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Army Fluff Guns of Sotek

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by pyro-dragon, Aug 31, 2024.

  1. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Got another short story here
    There was a great hubbub around the return of the Star Canoe fleet. Many were eager to learn of the results of the expedition, of news on the whereabouts of the Slann. And a great amount of speculation; they hand brought back the Slann, the Slann was dead, the fleet had been attacked. That was for the chittering of the Skinks to worry themselves about. Xi-Boc was interested in the facts from an operational and security perspective.

    He paced back and forth in the Saurus Temple Guard barracks, occasionally pausing to pick at some corrosion on his wristbands, gifted to him after leading a suicidal charge against the cursed ratmen some century or so before. he'd been the only one to return too, after having been excavated from the mounds of bodies.

    A Skink messenger eventually turned up with grave news. The squad of Temple Guard sent into the stars had not returned. There was, however one warrior did return and was waiting down in the regular barracks.

    Ka'rah stood to attention, laser rifle by her side, cold slit eyes staring straight ahead. Dozens of other Saurus were busy preparing themselves for duty around her. When Xi-Boc entered, they stopped and turned standing themselves at attention in his presence. He walked directly up to Ka'rah.

    "Are you the one from the fleet?"


    "Only survivor?"

    "Negative sir, there were twenty saurus aboard. Seventeen have returned"

    "But you were the only one to survive the boarding action?"


    They stood for a short while, staring.

    "You are one of the New Brood, yes?" The question was of a rhetorical nature. The bright orange dorsal scales were an unmistakable mark of those spawned on this new world.

    "Affirmative. Second spawning."

    The question was more of an accusation. The old warrior was mistrustful of the new spawnings. The orange dorsal spikes indicated clearly that this saurus was not one of those who had come with the temple-ship fleet from the World That Was.

    "Come with me, I want a full report on the actions of the boarding party"

    Xi-Boc turned abruptly and stalked away. Ka'rah breathed a sigh of relief and followed him.

    He lead her into his private meditation chamber and let out a guttural rumble. A slender Skink entered moments later with a data pad and stool.

    "This is Aktaka, my scribe. He will note what we discuss for later consideration." the old Saurus explained before turning to face Ka'rah. "Now, tell me of the operation, how you came to be involved and what happened to the Starseer's retinue."

    Ka'rah stared into the cold, yellow glare. She nervously flicker her tongue. "I am unsure why I was selected. It appeared to have been an unplanned decision to include me. I was called up just before the mission commenced. There is a great suspicion over my generation. We have not yet been tested in battle. I suspect it was a sense of curiosity that informed the Starseer's decision."

    The Old-Blood simply grunted. Ka'rah continued, "He had access to a greater number of warriors aboard the fleet but, from the briefing he gave, he did not expect enemies, let alone enemies in the number we encountered. Even will all of those on board we would not have enough for the resistance we encountered. While I understand a Starseer has great powers of divination, those powers were largely based on the ability to tap into a geomantic web. We do not have access to that here."

    She was looking for any kind of reaction in the Old Blood. His adjutant was scribbling rapidly on his tablet. She plunged on, "The first five levels were clear as we ventured further, following the signal and the Starseer's instincts. Greenskins were encountered on the 6th level behind locked door that had to be broken through. We were unable to ascertain the numbers, position or strength of the enemy and so they were able to setup and ambush. Correct weapon choice was hard to make in the instance due to enemy use of ranged weapons but at close quarters. Sticking with close combat weapons helped for repelling the initial ambush but showed severe weakness when ranges rapidly changed. Mixed range combat with- "

    "Enough! You talk too much soft-scale. Your kind always do. Twittering on like Skinks." Xi-Boc roared.

    His words echoed away leaving just the sound of burning torches. The Old-Blood pointed at two bullet wounds on her battle-scarred hide. Blood still oozing from one of them.

    "Is this how they went down? Their decades of war experience now obsolete?"

    "One did. But not before taking down many foes. The fighting was in tight confines, in the bowels of the temple-ship. The other two went down fighting hoards of greenskins, hand-to-hand. The battle was lost from the outset, there were just too many. "

    Xi-Boc considered this for a moment. He then reached out for Ka'rah's weapon, picking it up and turning the laser rifle over a few times, running a claw along the serrated blade at the end.

    "And this is what saved you?"

    She lashed her tail back and forth in frustration. He still seemed to be admonishing her for the crime of being young. She kept her voice calm and level out of deference though.

    "As I have previously stated, the fighting took place in close confines for the most part. I perhaps killed as many with my blade as I shot. "

    After turning the weapon over one more time, he handed it back.

    "Five of your charges were killed, along with the rest of your squad. You did not meet your primary objective and were forced into a fighting retreat. You failed your mission." He spat out.

    The room echoed into silence again.

    "But you fought well and killed many enemies, and remained alive. You can wear your battle scars with pride. Now leave. I have much to contemplate."

