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Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Cristhian MLR, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    The meme is dead! Long live the meme!

    Let me add:



    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Of course you hate them, but that is just you being difficult ;)

    Those Blood Knights look fantastic. The bats are pretty solid. The zombies are okay... some are really good, but I'm not a fan of the tombstones on their back. They are of course a huge improvement over the old zombies, but they could have been better.

    How can you say that his ugly army had potential and the VC don't? The TK have the best aesthetics, but after that the VC are miles ahead of OBR. GW is obviously taking inspiration from Netflix's Castlevania... and that show is FANTASTIC!

    I think this year's releases have been pretty solid. Underworlds has been on fire!
  3. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    *Sigh* Yet another new faction. We've got re-vamped (pun intended) Vampire Counts, and now a new possibly Centaur-based faction, let by yet another god-model. Plus we've still got Umbraneth waiting in the shadows, so at least three more new armies coming out in the near future. And yet GW still can't be arsed to update old models for existing armies...

    Yes, I know that they're technically updating Vampire Counts, but they're re-packaging them as an entirely new army, not just saying "here's some new plastic Blood Knights."

    Also, that centaur guy's shield solves one of the rumor engines, it would appear.
  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    The new vampire models look very cool, and I'm not opposed to "traditional" Gothic-horror vampires. However, I would like to have seen updated dire wolves along with these new models, but GW seems to be replacing the resin models predominantly (except skeletons & zombies).

    This leads me to hope that 2021 is the "year of the update" for GW. I wish again for at least a new (and preferably cool) plastic Slann/Kroak kit for Seraphon.

    I'm sort of indifferent about the OBR Underworlds warband, except for the leader model which I like.

    On the topic of Underworlds, I wish our Seraphon warband had slightly better abilities in AoS, but no biggie. If I buy them, it's won't be to field them as that unit anyway.
    ChapterAquila92 likes this.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I meant the army had potential before it transpired that most of the faction was to have the stupid Joker faces, i.e. when the Tithe of Bones trailers were heralding their arrival and at the time it looked as though they might have been Tomb Kings 2.0. It doesn’t have potential now of course, apart from the Soulreaper and Executioner models, but those are islands in a sea of mediocrity, because GW made an epic fail of the army.

    That’s fine if you like the new Vampire Counts models (even if it is unbefitting for a Tomb King player to admire the servants of the traitor Nagash), I just don’t, and never will. To put it in the words of the famous miser, “You keep Vampire Counts in your way and I’ll keep them in mine.”. You know I don’t like them, you know how I couldn’t stand the fact that GW deleted Tomb Kings but kept them when Tomb Kings were so obviously superior, and you know I’m not going to change my opinion, so we might as well leave it at that.

    Settra does not serve Vampire scum.

    Well, we’ve had the Gods-awful and pointless second wave of Slaanesh models, the pointless second wave of Lumineth models that range from OK to stupid, and these horrible new Vampire Counts models, when the entire faction should have been deleted and Tomb Kings kept in their place. The Centaur faction is the only thing that looks decent for AoS so far this year, and goodness knows when GW will actually get round to releasing them because they have been painfully slow at releasing the other Broken Realms stuff.

    With regards to Underworlds, the Lizardman and Savage Orc bands look decent, the Lumineth and Chaos Warrior ones are OK and the Idoneth one has potential if it focuses on Akhelians rather than the ugly Namarti, but otherwise personally the season is pretty average. On the other end of the scale the Ossiarch one is a let-down, the Vampire one is just bad, and the Slaanesh one is hideous.

    Certainly overall it’s not as good as Season 2 which had three particularly excellent Warbands in the form of Zarbag’s Gitz, Mollog’s Mob and Thundrik’s Profiteers and only one particularly ugly Warband in the form of the Godsworn Hunt.

