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Blog JORGIK´s work table

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Jorgik, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    Gotta say, I love your Armies on Parade stuff. Not just for the display aspect, but the potential to use the terrain in games as well (also your painting standard is very high! I love it.). The big carnosaur head banner thing is really impressive too. Can't wait to see what you do next!
    SlanntaClause and Jorgik like this.
  2. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! As for what I´ll do next I don´t know. After finishing the gorechosen character I have yet to decide. This Christmas I´ll hopefully be getting an airbrush and I´ll start painting space marines, so I´m thinking about painting as many lizardmen as I can before Christmas. There was this idea of doing a tale of four warlords here in the forum but nothing has been officially decided so far. Maybe I´ll do that. :):)
    SlanntaClause likes this.
  3. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Alright long due update!

    Finally finished the gorechosen character:

    Sorry I don´t have more pictures I forgot to take more and now the model´s somewhere else :p, but next time I go to GW I´ll try to take more pictures ;).
    As you can see I painted it to look like if the horns and eyes were glowing with some daemonic power or something :D.
    When I handed it in the store manager asked me if I wanted to be a full-time painter for the shop but he told me that I´d only be able to get hugs and smiles so I decided to keep working at home on my free time :joyful:. C&C welcome, but won´t be able to change anything now :joyful:.

    And so I started working on my next project:


    A unit of ten temple guards. I was going to do some chameleons but I just wasn´t exited about it, when I got some free time I didn't feel like continuing them, so I decided to change project and left them for later :confused:.
    I´ll try to post a picture once the whole unit is built. :)

    Hope you liked it (there isn´t too much to like anyways :joyful:)


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Great job on the Gorechosen. The effect you painted on the eyes and horns definitely worked out well. Your shading and highlighting throughout the model is very very good. Way above my skill!
    Jorgik and Bowser like this.
  5. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    It´s been long since last updated and I got a fair amount of stuff done, so this will provably spread onto two separate posts ;).

    So I´ve finished building the 10-men temple guard unit


    All the models have been built straight out of the box except for some few modifications: I added a blade to the musician´s drum, I build the standard bearer carrying the banner on his back, instead of holding it, I converted the Alpha Guardian, and added some bark to simulate stones. I left the shield separate to make painting easier.


    Here´s the alpha guardian and the standard bearer. As you can see I made the guardian leaping off a rock, changed his head for the one that comes in the carnosaur kit and added a 3rd blade to the top of his halberd. Then changed the pose overall to give it some extra dynamism :).



    I also had time to paint one of them, I just didn´t feel like painting all of them at the same time, and I feel that the finished model looks much better if I paint them individually. I think I´ll paint them in batches of 2 from now on though, as just this temple guard took me too long (about 3 whole free days :confused:). Thanks to this guy I made paint recipes for 3 things that neither R&F skinks or saurus had: gems, bone and leather.
    I went for green gems because I realized it´s the colour that best contrasts with the army´s orange and black, and I decided that from now on, anything that I doubt on colour will be green. (Some examples of the good contrast are the green foliage on the base, the green carnosaur head, and of course the gems.

    And last but not least from this post is this chameleon experiment:



    Simple conversion: bent the tail (didn´t want to sculpt it out of green stuff), cut off the head crest and all the scales, and added the green stuff to give it a more "chamaleony" feel. Right now I´m thinking about paint schemes, which will provably end up being green with black stripes (sort of like @Fiona ´s normal skinks). I´ll maybe make a unit of 10 of these once I finish the temple guards, but that´ll be in a while, in January I´m starting space marines :confused::p.

    Second post to follow ;)
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2016

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Awesome stuff... that camo skink conversion looks amazing!
  7. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Agreed! The camo skink looks really cool! Looks more chameleonesque than the original models.
    Bowser, SlanntaClause and Jorgik like this.
  8. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Second part ;).

