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Army Fluff Guns of Sotek

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by pyro-dragon, Aug 31, 2024.

  1. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Had an idea washing around in my head so I had to write it out
    Dr Zaan stumbled over a tree root in the path. He picked himself up and kept running. Sweat cleared lines down his soot-blackened face. Billows of smoke clouded out the sky behind him. He finally reached the clearing marked for landing ships. He was panting and gasping, dropping to his knees and throwing up. He just hoped against hope that someone would have heard the distress signal before passing out.

    He woke up in a brightly lit medical bay. He sat bolt upright and looked around. A nurse came into the room to see to him. He looked down to see that he was dressed in medical robes.
    "Nurse, what's happening?"
    "Please lay down Doctor. I just need to take some final readings."
    "Where am I?" he asked. He knew it sounded stupid but last thing he knew he was laying in a field somewhere.
    "You are in one of the finest medical facilities in the galaxy, on board the Rochester, one of the finest star cruisers in the galaxy." She wasn't smug when she said this, she was simply stating the facts as she knew them.
    "The Rochester? That doesn't sounds like an Imperial ship?"
    "It isn't. You are travelling at the personal pleasure of Wolff Van Daal the third. A Rogue Trader of some note. He asked me to inform him when you awoke. He wants to talk to you personally."

    The nurse finished the scanning, gave Dr Zaan a clean bill of health. He was then escorted to a dressing room by a well dressed man, a butler perhaps.
    "His lordship has instructed me to let you take your pick from these wardrobes. I understand that you were found in the most dishevelled state."

    He dressed himself, combed what little hair remained and was once again escorted through luxurious corridors into a finely decorated drawing room. The butler left the room, closing the door with practised silence. Dr Zaan walked around slowly, taking in the expensive but tasteful decor. He didn't know enough about this sort of thing to comment but he guessed that one of the chairs alone would cost a year's pay.

    "Ah, Doctor!" Van Daal himself entered briskly from a different door, his arms opened wide and his face bright and cheerful, "Welcome on board! I hope you have been comfortable so far. The Rochester is an old tub but one has to make do. Please, take a seat. Would you like a drink? Brandy perhaps?"
    "Oh, yes please your lordship." He was blown back by the sheer force of the man's personal presence.
    "Bah, none of this lordship business, please, call me Wolff." He handed an expensive crystalline glass to the Doctor, "Nasty business down there I hear. I am so glad the sawbones managed to get you on your feet again so quickly."
    "Oh, you heard?"
    "Not much. You were screaming a bit in your sleep, and, you were quite the state when they found you."
    Dr Zaan took a long draw from the glass. The brandy was the smoothest he had ever tasted. The slight burn of alcohol at the end was a welcome feeling but reminded him of how badly his nerves were shot.
    "Why don't you tell me what happened down there?"
    "Well uhh-" he hesitated. Was this the man to be telling this to? Shouldn't he submit an official report first? Though, with the facility destroyed and Lt Col Periwinkle dead, he had no idea who he'd submit it to, or even who he reported to right now.
    "Doctor, there is no need to be shy. I've had the pleasure of reading up on your resume. Very impressive stuff. I could really use a man like you to head up a new research team I'm putting together."
    "Oh really?" He couldn't resist the flattery, "Well, what kind of research are you looking to conduct?"
    "We an discuss it after you tell me of your recent unfortunate adventures."
    "Oh, ok, well then. The day started and normal but-"

    He continued with his version of events, including the giant aliens that forced him to open the vault after a valiant fight from him. He finished by telling of the monster's madness in locking away the staff into a room and then setting the place on fire. How he tried to fight them off but they were just too strong, so he ran for help instead. At the end of the tale Van Daal asked a few more questions and then, quite suddenly left.

    "I do apologise dear Doctor, but I have urgent matters to attend to. I have made arrangements for you to stay in one of the guest bedrooms. It is not much but I hope you at least find it comfortable enough to rest in."

    The room he was escorted to by the butler was larger than the entire accommodation wing of the facility he had been working in. He would certainly be comfortable here.

    Over the next few days Dr Zaan tried to get back in contact with Van Daal but the man seemed to be constantly unavailable. He wasn't too concerned though given the size of the meals on offer and the library he ended up spending most his days in.

