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8th Ed. In regards to fighting Warriors of Chaos

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Matzotyl, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. Matzotyl
    Cold One

    Matzotyl Active Member

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    Yeah that was it. Mark of Nurgle. I pretty much had to role 5's to hit every time and it was awful, and when I did hit he had somewhere around a 4+ armor save, then a 5+ ward save that he could easily make 85% of the time.

    Thanks for all those suggestions guys. You guys are all super helpful here in my plight against Chaos. In my free time I'll try coming up with some varying lists and once we play again I'll get my hands on his list so I can see what he's running and fill you all in on exactly what I'm dealing with.

    Last time I fought the Daemon Prince I did end up putting like two or three wounds on him, but the best part about going up to him in close combat was taking him away from being able to cast magic. I feel like that was a good choice on my part there.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    One of the things that makes the DP very formidable in close combat is his easy access to Soul Feeder to heal the wounds he suffers. As for taking him out of the magic phase, remember that many spells can still be cast from combat.

    I feel that Warriors of Chaos are a tough match up for Lizardmen. These are the two armies I play, and if I really wanted to win a game I would definitely field my Warriors of Chaos over my Lizardmen.
  3. Matzotyl
    Cold One

    Matzotyl Active Member

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    In our small group that we play with (myself and 5 other friends) the Warriors of Chaos have pretty much been only beaten twice. Once by the guy who uses Wood Elves and had really good movement and shooting against him, plus took advantage of terrain. The second time was by someone outside our group we met at a game shop that we play at, who devastated him with Night Goblin Fanatics and some goblin catapults. The best I could do was almost tie him. Like, if he had rolled one less on that ward save at the bottom of Turn 6, his unit would have died and we would have had a tie.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Warriors of Chaos are definitely a top tier army. Dark Elves and High Elves can do quite well against them.
  5. Matzotyl
    Cold One

    Matzotyl Active Member

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    In my circle of friends we all play a different army. In our group we have Lizardmen (played by me of course haha), Wood Elves, Warriors of Chaos, The Empire, and Tomb Kings. Two people are working on their armies now and will be playing Ogres and Skaven when they're done. When he has the funds, the guy playing Warriors of Chaos wants to build Dwarves as his second army. I guess he's tired of being the only one without shooting but still repeatedly beats up on us lol.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That sounds like a lot of fun. I love to see army variation within a group. It makes the games more interesting when you get to play against lots of different factions.

    I wouldn't say Warriors of Chaos have no shooting, don't forget the Hellcannon!!! I have devastated entire armies with two or three of those things!! :D
  7. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    My 2 cents:
    -take a mounted scar vet with Armor of destiny and great weapon. I'd put the oldblood on a cold one aswell, with light armor, 4++ and great weapon. If you prefer you can pay extra points for a nasty item, like tricker's helm, a strenght potion or an egg of quango. You can leave them alone or field them in a cold one unit, but consider giving your oldblood the crown of command.
    -regarding the slann's disciplines, i'd go with Focus of mastery and one between soul of stone and becalming cogitation. I'd give him a skavenpelt banner, which could help your temple guards to go toe to toe with some of the enemy units. I'd give the slann a different item, for example the powerscroll or even the egg of quango (autohits are always a good idea vs nurgle).
    -i'd drop the undeath skink and his stegadon, and the second level on the beast skink: your slann will suck your power dice. Give him a dispell scroll or a forbidden rod if you keep the cube on the slann.
    -I'm with scalenex: add some saurus warriors to your TGs.
    -if you can fit in your stegadon do it, otherwise add sauri/skinks/TG or terradons for more redirection
  8. Matzotyl
    Cold One

    Matzotyl Active Member

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    He does have a Hell Cannon, but he doesn't like using it so 90% of the time he has no shooting. I've only seen him field it once in a 2500 point game vs Night Goblins. Normally he runs Knights, Warriors, 2 units of dogs, 3 skull crushers, a gore beast chariot, daemon prince and that tooled up BSB on a daemonic mount.

    Lately it's just been three of us playing cuz our other friends never seem to wanna join us so it seems to mainly be Lizardmen, Wood Elves and Warriors of Chaos for now.

    I like the suggestions Rettile, I think mounted Scar Vet BSB is a good idea. Do you guys think I should try and add Lord Kroak to my army eventually for Deliverance of Itza?
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2015

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I think if you want to play lord Kroak you really have to build a list around him. He is an effective character, but your army composition needs to suit his play style. Personally I prefer a regular Slann over Kroak, due to versatility. At the end of the day Kroak is a one trick pony. The real question with Kroak is can his spell be cast into combat? That is something you might want to discuss with your gaming group. There is some debate on it, I'm of the mindset that he can not (because his spell is direct damage), but I've seen others argue for it.

    I wouldn't hurt to give him a try and see how you like it, but in the long run I'd definitely go with a regular Slann.
  10. Matzotyl
    Cold One

    Matzotyl Active Member

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    Well according to how The Deliverance of Itza is worded, it's casted inside of a 12'' (or more depending on what you wanna do) bubble around Lord Kroak. I would imagine with this being the fact, it can be cast on units that are in combat within the radius. But like you said Nightbringer that's probably up for deliberation between my friends and I when playing.

    With the models I have listed, do you think you guys could come up with a sample list for me that I could try out in battle against the Warriors of Chaos?
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2015
  11. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    I don't think Kroak would shine against WoC, but if you field him put an oldblood with fencer's blades and glittering scales in his unit and teach your opponent how it feels being unable to hit anything (actually you should put Kroak in the unit after the oldblood, or the oldblood couldn't join due to unbreakable). If you field Kroak you'll need some arcane vassals, better with a cloak of feathers or a forbidden rod. I've had some success with the Kroak+Tetto combo, because Tetto gives you a full lore providing the versatility you lack, the rerolls which help Kroak with casting and vanguard for the vassals or the Kroak unit itself
    n810 likes this.
  12. Matzotyl
    Cold One

    Matzotyl Active Member

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    With the Arcane Vassals, that's what I was thinking with this list. Having the Slann and his TG be in close combat and then keep the skink priests out on the edge of battle so I wouldn't be losing the Slann's casting when it comes to magic phase. I was thinking the same with Lord Kroak but I don't have a model for Kroak or Tetto'Ekko at this point in time.

    Would they be worthwhile additions to consider later on down the line or can those Hero/Lord points be better spent elsewhere?

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