    The grizzled old Saurus turned and walked towards an alter at the far end of the room. Ka'rah stood for a moment, stunned at the sudden change in sentiment. Aktaka tapped her on the shoulder and lead her out of the room.

    After closing the doors Aktaka turned to Ka'rah who was still standing in a state of confusion in the corridor, "He is extremely uncertain about what the future holds for him and his generation. Stubbornness and prowess with club and spear have always been his greatest strengths, and it has been for those that came before him for thousands of years. Now, things have changed. The old certainties have vanished and he still mourns for the old world and those who were lost in its destruction."

    "He's still mourning after twenty years?"

    "Well he has lived a long life, over eight centuries, and such a passing of time is such a small part of it"

    He tapped at a few things on his tablet before looking up.

    "Don't you also feel it? I've heard that the New Brood have feelings of loss too."

    "For a place we have never know. Yes, its sometimes there at the back of my mind. I've seen it too. Or thought I've seen it. In dreams…"

    "It's something to contemplate on, certainly. Now, I am sure we both have duties to attend to."

    The Skink tapped a few buttons on his tablet before disappearing down another corridor.

    Ka'rah pulled her own tablet out from its holster on her belt and looked at it, swiping a few times. The scheduled duties had been changed and she was now expected to be in the jungle somewhere north east of the city. A good forty-two run. But first, she needed to bathe and eat. There had been no time to rest since disembarking from the Star Canoe.
    J.Logan likes this.
  2. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Did a silly sketch that spawned an idea in my head for another short story
    Getting a team onto the planet was easy. Simple bribery. And it didn't even take gold. It turns out weapons are a better currency in human crime circles, and they had access to so many weapons. Research notes carried from the Old World about the adventures of Skink spies and diplomats amongst the Empire seemed to be surprisingly useful when dealing with the Imperium. Or at least its underworld.

    There were signs that an artefact existing somewhere on the planet of Necromunda, one of many scattered through space when the temple-fleet had emerged from the warp. The world was deep in Imperial territory and controlled by street gangs and criminal organisations. Infiltration, subterfuge and sticking to the shadows. This was the instructions given to them before they set off. Getting reinforcements would not be an option.

    Ka'rah looked at herself in the cracked and grimy mirror. She turned this way and that, fascinated by the sight. Ital, the Skink Chief, had come up with the idea of blending in with the inhabitants by dressing like them. The idea had a mixed response. Ka'rah was entirely convinced while the Skink priest Te'al'k objected strongly. She'd worked very hard to be awarded the feathered headdress and cloak of the priesthood. Ka'rah had, however started building up a personal style from day one. There was a banging on the door behind her.

    "Have you finished in there? We need to leave" came the commanding voice of Ital. She picked up her laser rifle and headed out.

    "Lets go" Ital said gruffly, "We're already running late for the meeting". His head crest was covered in bright green markings, making it look almost like some of the louder hairstyles of the humans youths around here.

    "So what are the chances this is just and ambush?" Ruq-Gar asked. He was a large saurus, wearing a larger jacket and carrying an even larger gun.

    "Approximately one hundred percent" Ital replied as he fastidiously prepared a cigar to smoke. He almost always had one in his muzzle these days. "We are going to show that we mean business and we won't be fucked with by warm-bloods. That's where you and Ka'rah come in. "

    "We're still hauling a case full of illicit nuclear ammo though?" Ter'an asked, gesturing to the armoured suitcase he was carrying. He was a well-built Skink with a set of highly modified goggles on his forehead.

    "You never know, it could turn out to be just a deal" Ital said, shrugging.

    The five saurians climbed into the ramshackle vehicle parked out in the street. Ter'an clambered into the driving seat and started the engine with a huge roar.

    They pulled up outside the ruins of what had been a chapel. The top of its ruined steeple was lost in the smog that hung low and menacing.

    "So, they are going to have eyes on this place. I want the two Saurus to find positions of covering fire. See if you can sniff out their snipers if they have any. Take them out silently if you can. Ter'an, stay with the truck. You are our escape plan. Te'al'k, you are with me. We are probably going to need a ward at least for the opening moments of this. Its going to be an absolute hell show out there so none of you should consider fucking dying." He puffed heavily on the remains of the cigar, before dropping it and grinding the end into the cracked pavement.

    They split up to take up their assigned positions. Ital and Te'al'k walked into the chapel, the Skink Chief carried the briefcase, his tongue flickering nervously. The old wooden floor creaked under their claws. Ash and rubble were piled up to one side, evidence of a fire long ago that had left a gaping hole in the roof. He stopped in the middle of it. A small point of light burned with a bright orange flame for a moment in the darkness up ahead. A towering man walked out into the light where the two Skinks stood. Muscles rippled under his heavily tattooed skin. He wore bright orange sports armour decorated with spikes and obscene symbols. A huge vapour stick was gripped in his yellow teeth.

    "I didn't know they made mutants so small." He chuckled. "And what are you suppose to be? Some Devil's Night decoration?"He gestured towards Te'al'k.