    On the third day, Van Daal finally showed up, slipping into the library followed by two other men.
    "Dr Zaan, I have two visitors for you." he said. The men stepped forward.
    The Doctor's throat suddenly tightened. He instantly recognised the long robes and insignia of the Inquisition.
    "Dr Heinricht Zaal. Please come with us." one of them said, reaching a bony hand out.
    "I've appraised them of your little ordeal. They have a few questions of their own."
    His blood ran cold. He considered running but he didn't know where. Then he reminded himself that he was under duress. The aliens had forced his hand, quite literally. And this Wolff Van Daal fellow seemed to back him up. He stood up and went willingly with them.
    "Luckily we were able to pull footage from the facility's security system. It was very damaged though. I've handed it over to these gentlemen. Hopefully it helps clear everything up."
    Dr Zaal caught a cold flush again at this news. But, it should back up what he was saying. But it also might show other things too.

    "Wilhelm, you managed to erase all the xenos from the tape, yes?" Van Daal asked as the Doctor was escorted away.
    "Of course sir. It was a very damaged tape but at least we saved the Doctor's last performance. Though I must say, the barricading of the door after locking his colleagues in, very unsporting."
    "The man was thorough. You don't get to that level without having a great attention to detail."
    "He did forget about the cameras however, sir."
    "Well, none of us are perfect Wilhelm."
    "No, sir."
    J.Logan likes this.
  2. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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  3. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    I said that Necromunda story would be a one-off but I've found my mind circling it again and I might have a follow-up story of Cyberpunk Lizards. Anyways, by way of creating anticipation for the next tale I'll drop in a preview-

    "As Oxyotl once said, when you are closely observing, be sure that you, yourself is not closely observed" Ital said. He then nodded to a man, one of the marks who was involved in the deal to come was taking quite an interest in their little group. He picked up his glass and started heading over. Te'al'k started to worry, this wasn't supposed to happen. What if the illusion spells didn't work so good up close?

    "So, are you guys new in town or something? Not seen you around before." He said, taking a sip while looking intensely at Ka'rah.
    "Yeah, we're new in town. What of it?" Ital responded, gruffly.
    "Are these guys friends of yours?" he asked Ka'rah after briefly smiling at Ital.
    "Yeah…" she said, glowering.

    This line not having given the desired in, he tried again, "You out? What are ya drinkin'? Let me get you a top-up." he gestured down at the empty glass in front of her.
    "Maybe I'll smash that glass up-top of your head!" Ka'rah growled.
    "Hey, whoa, easy there. I'm just tryin' to be friendly. You know, I like a woman with spice, c'mon. I'll get you something nice."
    The man turned to head back to the bar, he looked over his shoulder with a certain cast of expression, beckoning her to follow him.

    "Go on, use your feminine wiles to charm him. See of you can get more info." Ital whispered.
    "I'm a saurus warrior. Designed by the great Old Ones for the one task of making war to defend the Great Plan, I don't have any feminine wiles!" Ka'rah hissed.
    J.Logan likes this.
  4. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    I anticipate the most awkward and hilarious attempt at "feminine wiles" ever.
    pyro-dragon likes this.
  5. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Maybe the guy has a thing for cold, reptilian indifference.

    Generally I think the Necromunda stories might be outside of my own cannon so I can afford to get a little silly.
  6. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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  7. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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  8. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Yet another sample from yet another tale I am weaving

    This new expedition had been assembled to go looking for them. There were many possibilities about the exact nature of their fate, mostly involving them falling prey to some of the mighty monsters of the jungle or one of the many terrible diseases that could be contracted. The one fate that which no one talked about but which they had prepare for was isolation madness. No one knew of the exact mechanism but if saurians, especially Saurus were separated from their Slann or civilisation for too long, they could turn feral. Mindless animals of pure instincts. There were tales from those from the Old World where all the Slann had died off and the Saurus turned on the Skinks before turning on each other. Every spawning the new Skinks would be ruthlessly hunted down and eaten by wild Saurus.