    As far as I can see the Soulblight Gravelords tome should be replacing the Legions of Nagash one (which was released at the end of First Edition so was due for an update) and they’ve just changed the faction name. However if it’s not the case and this is a new faction in its own right I’ll be most pissed because the faction has pretty much the same units as Legions of Nagash and it’d be pointless to separate the factions out.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2021
    NIGHTBRINGER and Erta Wanderer like this.
  6. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    huh you are the only person who seems to dislike all of those most think they are great. what about them is rubbing you the wrong way?
    the slaanesh models aren't my thing but most of them are great models, the lumineth models are the best so far from that faction(if you disagree lets remember that cow hats and tecles where memes and nothing in the new wave has generated such mockery), and the new vamps are both gorgeous and very necessary as the things replaced are ether the oldest kit in AoS(zombies are the tittle holder) or fail cast. you can not tell me that old fell bats are better then the new ones if you try i will call you a lier
  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I saw the armybook and noticed the nice dragon being riden by a Vampire in the same armor as the knights.


    Will we see a new Dragon model?

    Grrr, Imrahil
  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Blood Knights look neat, but I liked the previous WHF skeleton warriors and grave guard just fine.



    Only reason I never bought any was they were packaged 10 to a box and not 20. Too expensive in $$$:greedy::greedy::greedy: for number of models and points cost in the army, main reason I didn't start a full Vampire Counts army. I like the KOW skeletons better for this reason too.

    The pig-squig is kinda weird looking, maybe its the paint scheme? I like the savage boars just fine I hope that line of models doesn't get squatted :(
  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    My main grudges with the Slaanesh and Lumineth models is that they were unnecessary when there are many other factions out there in so much greater need of a second wave of models. The Slaanesh release was a product of the Slaanesh players continually whinging that they didn’t get many mortals in the first release, and the Lumineth second wave was probably cooked up by GW’s recent obsession with Elves.

    Plus personally I just think pretty much all the Slaanesh models released this time around look awful (the monstrosities pulling that fat guy’s chariot look more like something out of Nurgle and all the unadorned mortals have ugly piercings and shit), and some of the Lumineth ones are a bit too silly for my liking (I actually didn’t mind the cow hats and liked the Corinthian helmets of the Spearmen, Cavalry and archers in the first wave, but the kangaroo things of this second wave are just too silly, and don’t fit with Elves at all).

    I won’t disagree that Blood Knights and Zombies did need updating, because as you say, the Blood Knights were Finecast and the Zombies were ancient, and those models have now got a good modern design, which is fine. I just don’t like the aesthetics at all personally, particularly the Zombies which just look grotesque (I suppose this is a good thing for Zombies because Zombies are hideous creatures, but they still really aren’t my cup of tea).

    The Skeletons are OK but I thought they were pointless given they already have a decent plastic kit, and the fact these wear the gothic medieval armour just makes me think GW are once again trying to mock Tomb Kings fans (the current ones are largely unadorned which means they could easily be used to convert TK ones, while this will be impossible with the new ones, giving Tomb King fans one less option for building armies in the AoS era, plus the fact that VC have now had two good sets of Skeletons while Tomb Kings had to make do with the horrible 6th Edition ones right up to their execution).

    If you look at my initial post regarding these releases (on the previous page of this thread) I said the Fell Bats looked decent, and they do:
    Personally I think they’re the best models of that lineup and a worthy upgrade.

    Unlikely, given we’ve got a Zombie Dragon kit already with a Vampire rider in full armour. The artist has just drawn a Zombie Dragon that looks a bit more like a Dragon than the actual kit.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2021
    ChapterAquila92 likes this.
  10. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    ah so they are not "Gods-awful" or "horrible" they are just not for you good to know.
    don't know why you think updating a army older then tomb kings is stepping on them but what ever
  11. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Vampire Counts aren’t really older than Tomb Kings - they were split from the generic Undead faction back in 6th Edition Fantasy.