    "Are we talking or are we doing a deal?" Ital said bluntly.

    "Alright, alright, keep ya tail on, just having some fun. Lets do some business then, as you said. You've got the nuke pellets right?"

    Ital picked up the briefcase. He snapped the clasps and opened it up, showing hundreds of little, glowing canisters. He put it down, picking up a pack of ten little canisters and tossing it to the huge man who caught it expertly. He examined it closely before passing it to someone unseen off to the side.

    "And you, have you got the artefact?" Ital asked.

    The man took a long drag on his vapour stick and blew a huge plume of grey-green smoke.

    "Sure. Give 'em the gear boys."

    A shot rang out from the darkness and was stopped mid-air by Ital's head as blue sparks radiated around it.

    Wha-?" The ganger reached for his gun but a blast of laser fire hit him in the face and chest from above. The vapour stick exploded in a cloud of green gas.

    Ital ran forwards, jumped off a row of pews before bringing his spiked obsidinite club down on the first shooter's head. Te'al'k called out a warning in Saurian before throwing a ball of light that burst, blinding all who saw it. Half a dozen or so men who had been hiding in the shadows writhed on the ground but another dozen ran in behind them. Ruq-Gar jumped down from the rafters, blood and viscera around his jaws.

    "Duck" he yelled in Saurian before opening fire with the heavy bolter. Wood and gangers splintered and folded under withering fire.

    "Look out!" Te'al'k called as a grenade landed beside Ruq-Gar. He stepped aside but too late. The blast sent him sideways, slamming into the wall, opening up dozens of wounds on his thick hide. He pulled out his bolt pistol and staggered to his feet, continuing to blast away.

    Ka'rah, who's jaw and club were also smeared in human blood stayed on the upper floor and took careful aim with each shot. She'd blasted the guy who threw the grenade and was trying to provide covering fire for Ruq-Gar. Her tail thrashed with frustration as she fought down the instincts of her kind to bring tooth and claw against her enemies.

    Ethan, a low ranking gang runner, looking to enhance his position sneaked through the rafters of the chapel. He sighted the reptilian creature on the floor bellow, firing down at the melee on the ground floor. He drew his knife and with visions of glory in his mind, he jumped down, aiming the knife between the creature's clavicles. It hit, just off centre, mostly deflected by heavy saurus back plates but sunk in a few inches. Ka'rah roared and turned with bloody murder in heart. A red mist descended and the next thing she knew, she was standing over shreds of flesh and organs. Blood in her mouth and on both hands.

    "I could really do with some help out here", Ter'an called through the radio. He manned the big gun mounted on the rear of their truck. Two carloads of gangers had turned up and he was trying to hold them at bay. He aimed a spray of lead at the rear of one of the heavily modified vehicles and caught the gas tank. The explosion lifted it up and over, slamming onto the roof of the other. The Skink let out a trill of excitement but had to duck quickly as a hail of return fire peppered his position.

    Te'al'k tended to Ruq-Gar, trying to stem the bleeding while Ital and Ka'rah finished off the remaining gang fighters. A number of fires were burning in the wooden structure and it wouldn't be long before the whole thing was engulfed.

    "I think we've done enough damage here" Ital said, withdrawing a long curvy dagger from one last ganger. "Don't forget the goods."

    Heading out, they saw Ter'an almost surrounded. Ka'rah opened up with her lasgun Ital started shooting with his plasma pistol. They both rushed to the side to draw fire so Te'al'k to help Ruq-Gar to their truck.

    "Did you pick up that nuke shells you threw to them earlier?" Ka'rah asked

    "No, they must still be in the chapel somewhere…" Itar responded, reloading his weapon.

    They both looked at the building, now almost fully engulfed in flames. A series of massive explosions tore through the building, throwing everyone to the ground. The heat was intense. Itar and Ka'rah shook themselves and used the moment to make a dash for their getaway vehicle. Ter'an had already dismounted to help Te'al'k. He dived into the driving seat when he saw the others running over. Gunfire ricocheted off the truck's armour as they threw themselves into an open door and the truck was speeding off while they scrambled to close it.
    Imrahil and J.Logan like this.
  3. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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  4. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    That's a cool pic. Definite thumbs up from me.

    Although... I can't unsee the fact that his belt has a stylised Old One face with its tongue going down to a rather questionable part of his anatomy.

    Necromunda, playground of the misfits and miscreants. Makes sense that a team of lizardmen could go there and be treated as locals by the local undesirables. I have a feeling most of those hivers wouldn't realise that they aren't actually mutants but are in fact an otherwise unheard of xenos race. And even if they do know, it's a coin flip whether these sorts would even care.

    Also, I'm sure you're already aware, but lizards actually wearing clothing? I approve. XD
  5. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    I didn't really think about that, they don't really have stuff beyond the essentials. And not to go too deep into it but if they follow reptile anatomy, that would be much further back anyways.

