@Otzi'mandias Best thing you can do is get an acrylic car primer and spray them all white, if you do several thin coats the detail will still be visable as the models are very angular and flat. Don't get a high build primer and you will be fine
Will do. Um, what's that? My knowledge of primers goes a bit like this 1) Games workshop sells them 2)They go on the model before painting 3) Don't get them on the wall or the girlfriend goes mad
They do... but Army Painter is better (imho) and cheaper! Yup... I wouldn't recommend it after painting. That sounds like an important fact!
See, if only I'd though of that beforehand I'd have dodged a lot of trouble. This is why I'd be a crap Skink Chief or Scar-Vet "Chief the arrows are blotting out the sun! We should use shields!" "Nah you'll be fine, none of it will hit you" One lost battle later "Well, at least I know for next time"