Received my book from Amazon! And guess what?!??! It's the 2003 version.... -.- I ordered it on the 27th of February, it arrived the 26th of March..... I was very careful, both times! (This is the second time I've recieved the wrong book from Amazon) They both where under the "Lizardmen Army Book Warhammer Fantasy 2009" section... -.- *sigh* that's what I get trying to save money... At this rate I might as well just wait till Jun and see if we DO get a new rule book...... <.<
Lookin good Man. Lookin good haha and Like the conversion, and Wat is the spray paint and other paint Ull Be using
Man! It's been a while! I finally ordered the correct book from TheWarStore. That's nice. I'm looking forward to the new book and models! I'll be jamming to get the rest of my Lizardmen painted. I was spending most of my painting time on my little brothers Bretonnians.... But I'm psyched for the new Cronosaurs! Which leads me to ask: If I wanted to get the old model (For kicks-n-giggles) should I buy it now or wait till the new ones come out? Will the price drop, or rise? Expect pictures some time.... My painting table is a mess! And a long delayed answer: I primed with ArmyPainter "Crystal Blue." I then washed with a random blue wash. I then drybrushed with Crystal blue, then another drybrush with a random light-blue.... Then highlighted the scales with another random dark-blue... And I now have a new dark-blue, which will be the back scales.... Honestly, I'm painting each unit slightly different. Different combinations of washes, drybrushes, highlighting, etc.