    I've not read too deeply into the lore but as long as they stay out of the notice of any higher level autorities, they should be alright. They just gotta watch out for the gangs and make sure at least a couple survive long enough to complete their mission I guess.

    It's a good way to add individuality. Plus also I like playing dress-up with my characters way too much. I've got a couple of striped hyen gnolls I do this all the time too as well. :p
    J.Logan likes this.
  6. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    True. Though the average schmuck doesn't know that, and probably looks at Baldur's Gate 3's dragonborn for anatomy reference if they care for that. But we here in Lustria are far too mature to be tittering about such things, I'm sure. :p

    Biggest threat would probably be genestealer cultists. They'd be the ones that would not only recognise them as not being mutants, but also actually have an interest in learning of this new lifeform.

    The Guns might want to try and get in touch with a Rogue Trader at some point. Depending on the Trader in question, that would be the easiest way to truly get the details on their new reality (though still no doubt slathered in Imperium propaganda) and form the closest thing to a diplomatic relation that they're going to get with the Imperium of Man. Assuming that the Trader can profit.
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  7. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Well I just had to read up on what exactly a Rogue Trader was. I just thought it was some kind of pirate or black market merchent. Its so much more! Also you are right, hooking up with a RT (that won't just liquidate them) would be a great way to start integrating them into the larger galactic community/economy. I've just been naratively nervous about exposing them to the Imperium seeing as they are Xenos occupying a forge world and operating their equipment. Seems like something that would get so far up the Imperium's collective ass, it would never see the light of day again.

    We'll see the way the narrative evolves when I start actually gaming and writing out battle reports.
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  8. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Haha, yup! That Warrant of Trade is such an interesting licence. Permission to dilly dally with xenos (albeit the watchdogs would prefer you not over-do it)? Trade in heretical technologies? Pretend like you are actually Jean-Luc Picard but in the 41st Millennium? Of course, it only goes so far, but avoid the Inquisition having reason to look closely at you, and you essentially have a licence to do whatever you want! Hire Kroot mercenaries as your personal bodyguards? What are the planetary governors going to do as you negotiate a trade with them? Report you? You have a Warrant of Trade, possibly even from Holy Terra itself, as a permission slip! Just don't mingle with Chaos and still serve Imperium interests and all the governor can do is shake an impotent fist!

    While outright alliances with xeno nations are very frowned upon, if the more politically-savvy Rogue Trader can spin it as using the xenos and directing them at outright hostile forces to the Imperium, like for instance, Chaos, then that's a different kettle of fish. That's exploiting the xenos, not allying with them. Legal loopholes are fun like that. And so long as their attention is directed to those enemies of mankind, they themselves aren't being one of those same enemies. After all, is that not the Imperium's unofficial stance on the Tau?

    (Yes, I do like the Rogue Traders, how did you guess? :p )
    pyro-dragon likes this.
  9. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    I don't quite know the Imperium's take on Tau, its been 15 years since I was last involved XD
    But yes, from what I've read, so long as they are looking out for the betterment of the Imperium then a blind eye can be turned. And these lizards sure do love to hate Chaos. Seeking it out and destroying it is their default behaviour and the key reason to get tooled up. They faced Chaos space marines briefly some time ago and did not have a happy time of it.
    J.Logan likes this.
  10. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    First draft design of the self-appointed chief engineer Huax-Ty. Huax-Ty sm.jpg
    Started life on the Old World as a low ranking and not very good Priest. Reinvented themselves after coming to terms with the new world they had landed on and found they had a natural affinity for machines and all things big and industrial. They were behind the first reverse engineering of vehicles to figurure out how they worked and is now working with a large team of skinks, kroxigors and reluctant saurus to figure out and restore a large steel mill to working order. The task has claimed a dozen or so lives so far but Huax-Ty presses on, regardless. The ends justify the means.
    Imrahil and J.Logan like this.
  11. Jez Doh

    Jez Doh New Member

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    Love the character designs, especially the clothing choices mates!
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  12. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Some more doodles while at work. No one in particular, just some lizards with guns for the GoS lot. upload_2024-10-30_1-2-30.png
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  13. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Such a happy smile to be carrying a las-rifle instead of a club.
  14. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Might just be happy to finally be out on the battlefield and see some action
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  15. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    A skink priest made up for the day of the dead festivities
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  16. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    A new short story about the space lizards. This time an assault on a small research outpost in the middle of the sticks to retrive a strange and mysterious artefact
    Ka'rah looked right to the next squad. They were eagerly looking around, forked tongues tasting the air. This was the first time they had been on a battlefield since leaving the World That Was, however many decades ago that was now. They had been one of the last cohorts to have been revived from the Temple-Ship's repository.