    I dug out of my models case my old troglodon and decided it needed some fixing, so this is what I did with it ;):


    This is how he looked before repainting, and below how he looks now:


    The most obvious change is the lack of rider and the swap of base. I first got the rider off him and then the base, I trimmed away the big rock under the troglodon´s foot and then pinned him to the base through a pile of cork. Painted the base and I repainted the brass, the leather, the scales and the fin. The brass and leather were changed to match my new paint recipes, the fin to repair some paint chips and the scales to change the look of the troglodon, I wasn´t a big fan of the black skin tone. I edge-highlighted the scales and afterward gave them a green glaze. I wasn´t too sure about the green glaze, but then I added more and I´m pretty happy with it. I also decided to leave the rider off for three reasons: I didn´t feel like removing the paint and painting him again, he had his staff and banner broken, and I have a replacement rider in my carnosaur sprues, so when I paint my carnosaur I´l add the rider. The troglodon´s also missing a varnish coat to protect the paint from more chipping (which I´ll do after I get my new airbrush on Jan 6th), and once I get that done I´ll add some more blood splatters and the base foliage. I´m thinking about magnetizing the rider fro ease of transport, but I´ll think it over when I get to add him.

    So this is it up to now :D.
    On the 6th I get the three wise men come over during the night and leave an airbrush for me :smuggrin:, so after that, and if I don´t get too much homework I´ll be working on my new space marines chapter, so won´t have too much time for lizardmen :confused:. I´ll maybe paint a unit of each army to vary a bit, or maybe two of space marines and one lizardmen, I don´t know. I just want to know if you want to see my space marines, and if so if I should start a new thread to keep lizards and space marines separate to not "contaminate" this thread with 40k stuff :joyful:.

    Hope you liked this update, C&C welcome ;)


    Edit: Thanks @NIGHTBRINGER and @tom ndege !
  9. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    awesome work very clean and smooth, i would like a close look at all your models but that might be asking to much lol
    Bowser and Jorgik like this.
  10. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Interesting... Is it traditional in Spain to get Christmas presents on the 6th of January or are you orthodox? Thought I was common sense in the Western Roman Empire to get presents between the 24th and 26th of December. ;) (have to admit that I have some friends from Macedonian and Russia who celebrate Christmas on the 6th of January...)

    To not spam your thread completely, I also request pictures of lizardmen and space marines alike... And as your thread is titled Jorgik's work table I see no problem if you post them right here! ;)
    Toltecatl, Bowser and Jorgik like this.
  11. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Yeah in Spain we traditionally get the presents on Jan the 6th due to the wise men coming, we still celebrate Christmas on the 25th. Now many people (me included) also get presents on the 25th, but we usually get the bigger ones on the 6th. I know people of my age who convince their parents to have everything on the 25th so they can enjoy their presents longer (we come back to school on the 9th), but I didn´t manage to do that myself :joyful:.

    All right then! I think I´ll just colour-code the index on this thread :joyful:

    Thanks! I don´t mind at all, I just need to know which models do you want close ups of, so I don´t use up all my storage memory on my phone :joyful::joyful:
  12. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The alpha guardian looks amazing! Your chameleon conversion is brilliant, your Trog looks so good with the touch ups. And yeah! Space marine pics!
    Warden and Jorgik like this.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I really like your temple guard, both the modeling and the painting. Especially the painting; your color scheme is fantastic!

    The jade/gems really POP :woot: and make the dark color scheme and orange between the scales stand out even more! Really excited to see that unit completely painted; and that Alpha is very unique and want to see it painted too! I kinda want a unit just like them now...

    Chameleon conversion is expertly done, curious to see him finished. Personally I would have wanted the curly tail a bit bigger, maybe some more green stuff?

    I also like the updated color-scheme for your troglodon, looks a bit cleaner than before; not that the original was bad, just looks a bit more streamlined and stuff.

    Keep up the good work!
    Jorgik likes this.
  14. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I actually thought about making the tails bigger but I kinda like them more like this :)
    Warden likes this.
  15. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    After-Christmas update!

