Hulk and Bloodbowl first editions, my favourite two games even to this day. (Looks into middle distance)..........simpler times.........
In my wildest dreams, Games Workshop creates an officially supported 9th edition that is very similar to 8th edition with one major change. There is something I REALLY like in Age of Sigmar that I would love to see a new version of 8th edition do. Every once in a while, they revise the points cost of certain units. Troglodons cost 200 points in 8th edition and they are not a competitive choice. Swarms cost 35 points a base and they are not a competitive choice. Hypothetically if these units costed 100 and 15 points respectively they would suddenly switch from "Worst in the Army" to "Must include." You don't have to touch the rules, just the cost. Same thing with the over powered units, if they cost more points they wouldn't be unfair (I'm looking at you Daemon Prince). But that's a pipe dream, and just me writing it down has made this less likely to happen.
Ah yes, the Animosity rules! Plus Beastmen had Infighting. Cold One knights in ANY army, be they lizardman or dark elf could ALSO be stupid. Warmachines would often blow up, too! We had a house rule at the gaming store I used to hang out with, that an exploding war machine would do damage in a radius determined by the scatter dice. I once took out the entire center of my Empire army with one exploding Mortar! Ooo, and Panic! Panic was HILARIOUS! I once had an Orc and Goblin army that was ALL GOBLINS. Like, seriously, 300 goblins in a 2000 point army, even with war machines and all. The core of that army was a block of 100 goblins with spears, and a front rank consisting of Goblin Bosses. One hit from a Dwarf Flame Cannon was all it took to destroy that army. It only killed 8 goblins, but I failed a "Look Out, Sir - AUUUUGH!" check, lost my Warboss, and the ensuing Panic tests caused 3/4 of the army to run off the board, first turn! Goblins. Gotta love 'em.
I played it for about a month without gluing the Genestealers arms on. It was space worms vs Terminators.
Saturday grump . i have no idea who programs street lights but they need to have another go at it. i don't know how many times ive had to stop at a light wile some one has already turned right, claws on the wheel wondering why it can't check twice on a 10 second delay to prevent 6 cars from waiting for no one
Agragax's Dammaz-Kron Entry #1 - 8th Edition 40K has been handled so badly a chimp could have done better I've just unloaded a massive grudge against 8th Edition 40K in this thread here.
Saturday grump i work night shifts this means that not a lot of my coworkers ever interact with me and fewer of them know what i do all night. this means that some don't think i do anything and leave their work for me to clean up. the problem is i don't have time for this i work medical and my work load can not wait wile i clean up after you lazy bums.
Game Grump. Sunclaw Starhost didn't really live up to my hope. It was held back entirely by the Sauras statline today. Odd that I have played so long but never bothered to try it. Closest game was actually against DoK. Turn 4 priority roll was going to decide it. DoK got the double turn and finished me. Bah.
Let's hope GeeDubs give some Saurus some love in the forthcoming update - after all, they were built to smash face long before Elf, Dwarf or Man walked the Earth...
After returning to a topic that I am still annoyed about after five or six odd years in this thread here, I have necromanced this thread for another of my Dammaz Kron entries, because every Dwarf player has the right to document his grudges! Dammaz-Kron Entry #2 - GW ditched the wrong armies when AoS came around When GW first canned Warhammer Fantasy and replaced it with Age of Sigmar, there were many things that annoyed the 15-year old me: The oversimplified rules, the boring new Stormcast and Khorne models, the destruction of the Warhammer Fantasy world, the ascendancy of some of my least favourite Warhammer characters to godhood... but the worst of all of GW’s crimes was to delete the entire model ranges of Tomb Kings and Bretonnia, and also have the gall to preserve the model ranges for their inferior-but-somehow-better-selling cousins, Vampire Counts and the Empire. WHY GW? I know Bretonnia wasn’t copyrightable, but the Empire plastics have horrible inhumanly ugly faces, while the Bretonnian plastics, despite being older, looked at least vaguely normal. And as for Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts... the latter are actively less copyrightable than the former, yet despite being so much cooler the former are executed purely because of Ferengi values! What’s more, GW continually insult us by giving tantalising teasers of what could possibly be Tomb Kings returning but are actually just massive lies that showcase let-down models! Given GW’s still the premier wargames company in the world, surely they could have afforded to have reduced their profits a little just to preserve factions that have been dubbed awesome by not just me but by a significantly-sized loyal cult fanbase? Especially as Tomb Kings have gained even more loyal followers through the second instalment of Warhammer: Total War? What were you thinking Supreme Lord Geedubs?
At the time, I think they were thinking "holy crap WFB isn't making money anymore how can we fix this?" and went TOO FAR... Change... is scary. But looking at the way things are, if they'd tried to introduce, say, Warcry back then? That might have fixed things WITHOUT REQUIRING YOU TO BLOW UP THE WORLD. Yes, the warbands would be fighting in the Old World instead of the Eightpoints, but there were plenty of places they could have fought...
Warcry being set in the Old World would have been fantastic, a great successor to Mordheim. @Warden wouldn’t you agree, being our resident Mordheim expert?
My axe to grind (nod to the Dammaz Kron @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl ), is they didn't need to nuke WFB. If they REALLY thought that they needed something different. Why not add to the range? Why nuke the previous version when you could have continued to make sales off of it (anyone who doubts this needs to take a look at the Grand Theoganists Confessional thread on EEFL) in ADDITION to making sales on AoS. In my opinion, this was short-sighted financially on top of pissing off an existing fan base where they could have continued getting sales.
my take is that they wanted to get rid of WHFB, at the cost of sacrificing a certain number of old faithful players, because they wanted a large base to jump into AoS for the lack of alternatives. let's say that it was something like this (baseless percentages): hypothesis 1: we keep WHFB and launch AoS: 70% will stay with WHFB , 10% shift to AoS, 20% do both. AoS fails, and so WHFB hypotesis 2: End Times, full AoS. 20% leave the hobby, 20% shift to other products (KoW or similar), 60% go to AoS, out of desperation. those 60% will be a sufficiently large base to let the real target (new, young people) begin play the game. ...and the good part is that, if AoS works, GW can always try to lure back again the ones that left, with the return of "The Old World". And have the new players try it too.
I'm sure the mentality was something like this and, to be fair, Games Workshop is financially increasing if you look at their stock value. I'm still grumpy about it. Thus, therefore and hence my post on the "Grumpy Slann" thread.