    Their champion Zek'zal had not taken kindly to the news of their predicament. Fleeing the Old World as it was torn apart by Chaos was tantamount to abandoning their mission and the whole reason the Old Ones had created them in the first place. His anger had not been placated when he learned of the new weapons they would need to train with. Again, it seemed like a retreat from the old ways that had served their kind for countless millennia. But once he learned of the presence of Chaos here and their mission to wipe it from the universe as a repayment to what they had done to their former home he was somewhat mollified. A large part of his anger came from a sense of personal failure on his own part. For it was he who had ordered the retreat that had lead his regiment to the steps of the Temple, before its walls closed in overhead and departed the world.

    As a form of penance he then threw himself completely into training both himself and his regiment with the new weapons, technology and tactics that formed the centre of this new way of making war.

    Zek'zal himself was leading this squad. The radio attached to his great spiked head crest now sat as comfortable as the ceremonial headdress he might wear in a parade formation. The others, all who he had known from their spawning on another world, held their weapons in both clawed hands as they advanced in formation. A slave to old ways, they all carried clubs and shield too along with the leather belts that held more modern equipment and ammunition. They also relied on the old forms of subtle movements and low rumbles to communicate.

    They were a complete contrast to the squad Ka'rah marched in. Born to this new world with the gifts of understanding, each member had their own radio mounted on their crests, listening to the chittering of intelligence coming in from Skink scouts up ahead. While she too carried her own club, she, like her squad-mates, were born to the use of the laser rifle gripped in her clawed hands.

    It was going to be an interesting fight up ahead, though. The New Brood, those spawned on the new world, lacked direct fighting experience, with many not yet having been tested in combat. The older and much more experienced Saurus were in no way used to fighting in this new way, uncomfortable with ranged weapons. Would their predatory instincts, honed by decades of experience, prove an advantage over their untried kinfolk? It was hard to say and the comparison was one reason Ka'rah thought that the squads had been paired up.

    While it was not the thick cloying jungle of Lustria or the pale imitation he had been living in after being revived, Zek'zal appreciated the woods they were moving through. The canopy provided the kind of dappled shadows that hid their dark blue and green scales. Despite this, every single gold adornment on his and his squad's bodies shone with faultless polish. Anticipating their first chance of battle, they had spend the last day polishing and cleaning everything, seeking Chotek's blessing in the violence to come. His own rifle was secured at his side. He would carry his long club into battle, a gift from Scar-Veteran Scythra for his skill and cunning against the ratmen. It was a matter of honour. The thicker underbrush up ahead signalled the edge of the forest as the perimeter of the enemy outpost. This is where they split up.

    Kham-Xi, Champion of the New Brood squad, took his warriors to the right, crossing paths with Zek'zal's squad. Each warrior nodded or locked eyes with another, silently wishing them luck in their fight ahead. The mission was simple and the tactics were simpler still. There was a lost artefact in the building at the centre of the clearing. Humans had found it and taken it here, presumably to study it. This could not be allowed. Each squad of warriors were to assault the building from two directions. The garrison was weak but they did have mounted weapons on the roof of the structure. Surprise was going to be their best weapon.


    Lieutenant Colonel Periwinkle yawned, took another deep drink of coffee and looked at his watch. It wasn't even ten o clock yet. It felt like he had been reading this report for hours. It had only been forty-three minutes. He got up to pace around his office. He'd been assigned to this god-forsaken garden world just over three months previously. His superiors insisted it was a promotion and also a way to recuperate himself before returning to the forefront of the Imperium's constant war for survival. He himself suspected that it was more of a punishment after he had written a scathing remark to a fellow officer over the ridiculousness of the Administratum's requisition forms. He'd been leading forces against a massive Ork incursion across multiple fronts and needed additional resources to back up a forward push to take back control over three planets. The only exciting thing that happened here was when one of the research scientists got a bit over excited about a new fungus discovery and fainted in the corridor. That was a month ago.


    On champion Kham-Xi's order, Ruq-Gar stepped forward, taking aim with his grenade launcher. His counterpart on the other side of the building took up his own position. Ka'rah crouched in the long grass with the others in her squad, awaiting the order. She flicked her forked tongue nervously as she listened to the radio chitter in the headset. Kham-Xi nodded and grunted at Ruq-Gar. A hollow thump signalled the grenade leaving the end of the launcher and shortly after an explosion blew apart the chain-link fence and small guard hut in front of it. That was it. The champion roared and every Saurus charged forward. They kept their bodies low as taloned feet tore up the turf under them. They were well inside the perimeter before any of the humans knew what was even happening.

    The gun on the roof turned to fire, but before it got off more than a dozen shots another well placed grenade blew its to pieces. They started taking incoming fire from the soldiers stationed near the door though. The saurus in front of her roared in agony and tumbled to the ground, his neck a mass of charred flesh. She took aim, struggling to zero in on the target as she sprinted with the others. A rapid burst of laser fire sent the humans scattering. More shots caused them to dive behind concrete barricades. Ruq-Gar took up a position next to Ka'rah. He fired off one more shot with the grenade launcher. It was only by sheer luck that it landed just behind the barricade, rendering its defenders into minced flesh and splintered bone. He let off a chirup of surprise and delight. The joy of good fortune was rapidly ended, though. What cut through the radio traffic was panic.