    Here, on this world, they had been without the physical presence of Slann for a few decades now, and no one had lost their minds. The Star Priests spoke of the Slann existing just beyond the physical dimensions and thus maintained a kind of universal presence. Others theorised that it was the presence of magic that kept the madness at bay. Still more talked about the routines of civilisation being the collar around everyone's neck to keep them in line. At least one of these theories was being tried out with the presence of Pah'tlax here.

    "Just over the next rise, that is where we should make camp for the night." The Skink Tracker said, "we are losing the light and still need to hunt for tonight's meal."

    It was at the top of the next rise though that they found their first big clue.
    thedarkfourth and J.Logan like this.
  9. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Got borded at work and did a version of a recent meme going around.

    lizard tits.jpg

    Mods can delete if unsuitable
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  10. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Got one more art come in! A different saurus character this time.
    Roq'zann, a Death Rider born during the first spawning event on their new world. (Ka'rah, above was spawned in the secind spawning around ten years later)
    I don't actually have any stories finished with Roq'zann in them. I have been planning a unit of caped Death Riders for a while though. I'm looking forward to assembling them though! No colour here because I still have no idea what colour they will eventually be.
    thedarkfourth and J.Logan like this.
  11. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Go for the low hanging fruit... Roq'zann has colours reminiscent of Dr Alan Grant, while the mount shall be coloured after The Big One (aka Clever Girl).

    ...What, you thought I'd suggest colouring the raptor akin to Blue? Pfft, I was plucking the low HANGING fruit, not picking the fruit from the ground. Obviously.
  12. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    From what I remember of Cold One lore, "Clever Girl" would not be a good name.
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  13. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Got my first game planned for 2 weeks time. I need to figure out a force composition and put together any units I need for it. I'm looking forward to writing the battle report from it in a narrative style. Though given the fact I've not played for 15 years and I was never a good player to begin with, I don't think the Guns of Sotek are going to fair well in this fight. We'll see though.
    J.Logan likes this.
  14. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Good luck. Do us lizards proud!
    pyro-dragon likes this.
  15. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Well here is a prelude I wrote in my wahammer's group discord about the upcoming battle

    The observatory array had taken ten solar cycles to construct. Chief Engineer Hyan-Ty's design for the mobile pylons had been ingenious but difficult to realise. Vast swathes of jungle and industrial ruins had been levelled and numerous lives lost in the expedited building process. But the work and the sacrifice was paying off. After only a few solar cycles the faint trace of magic induced artefacts of the lost Slann were being detected. Tik'ol'tec, the Great Starseer of New Lustria, having overseen the construction and commissioning of the array, turned it over to his best Star Priests and Astrologicians to refine the searches.

    It was a day in the third season of the seventh solar cycle after the search began that news reached the Sun Temple in the city of Sotzalzan. Tik'ol'tec's contemplations were interrupted by a messenger sent from the Observatory Array that an artefact had been located. The coordinates put it in a far distant part of the galaxy, but it was a definite point in space. The Starseer summoned his retinue of retainers. Preparations were to be made immediately.

    For many in Sotzalzan and beyond, it had been the first time they had heard the war-drums sound. But sound they did, from the top of every temple. For many others though, it was a sound not heard for many, many years. The Itzatecah, the lizardmen, from all walks of life though were drawn by instinct to the central plaza, gathering in their thousands. Skinks and Kroxigors huddled in chittering groups, Saurus followed the silent call of their spawn-siblings and gathered in their regiments and units. They fell silent the instant the drums stopped and the proclamation of war was read aloud.

    "For countless years we have wallowed on this planet, isolated from our kin and without a great purpose. We have busied ourselves as best we can but without clear direction. But now! I bring forth a plan, a great plan to unite us once again with our great and powerful Starmasters. We have purpose, we have direction. We will now strive forward into the cosmos to complete this great plan!"

    Tik'ol'tec paused for a moment, looking out over the crowds that had gathered in the plaza before the Sun Temple. He looked towards the heavens and continued.

    "There are those who will stand in our way. There are the forces of Chaos and disorder out there. But they will be crushed under our unrelenting will. The great star canoes we have constructed will extend our reach into the heavens to take back what is ours and show that we, the first, the Itzatecah are the true masters of the stars!"

