I once ate a potato (well, tried) that really looked like something from Nurgle inside. 1/5, won't try again.
Would you eat a Nurgle potato? Besides, everyone knows that the best Chaos gods are as follows: Tzeentch Slaanesh Khorne Nurgle
I, too, started with Wood Elves once upon a time. Of course, that was in a different Age.... Welcome!
Rubbish you are deluded and have been swayed by the pretty colours your Tzeentch gods chucks at you! 1. Nurgle 2. Nurgle 3. Nurgle 4. Tzeentch (I am very tempted, I love pink)
Tzeentch doesn't just have pretty colors, he also has magic, randomness, and best of all, evil pranks. Of course, the greatest god is Tombo.
In other words Star Wars beats everything...I'm all for that. I think the best Chaos Gods are... Khorne - because he's fightiest. Why else? Tzeentch Nurgle Slaanesh Although because I like the new Tzaangor bird men I am considering putting Tzeentch at the top.
Nope. I love Star Wars but cats beat it. Don't have an opinion on the order of Chaos demons yet. I kinda like Tzeentch bird guys but the Khorne demons also look cool...
Hold on a minute... Star Wars Prequels + Rogue One > Khorne > Cats > Tzeentch > Nurgle > Slaanesh > Nurgle > Star Wars Episode 4 and 6 > Star Wars Episode 7 > Sylvaneth > Star Wars Episode 5 > Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings > Vampire Counts Come on everyone get it right
You have Slaanesh rated far too low. At least you have Star Wars defeating cats. Looks like you have two too many Nurgles in there. It would appear that Nurgle is both greater and lesser than Tzeentch. I sense twisted machinations at work here... the taint of Tzeentch has already corrupted you. Give yourself over to the true Chaos god. Hmmmm... I don't recall a cat that was worth 4 billion dollars! By placing the prequels above the original trilogy you have already invalidated your argument.
Sorry but I don't think so Prequels will always be better than originals if you ask me. But that's just what I think. But even the originals are better than Vampire Counts and Sylvaneth