    The dull thuds of explosions rocked the office. Lt.Col Periwinkle rushed to his desk and pressed the intercom.
    "What the devil was that?" he roared.
    "I don't know, sir. Perhaps one of the nitrogen tanks ruptured." a crackly voice returned.
    Nitrogen tanks! What did they need with nitrogen? It was a damned science station where they studied weeds and rocks all day. The man slumped back in his chair and picked up the report again. He glanced at the words but they just refused to pass into his head further than his eyes. The intercom burst into life again.
    "Lt. Col, sir. It looks like we are under attack!"
    "By the Emperor, who would be attacking us all the way out here?"
    He drew his pistol and barged his way out of the office. Any excuse to no longer be reading reports was fine by him.


    Zek'zal was in trouble. Pinned down on the other side. The second grenade had missed and they didn't get another chance as the heavy bolter cut down the Saurus grenadier. Pressing though the withering fire had rapidly shown it to be foolish and he had commanded his squad to duck behind a small hillock. The rifles had taken down the humans sent to flush them out but the relentless hammering of the heavy bolter was quickly reducing the hillock to flattened sods. What started out as a simple plan to take down a thinly protected target now appeared to have rested upon a Stegadon sized barrel of luck.

    Kham-xi thought rapidly and then split his squad in two. Ka'rah, Ruq-Gar and three others were to work their way around the side of the building to lend support to Zek'zal while he and the rest of the squad would try and press through the building to the other side.

    Ka'rah's squad kept themselves low. They had spotted fighters through the windows and did not want to give away their plan, or their reduced numbers. They stopped to peer around the corner of an alcove along the wall. It housed nothing more than industrial equipment. She growled the all-clear signal but then hesitated. Another look showed an access ladder on one of the mysterious tanks. It went almost up to the building's roof-line. As soon as she pointed it out, everyone understood. In silence, they slung their weapons on their backs and began climbing one by one.

    The breaching action was quick and violent. Kham-xi and another warrior to the other side of the door. On the count of three the door lock was shot out with his bolt gun. Five lizards piled in, one going down to point-blank rapid fire. The champion followed behind and cut that man down with his spiked Obstinite club. The room was rapidly cleared of living humans with laser fire and stone clubs. The corridor outside was a bit more of a challenge. Another two Saurus were felled by the enemies returning fire, the sickly smell of cooked meat drifting up from their laser wounds. Kham-xi rolled a grenade down the corridor and took cover. The explosion and screams were the sound he needed to hear. He hissed an order to the remaining squad members and ran down the corridor, twisting to look down each branching passage. He got to the far end, sighting the open door to the outside and seeing the backs of the soldiers aiming at Zek'zal's squad. A burst of laser fire took down three of them but the others quickly leapt the barricades and were now returning fire. Kham-xi barged through a door to his left and took up a position leaning around the corner to shoot.


    Lt. Col. Periwinkle and a few of the stations guards ducked into a side room just before the grenade detonated. What the hell were those things? And why were they using weapons of the Imperium? Whatever those egg-heads he was in charge of were doing, after this he'd get them to dissect a few of the bodies to work out what it was they were up against. He leaned back around the corner, they had moved on. It was time to organise a proper resistance and push them back. He moved further into the building to round up whatever troops he could muster.


    "Ka'rah, we've made it through to the other side but we're pinned down too. Where are you?" he hissed and growled into his headset.
    Ka'rah's squad had silently weaved their way amongst the ducts and piping of the rooftop. They'd spotted the heavy weapon placement. It was being manned by two people, one gunning and one running the ammo. Ruq-Gar unslung his grenade launcher but Ka'rah waved it away. She grabbed the long Obstinite club from her belt and crept closer. The golden colour teeth that lined one edge gleamed in the mid-morning sunlight. The loudness of the guns chattering concealed any small noises they made. The men only noticed something wrong when a shadow loomed over. He turned to see seven feet of muscle-bound reptile bring a spiked club down on him. The soldier next to him didn't fair much better. As he scrambled for his laser pistol a shot from another Saurus took him out. As she approached the heavy bolter, the message came through on her headset
    "We're on the roof, the heavy weapon has been eliminated. Awaiting your orders" she reported back.

    Ruq-Gar moved forwards, grunting as he lifted the heavy bolter off its mount and gripped it in both hands. The young Saurus certainly was developing an affinity for big guns. He took a look over the edge of the building and then swung the weapon around and aimed down. He sprayed the barricades with the bolter until it ran out of ammunition. There were no survivors.

    Zek'zal's squad was already making its way up to the building entrance as Ka'rah's squad climbed down from the roof.
    "Thank you for coming to our aid, young ones. We can take it from here." Zek'zal grunted, nodding at Kham-xi.
    The remains of his squad filed past him and into the building.
    "But wait-" Kham-xi said, following them inside.

