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AoS House Campaign Rules Design.

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Wytchphyre77, Jun 25, 2019.

  1. Wytchphyre77

    Wytchphyre77 Active Member

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    I love this. Like, doesn't Nagash care about resources too? If the undead start with resources, but as the player get closer and closer to a sending themselves yo godhood with the great articafts, the fight Wil get closer and closer to shyish... And so as we close in, we could take control of a crypt controlled by Nagash, thus diminishing his power.

    Maybe the units Nagash has access too are based on charts. So something like, "if Nagash controls 2 or more resources when summoning nighthaunt units, use chart B. If he controls 1 resource, use chart A."

    The idea here is that each chart gets less dangerous, so you can take a bite out of the undead's effectiveness.

    3 resources--20 chainrasps and two characters
    2 resources-- 10 chainrasps and a character
    1 resources-- 10 chainrasps
    0 resources-- 5 chainrasps

    (something like this. Imagine 4 charts, descending in value, they have the same things on the chart, but less quality in each spot.)
  2. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    How did the brainstorming session with your league players go on Sunday?

    Old Nags might not care as much about having a Hogfarm. So a mix of things does feel like a good idea.
  3. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    This goes for both players and non-playable forces.

    Nagash might not, but do make sure that players Always gain some benefit from any given resource, even if it's minor. If nothing else allow them to sell or trade unwanted ones on the blackmarket or something. Very few things are quite as frustrating as being stuck with several resources that have no benefit to you and being forced to fight over them simply to deny your opponent acces.
  4. Wytchphyre77

    Wytchphyre77 Active Member

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    Sadly, Sunday ended up being taken up unboxing stuff left over from moving, and very little Sigmar chat went down.:(

    I'll be seeing the players all week however, on and off. So I'll try to lock some stuff down. When I finally get the OK from everyone, I'll try my hand at battle reports on this thread.

    Untill then tho, I'll group up the stuff I like, all from the top, in order to make it make sense. And to get a rough draft of the resources. I'll type that up over the course of today, so that the whole thing is outlined properly.
  5. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    100% concur with this. The league I am (barely) remembering had a between games step where (it might have been at the mid-season point) a resource could be turned in and replaced by a randomly generated one. Or, it might have been randomly drawn. I kinda think the guy that organized it had assigned resources to playing cards. Frex:

    5 of Diamonds = Hogfarm
    7 of Clubs = Lighthouse


    I had another idea for a way to use that painted up Nurgle Army:

    It’s League night. 6 players. 3 games scheduled. 1 player can’t make it!

    The player who did make it, but is left without an opponent, battles that Nurgle army. That counts as his League game. If Nurgle wins; no new resource (they trashed it). Nurgle defeated generate a new resource.
    Canas likes this.
  6. Wytchphyre77

    Wytchphyre77 Active Member

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    The Great Artifact Ascension :
    Somewhere in the mortal realms, three warlords, arisen to power in thier own lands, have found a real gate leading to an unknown land. In thier first forray into this wilderness, each found a Great Artifact. Studies of ancient stories have shown this artifact was once owned by a great hero, who stood against the forces of death. Legend says that reuniting his artifacts at the place of his death, deep in Shyish will caush his shade to bond itself to the wearer. Granting them unimaginable power. But the other two artifacts are lost in this unfamiliar land... Can you recover the other Great Artifacts and ascend before anyone else?

    Great Artifact: each player chooses one artifact, either from thier home realm of power, or battletome. This artifact, may not be one use only. This artifact may be captured by enemy heros if it's bearer is slain. Once all three artifacts are captured by a side, they may attempt the pilgrimage to Shyish to ascend. A player may choose before a battle whether or not to bring thier great artifact into the battle.
    -Undead Interference
    Nagash wishes to collect the Great Artifacts for himself, and if in any game there are two or more artifacts on the field, summon nighthaunts: roll on the chart (yet to produced, will be full of unit arrangements.) once per artifact on the battlefield. Place these units within 48" of a great artifact bearer, more than 9" from any models. If this placement is impossible, then place them wholly inside unoccupied terrain more than 3" from models. If this is impossible, enter on any board edge more than 9" away. These units activate as endless spells, and may move, shoot, and charge immediately in the endless spell phase. Control of these units is alternated just like endless spell control. These units may only retreat from units hostile to the controlling player, and must end thier movement closer to a great artifact than they began it. If they successfully capture a great artifact, they then must move towards the closest board edge. If thier movement can take them off the board, then the artifact is captured by Nagash. Later any player may assault Nagash to attempt to take stolen artifacts back.

    Territory: each player's territory is comprised of three resource nodes. (probably themed to choice of realm) and when you are being attacked, you may use these resources to defend yourself. One of these three resources is a fortress, which is the default location of your Great Artifact. In the center no man's land, there are 9 uncontrolled resources. A battle must be fought to control each one. Three of the neutral resources border each zone. In order to attack a players home zone, you must control the adjacent resources. Once you control a resource node a supply line is connected. If the line is severed, then all nodes ahead of the break become neutral. The army presumably fighting out at the front, looses access to resources, and may not change its roster until the supply lines are restored.

    Resources: each resource provides a buff to a unit in your army, or adds a special rule to the battlefield. I'll compile a list here (need to go back over the thread, will edit to list later) each resource node connects to an adjacent node. Any resource in your current supply line can be used in games. Each game a player may use 1 resource per 1000 pts. Once a game is won at a node, you gain control of that resource.
    -Nurgle Infestation: roll a d6 at the start of the game for each resource you use, on a 7+ the supply line is corrupted. Each resource adds +1 to its roll for each consecutive game its been used. When a resource is corrupted, the unit receiving its bonus suffers from Nurgle's rot. Roll a d6 for each model in the unit, on a 6 they take a mortal wound. For each mortal wound suffered place a nurgling base withing 3" of the wounded unit. (it fights against that unit in the first fight phase) If the resource that has been corrupted had a global effect, roll on a chart (yet to be created, a short list of 250-500pt unit blocks) and place that unit block on a neutral table edge more than 12" from enemy units. This entire block of units operates as one unit, and activates in the endless spell phase, and can cast spells, move, shoot and charge all one after the other. The controlling player fights with them in the fight phase.

    Mercenaries: ogres can be hired to fill points if any player cannot meet the points of a game. (restrictions removed as this in practice, will end up being used by one player only, after talkg to folks)
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2019
  7. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    You might want to clarify for the forces of Nagash they only need to move closer to an artifact when moving. It's okay for them to be stuck in combat. Otherwise you're bound to get arguments over that.
  8. Wytchphyre77

    Wytchphyre77 Active Member

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    Touche' and I'll add a note there momentarily.

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