    The response was almost deafening even from the top steps of the temple. The roar gave way to chants of conquest. That evening, an impromptu festival was held throughout the city with processions and feasting and fireworks. Everywhere there was music and dancing. They had a purpose once more. The next morning was a stark contrast, they city was entirely occupied with preparations for the great journey ahead. Supplies, weapons and equipment were being loaded into the Star Canoes at an industrial scale.

    In less than one lunar cycle, the ships had been filled, the rituals had been completed and they were prepared for departure. Ka'rah took one last look around the city and jungle before boarding, followed by Ruq-Gar and the rest of her unit. This had been their home for their entire lives. The prospect of marching off to war, to do what they had all been created for was exhilarating but it was tainted with a small sense of apprehension for what would lay ahead. Old-Blood Xi-Boc, the oldest of the Saurus generals to have made it out from the cataclysm of the Old World stood in his small contemplation chamber on board the Star Canoe. He observed his feelings of anxiety and certainty. The forces they would face would be entirely unknown and his own forces were largely inexperienced. There would be great losses and defeats ahead but there was no other way. To fight the enemy was to learn from the enemy. Any loss that could be walked away from represented a learning opportunity, and the foundation for victory in the future. Still, it was going to be a steep learning curve. Even for him.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2024
    thedarkfourth, Imrahil and J.Logan like this.
  16. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Kick their asses! I want to read about glorious lizard victory!
    Imrahil likes this.
  17. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    I've been thinking about what the eventual return of the Slann might mean for the GoS. Lizard culture has shifted somewhat under current circumstances:
    • Skinks and even some saurus concerning themselves with self-presentation to the world, eg, Ka'rah the saurus.
    • Non-priests being elevated to similar levels as the priesthood, eg Hyuan-Ty the Chief Engineer
    • The wide distribution and use of Old-One tech like the Datapads used for organisation and communication
    • Taking up arms and technology of another race, eg, all the lasguns, tanks, etc.
    I'd imagine they would have a more conservative but pragmatic view. Return culture to a more traditional form, put the non-arcane knowledge-bearers back in their place, recall all the Old-One tech used for more frivolous activities, grudgingly maintain the use of the tanks and guns because clubs and darts don't work too well against power armour.
    Its something a long way in the future though. Who knows what I might think up by then.
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  18. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    Well it happened, my first battle. It did not go well. But I learned a lot!
    500 pts. Imperial Guard (GoS) vs T'au Empire
    It only lasted 2 turns because I turned up late (parking nightmare) and my opponent had to leave early. Also we are both new to 10th so there was a lot of rule checking. Even so, by the end of turn 2 it was clear the way things were going.

    == Setup ==
    Turn 1.jpg
    IMG_3272.jpg IMG_3267.jpg

    == End of turn 1 ==

    == Turn 2 ==
    Moments before my poor cavelry got turned into red mist :(
    Turn 2.jpg

    I wrote up a narative style battle report:
    The mission was simple- one of the artefacts had been located on this somewhat barren planet. A small force would descend, secure the artefact and withdraw. There was one snag, another force had been detected in the vicinity, seemingly taking an interest in it as well. It was not one of the races the Itzatecah had encountered before. Certainly a good opportunity to learn about the kinds of foes they would have to face in the wider galaxy.

    For this mission Xi-Boc Tlazimund, the Old-Blood, chose a young and eager Skink Chief to see how he would handle some real battlefield command. Tak'acu was an experienced tank commander on manoeuvrings and training missions, but, as with most of the New Brood, completely untried in active combat. He selected another crew from his unit, Sotek's Fist to join him and after some consideration, a detachment of cavalry to give him some manoeuvring options on the battlefield. Xi-Boc sat with Tak'acu to discuss his approach to the coming battle as the units were prepared.


    The time for action came too soon though. The tank crews were calm and disciplined, waiting in their assigned vehicles, the Saurus cavalry were eager to be at the foe. They moved out from the Star Canoe's landing site towards the objective. Xi-Boc watched from another Star Canoe in stationary orbit above. The enemy was approaching quickly.