    What followed was a demonstration of experience in action. Most of the warriors shouldered their rifles and armed themselves with clubs and shields. In almost complete silence they went room to room, systematically killing the enemy combatants and leaving the civilians in terrified horror.


    The barricade was rough but it provided adequate cover. Work benches, filing cabinets and huge crates had been hauled out from offices and labs to provide cover for the men. The Lt. Col stood behind it. He'd managed to pull together a team of seven to mount this defensive point from which he hoped to advance from and retake the rest of the facility. The sounds of killing approached rapidly. One of the beasts emerged around the corner, sighting them.
    "Hold!" he commanded.
    Another two turned up. And one more. Armed with nothing but huge shields and blood-soaked clubs the creatures advanced. First slow but then broke into a run.
    "Hold!" the officer repeated, drawing his own pistol. He signed one more enter the corridor, larger and with an ornately decorated crest, it began to sprint down the corridor too.
    He waited until they were almost upon him, until he could make out their small yellow eyes and drooling fangs before giving the order.
    The first two went down heavily but the next ones held their shields high, leaping over the fallen and diving into the ranks of men. The larger one leapt clean over the barricade landing in front of the Lt. Col. He pulled out his sword and prepared to face this abomination. He held it off as he turned the air silver with rapid swipes and jabs. The creature was lumbering, too big for the tight confines of the corridor. It lacked the room needed to get that huge toothed club swinging. It was still able to turn aside a few blows with its huge scaled shield though. But not all of them. The sword drew blood here and there, crimson running down blue-green scales. Despite this, and the creature not yet having swung for him Lt. Col. Periwinkle still felt he was losing ground. It dropped the club and pulled a large, curved knife from a scabbard on its belt. Now the fighting really began. With a suddenness he had not expected the creature was upon him. Quick slashes left and right were only just caught by his sword. It stepped forward and he could feel the wall behind him. Suddenly he saw his opening. With a quick duck and stab he was inside its reach and hand impaled it with his sword. It stopped for a moment and looked down. His smirk of victory quickly turned to horror as the creature massive jaw leaned down and closed around his head.

    Zek'zal returned to the main entrance where Kham-xi and his squad were waiting. He left side was running red.
    "I'll live" he grunted, noticing the stares.
    "The others are rounding up the survivors. We've got the place secured."
    Ruq-Gar tore a long strip from an abandoned lab coat and started wrapping it around Zek'zel's torso where the wound was.
    "I'm fine" he grunted but did not stop him.

    Kham-xi radioed in that the building was secure. Around twenty minutes later a Skink priest on a raptadon escorted by two Saurus on Cold-Ones arrived. He dismounted and went inside, pulling out two golden divining rods. His raptadon started picking at the meat that had been a living human less than an hour ago. The two Saurus champions met the priest in at the entrance, bowing to him.
    "Now, none of that, we've got business to attend to yes?"
    "Aranak, the facility has been secured. The remaining humans have been locked in a room-" Kham-xi started. The Skink waved him quiet.
    "Not important. Have you located the artefact?" He snapped
    The Skink nodded and held up the rods straight out in front of him. He started wandering about the building. Kham-xi nodded at Ka'rah and pealed away from the others to follow the Skink.

    "Don't follow so close Saurus. Your energy is polluting the signal!" He snapped.
    She dropped back a little and glanced back at Kham-xi who rolled his yellow eyes.

    It took another thirty minutes before the rods crossed in front of a huge steel door at the far end of the facility. It looked impossible to force open. A bundle of grenades were put together and detonated in front of it. While the sounding building was heavily damaged, the door was unmoved.
    "You said some of the humans were still alive?" Aranak asked, "Maybe one of them knows how to open it? Go fetch one"

    A terrified man in long white robes was hauled in front of the door. The Skink priest looked at it and started making strange sounds. He was trying to communicate with it.
    "Gate open! You open gate!"
    "I don't know! I'm just a lab technician. I think Dr Zaan has the combination." The man jibbered back, gesturing back to the temporary jail that held the remaining humans.
    "You open! You open!" Aranak tried again, yelling at the man. He was shaking his head violently and pointing again.
    "What's he saying?" Ka'rah asked.
    "I don't know. I don't think this one can open it. Take it back"

    The Saurus grabbed the man by the collar and escorted him back. He whimpered and jibbered the whole time. On returning to the room he suddenly burst into excited noises pointing at one of the other humans. That human tried backing away. A huge commotion started Ka'rah fired a burst of laser fire into the ceiling. It seemed to scare them into silence.