    I already explained above - it just seems a bit of an insult that GW never gave Tomb Kings a good quality set of Skeletons to replace the awful 6th Edition ones that were as thick as a living flesh-and-blood human, yet now they’ve done it twice for Vampire Counts - one presumably in 7th Edition Fantasy (which are the current ones) and now these new ones.

    But then it’s merely another sign of GW’s continual shitting on Tomb Kings in Vampire Counts’ favour. Some things it appears never change.
    ChapterAquila92 likes this.
  12. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    i mean they aren't selling tomb kings any more. what are you expecting? they aren't going to come out with a new box for a faction that isn't in the game any more, complaining about it now is more then a little pointless.
    JscoobertDoobert likes this.
  13. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I am with you on this, but the new ones have a pretty dynamic pose.

    I don't think they are in danger as these are for 40K.
    But he looks odd I agree.

    Grrr, Imrahil

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The Vampire one is not bad, you just have an extreme disdain for Vampires. In my opinion it is the best warband (in terms of models) that GW have ever produced for Underworlds! The sculpts are fantastic, one of which is my favourite GW sculpt of 2021 thus far.

    That is often the case! (sorry @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl :p). While I disagree with @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl on just about everything, the man is passionate about his beliefs and I can respect that.

    Probably because the Tomb Kings didn't sell as well. I love my TK, more so than Vampire Counts, but I can understand GW's reasoning. The VC aesthetic is just simply more popular and marketable.
  15. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    I also think that Tomb Kings are cool, probably the most interesting undead faction. But I understand why most people like the Gothic-looking stuff better, it's a lot more ingrained in the fantasy genre. At least Tomb Kings fans can hope for something good when the Old World game comes out, whenever that is.

    Squig riders are for 40k, looks like they're called the Beast Snaggas and from their intro video it looks like they're going to be a new class of Ork that can be a part of any clan, they just specialize in using melee weapons and Squigs instead of the usual "more dakka" strategy.

    Yeah, GW really wants their Elves to be at the forefront as much as possible. High Elves and Dark Elves were apparently usually among the best armies in Fantasy, and both the Idoneth and Lumineth were extremely OP when they were first released, while DoK was also very good. GW still has at least one Elf faction left, the Umbraneth, and if this Kragnos guy is in fact somehow related to Kurnoth we could be seeing either a revamp for the Sylvaneth or more likely a new Centaur/Wood Elf faction coming soon.

    The more I think about it, the more I wish GW would stick to maybe 1 new army a year and show the older ones some more love, lol! But like people have said, they do seem to be putting a bit more focus on updating stuff, although it's often repackaged as yet another new army.

    As a fan of the Idoneth, though, I'm actually really interested in that lionfish/piranha model silhouette, a beastmaster with a bunch of new aquatic creatures would be a really cool idea for a warband.
  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Agree, they were aging well.
  17. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Kragnos isn’t related to Kurnoth. I can see where you’re getting it from because of the Kurnothi Centaur from Beastgrave:
    But this centaur is vastly different from the one in the trailer. Firstly this one has a deer’s body while the one in the video has a horse’s body. Secondly this one has a helmet with metal stylised antlers, while the centaur in the trailer has long horns more like an ibex, and thirdly the one above has finely-crafted Elven equipment while the one in the trailer has rather crude shield made from several smaller shields chained together.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The only centaur worth talking about is a Bull Centaur! :D


  19. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    That's more threatening for sure!
  20. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Which, btw, are out of print on FW.

    Plastic Chaos Dwarfs at long last?

    Meanwhile, the next wave of Mortal Realms and Lumineth will be ready for pre-order next weekend.

    Alongside them, not only are the Lumineth getting reinforcements with an expansion for their range, with yet another Tyrionic character: Lyrior Uthralle, Warden of Ymetrica, the new Vanari named character option for the Lord Regent, but four new kits for the factions involved on the new Mortal Realms book, and all of them look pretty solid for a reduced price:






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