Necromancers from VC has an ability that gives them a look out sir on a 4+, so it seems quite deliberate that you don't have it.
Looks like the only way to reliably protect characters is a combination of hiding with Chakax. Assuming the character is a slaan of course. You can always summon him back if he dies after all. Non slaan characters are out of luck regarding protection, but with summoning rules you can make duplicates anyway!
Correct me if i am wrong but, don't Slann have a 4+ save? Put him in a woods, or on a hill, then cast the protection spell on him makes it a 2+. This combined with Its command ability "Gift from the heavens" means the Slann has a 2+ re-rollable save. Even cannons only have rend -2, so this would be reduced to a 4+ re-rollable. Thats pretty defensive.
In terms of the temple guard rules, check out this thread to see what others say: The way I see it, since it refers to seraph on heroes just before saying the modifiers, it applies to the hero. It does read like it is the temple guard though. In a fluff sense it would make more sense for the modifiers to apply to the hero since the TG are trying to protect the hero, and especially in AoS where heroes can't join units.
Using terrain and other models to block line of sight is the easiest way to shield your character from harm. But there is no sure fire way to protect any character. I try to remind myself of that and get the best use from my characters while I can. Expect that character to die and do not build your army or tactics based on his or her survival. Instead use the character to enhance your other units. That said, of course your should try and minimize the chances of the character dying. Personally I think making everything in your army a problem for the enemy is also helpful. If you have a unit of chameleon skinks attacking his artillery or characters whilst ripperdactyls line up a charge on his flank and some salamanders focus fire to weaken the unit closest to that flank (reducing the chance he can counter charge your fragile rippers) then he has alot on his mind and is less likely to target the hero. Lastly we are blessed to be playing lizardmen and can summon back every hero who is not a slaan when they die. This includes Chakax who effectively grants your slaan characters a 2+ LOS which is limited only by the death of Chakax.
I play very defensively now, in both my Lizard army and the new Stormcast army that I've started and am planning on expanding. The reason for this is because a defensive line can really help to protect your heroes, enemies still need line of sight to hit them with a few exceptions, and those exceptions can be swiftly dealt with via Chameleon Skinks and magic before they become a problem. That solves my problems with character protection.