    "What the hell are you doing Bartholomew?" Reice whispered as he tumbled to the ground next to her.
    "Look, it's him or me. I'm no fighter"
    "That's absolutely right. You are a coward through and through Bartholomew"
    "A living coward Reice, a living coward." He corrected her
    "For now."
    "C'mon, do you honestly like the man? He denied your research grant twice."
    "I don't think he deserves to be be eaten though. Maybe just nibbled though"

    One of the giant reptiles came forward and grabbed Dr Zaan, a large man with a healthy paunch and a well trimmed goatee beard. He struggled. His assistant tried beating off the creature. It was as efficacious as a fly buzzing against glass

    "Don't let them take me! Bartholomew, you are fired!"

    His cries and protests were heard as he was dragged off down the corridor.

    Ka'rah dragged the man before the door. He somehow looked more terrified than the last one. He tasted like fear too according to her forked tongue. Aranak leaned in close and repeated his demands in the small pidgin human he could speak.

    "You, open!"
    "Never, you overgrown newt! You'll have to kill me before I'll turn over this base to Xenos!"
    Aranak got right into the mans face, his own forked tongue flicking out, tasting the man's sweat as he grimaced in horror.
    "You open, now!"

    The man cowered but still hesitated. The skink priest removed a long, curved and ornate knife from a highly decorated scabbard on his belt. He raised it slowly to the man's throat. Dr Zaan, a man who expected to see his career through to retirement on such peaceful planets as this was rapidly trying to calculate his best chances of survival now. He saw how ruthlessly these filthy Xenos had cut down the base's guards and one colleague who had foolishly gone for a weapon. If he did what they wanted, would he be allowed to live? And how long would he survive the Inquisition if it knew he'd complied with Xenos? Time was almost up when he felt the knife start cutting into his flesh.

    "Wait! Look at that?" Ka'rah said, pointing at to a device on the door.
    "What is it, Saurus?" Aranak snarled without looking up.
    "I think I know how to unlock the door."
    "You do? Show me."

    Ka'rah grabbed the man's arm and pulled him close to the door. He yelled in protest. She then gripped his wrist and slapped his hand down against the hand-shaped mark on the door. He tried curling his fingers into a fist but she pressed down hard, causing him to cry out in pain. The machine made some electronic beeps and then a green light appeared. The door hissed and everyone jumped back. Wheels started grinding somewhere and the door rolled open. The room beyond was brightly lit. The Skink priest took out his golden diving rods again after carefully sheathing his knife. Ka'rah peered in as he scanned the room. The two rods came together over a large, black chest on the ground. It took him a few attempts to figure out how to open it but he got there eventually. Out of the chest Aranak lifted a golden device of immense beauty. Ka'rah could not tell what it was or even how to describe it. The final gold form-work was inlaid with emeralds and rubies. Jade wheels emerged from various places on the surface. The whole object seemed to give off an unearthly glow. After an awe-struck moment, Aranak lowered the device back into the chest and closed it.

    "Saurus, carry this for me." he called. Ka'rah simply obeyed. The crate was surprisingly heavy. She followed Aranak as he walked swiftly back down the corridor, his robe billowing behind him.
    "Champions" he said, addressing both Kham-Xi and Zek'zal, "collect your dead. We have what we came for."

    Within a few minutes, most of both squads were shouldering a body. By the will of the gods, it turned out that some were only wounded but badly in need of medical attention. Those who were not carrying bodies were loaded down with equipment- laser rifles, pistols, tools, etc. To Ruq-Gar's disappointment, he was not allowed to take one of the heavy guns. Instead he was given a bundle of laser rifles, still sticky with the blood of the soldiers they were taken off.

    They formed two columns and marched back off to their rendezvous site for transport back to the Star Canoe. One of the facility's remaining external cameras watched them go. It zoomed in to focus on the column as they left.

    "Very interesting" Van Daal said, swilling the brandy around his glass in one hand and hitting the replay button on the view-screen remote with the other. He paused the video to look closely at the creatures as they filed out. He put down the remote and picked up a piece of scale, rolling it between his fingers. It was a shame they took their dead, he would have loved to get a whole one on a slab for examination. He had his lab guys running DNA testing on the trace blood left behind. Van Daal rather suspected that the tests would show that this was an entirely new form of Xeno lifeform. The Rogue Trader sat back on his enormous padded thrown, considering a time when he can have one of their heads added to his collection of Xenos in his trophy room.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2024
    J.Logan likes this.
  17. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Hmm, game is afoot. They are attracting eyes upon them, and leaving generic material behind to be examined? Shame on the Guns for this issue they wouldn't have any realistic way of knowing to avoid :p

    Slight nitpick, could have done with a few scene breaks. The shifts of perspective were a touch jarring. Just a single astrix or hash between the scenes is all that is needed.
  18. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! I've got the motivation to get the words out but feedback on the structure and stuff is really welcome.
    J.Logan likes this.
  19. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    No worries. As a writer, I tend to find constructive feedback more rewarding than people just singing praises, because it tells me what specifically works and what needs work. Though I won't argue the against ego-boost that comes from people just singing praises. :p
  20. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Well I've added seperators now. It seems that the forum markup doesn't support horizontal divides. There is also some bonus dialogue added to reward those who read twice :p

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