    As they came within visual contact with the artefact site, they saw the enemy; men shaped things in curious suits of armour with strange birds attending to them. Suddenly a huge machine of similar shape to the men landed beyond a treeline to the right. Tak'acu, having focused upon the infantry radioed Naaqu-oktak, the cavalry Champion to warn him of the construct.

    The enemy infantry quickly started taking up positions, taking cover behind a rock outcropping and ruined structure. Tak'acu ordered the other battle tank to take the right flank to hold down one squad while he concentrated on the central one. The circular, wingless birds flying around the infantry opened fire on the cavalry along with a squad of infantry. His attention was then called by the driver who had spotted something strange directly ahead. A pocket of air shimmered and shots fired out from it.

    As Naaqu-oktak gave ordered to his riders, they came under heavy fire. One of the saurus grunted as a round passed through his shield and lodged in his chest. Another hissed and fell as shots seemed to come out of thin air. His mount, in confusion, ran off, away from the the battle. Naaqu roared a curse as he watched the construct run from cover to take up aim at Tak'acu's tank. He radioed in a warning.

    The huge rifle the construct held, glowed for a moment before unleashing a shot of bright light that slammed into the side of the command tank. Tak'acu swore colourfully as he was violently thrown about. It wasn't much more than superficial damage though.

    Things were moving very quickly on the battlefield. Tak'acu was getting flustered. He ordered Naaqu to take out the construct. It would buy him some time to focus on the infantry and get their numbers down. Naaqu was eager to get into the thick of it and advanced. He called a charge of his Saurus against the thing, fixing anti armour tips to their lances. The two tanks took aim at the infantry, who were very much not men, Tak'acu could see now. They unleashed volleys of fire but a combination of the alien's tough armour and the eagerness of the Skinks manning the guns meant a lacklustre result. The return fire was shrugged off though.

    Having sighted what may have killed one of their number, the cavalry took shots at the spot of shimmering air as they rode passed but nothing landed. Naaqu radioed through to Tak'acu about it though. They galloped over an ancient crater and cried praise to Itzl as they lowered their lances and smashed into the construct. It was fast, manoeuvring around so that most hits were only glancing blows. One of the wingless birds that flew around it made a suicide dive to take out what would have been a direct hit. It countered with its own attacks but the Saurus were canny enough to avoid most of them. Having sensed the futility of its counter-attacks, the construct fired smoke into the melee and, in the confusion, withdrew. Naaqu coughed and spluttered, his eyes streaming from the smoke. He managed to clear them enough to sight the rapidly approaching infantry. He ordered his unit to scatter, but it was too late. He could hear the squad's commander bark an order through its strange shaped helmet and the entire squad opened up on them. Withering fire cut into them. For a moment he was surrounded by the noise of rending flesh, and the death roars and shrieks of riders and mounts.

    Tak'acu watched in horror as his cavalry were mowed down by enemy fire. Naaqu and one other appeared to have survived before they too joined the bloody carnage as yet more wingless birds opened fire. His tank's crew had been so distracted by this that they did not notice the construct moving into firing position again and taking another shot at his tank. It was a glancing blow though, and neatly handled by the armour.


    Xi-Boc, who had been watching the fight unfold from orbit could see that this was already going wrong. He'd ordered some units deployed from the Star Canoe on the ground to lend support or provide cover for a tactical withdrawal. It seemed though that a tactical withdrawal was needed. He ordered the ground crew to prepare for an emergency departure.


    Tak'acu was almost relieved when he received the order to withdraw. It was only fleeting however as that order meant the fight was lost. It meant failure. Another squadron of cavalry showed up to assault the construct, giving time for the Skink Chief and his remaining other tank to manoeuvre into a managed retreat. The enemy aliens pursued only a little before withdrawing themselves to secure the site.
    Imrahil and J.Logan like this.
  19. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Ya, Tau are a potent force, with those railguns and anime mechas. And very different from anything even the old guard would have come to expect: Modern warfare doctrines that do not include an innate desire to run up and punch out the foe.
    pyro-dragon likes this.
  20. pyro-dragon

    pyro-dragon Well-Known Member

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    I've never actually played against Tau before tbh. I know a few things now at least.
    J.Logan and Imrahil like this.

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