I finished painting both heroes of the Necropolis faction last weekend: Only the town miniature left to paint for a second completed faction Grrr, !mrahil
Some progress here: In the second half of October we have a game night scheduled and I want this to be finished. Seems veey much possible. Grrr, !mrahil
This one is done now: And that completes the Necropolis faction Right in time for Game night. I will take a group shot later. Grrr, !mrahil
I got distracted this month by an old project, I like the progress I made, but still a lot to work on: Grrr, !mrahil
It uses a lot of parts from it, but ends up being far bigger than a Skycutter. It is more of a Seaguard flavored piece. Not really sure if one is abke to use it in the game in a way. It is on a monster base, 150x100(?) IIRC Grrr, !mrahil
As promiased a full party short of the Necropolis faction: Also, my brothers and I had a great game night, time did fly and playing with (only) two painted factions already made a big difference. Some shots from the event: Grrr, !mrahil
Nice. How well does the board game capture the vibe of the original PC game? If that's something you can answer (no judgement if you never played the PC HMoM games).
Pretty much so, they have done quite a good job on integrating mechanics with the board game. Both in the Worldmap (turn based, semi Fog of War play) and on the Battlefield (unit initiative and characteristics). They integrated spells, artifacts and abilities in the form of a personal card deck you can expand on and tried to match them as close as possible to the in game effects. There is a lot going on to explain in detail, but overall it really catches the vibe of the PC game. And they picked the best and most popular PC game version After 3 the games lost my interest as well. Grrr, !mrahil
That's okay, you've been a busy guy with all your great terrain and model work. Looking forward to seeing these great models finished in early November.
Thanks mate, early November it is They are done: I really like how the colorscheme came out. A variety of browns, but distinct enough to not form a blur. Now that I have this scheme figuered out, the other models might be quicker done Grrr, !mrahil
Question time: For my Isengard army I do not have the original Uruk-hai crossbow models and create my own from the basic warrior models. For the next model I have the set up as below: Now is the question, shall I keep the sword or do I shape it into an arrow (so it looks like he is reloading) Technically all warrior models do carry a sword, so there is nothing against him having one. Curious to know what you guys think. Grrr, !mrahil