    Here got some christmas goodies to play with!


    As you can see I got an airbrush! Nothing too professional (even though it says Expert :wacky:) but I thought it was good enough for starting out :D.
    So what I got :p (more or less from left to right :eek:):
    • The airbrush kit box, here came the compressor (to its right) and the airbrush itself. I have come to know that the airbrush is one of the decent ones so I hopefully won´t have to replace it, but the airbrush isn´t anything too good, but It´s been performing well so far.
    • Left-down I have the airbrush cleaning cup/station which I heard is an essential acquisition, so I acquired it :D
    • To the left of the cleaning station there are pipettes (both big and small) and low-tac masking tape.
    • Under the airbrush there are the sculpting products: milliput, a big chunky roll of green stuff, blue stuff (for mold-making), and something I forgot to add to the picture: some hard-silicone nº0 clay shapers. The white tube to the right of the green stuff roll is a texturing roller with some aztec motif, still have to try that one out, it looks very promising :D:D.
    • Small in front of the green stuff there are some magnets: 100x of 2mm diameter by 1mm depth and 50x of 3mm diameter by 1mm depth
    • Then all the pots to the right under the compressor are (left to right and back to front): surface primer for airbrush (both black and white), airbrush cleaner, airbrush thinner, AK interactive Streaking Grime, AK interactive Rust Streaks, AK interactive Worn Effects, AK interactive White Spirits, Vallejo model air Burnt umber (I think), airbrush gloss varnish and airbrush matt varnish
    Loads of stuff and at the same time no model goodies at all :eek: but I´ve got enough to grab from :D.


    Here´s a "realistic" model I fancied when I went to a "traditional" modeling store to pick up some stuff.
    By the way to avoid misunderstanding by "realistic" I meant more historical but I don´t know if it can be labelled as such and by "traditional" I mean a non-fantasy/sci-fi-model store. I just didn´t know any better word to describe it :confused:
    I've chosen to use this model due to the fact that it cost me a lot cheaper than any GW stuff and I wanted to practice airbrush on a rather big model. This way I can get used to air pressures, trigger movement and painting with airbrush in general without the fear of spoiling a 30€ model that a rhino would be. As you can see so far I just applied the basecoat but really happy so far with both the airbrush primer and the airbrush itself. Now I'm waiting to have more time to continue it :D.

    As I think I said earlier I´ll be using the airbrush to paint my space marines, and I´ll keep the lizardmen as the "brush-painted army", although I won´t deny any fast colour basecoat:p.

    Anyways hope to bring you soon more stuff :D:D

    Last edited: Feb 7, 2017
    Warden, Toltecatl, Bowser and 3 others like this.
  16. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Had my airbrush for 3 months and still not used it yet, great to see you getting to grips with yours.

    Post pics of all your models we don't care what they are, we just like painted models.
    Jorgik and Bowser like this.
  17. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    Lol I have had my air brush for like 2 years but have only use it twice for basing...I realized I still need quite a few more things before I really get into it. I do see your looking all set, looking forward to your new work ^_^
    Jorgik and Bowser like this.
  18. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    This is such a nice idea ! The banner with the head is A W E S O M E !
    Jorgik and Bowser like this.
  19. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Thank you so much! I really feel proud of it, I was also surprised of what I had managed to come up with!

    On a side note, expect an update next week (finally) :p
    Warden, Bowser, Seraphage and 2 others like this.
  20. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    It´s been more than a week, but I´m finally back with a wall of text! Yay! :bookworm:
    No pictures this time, just a loooot of rambling, just to warn you :hurting:

    So I have finally finished my exams and with them the school year, which means that I´ll be having a lot of time to paint for a long time :D.

    Now the rambling starts :confused:

    So right after the announcement of the new 40k I thought that now was a great time to come back to space marines, and I thought of drawing upon the "tale of 4(many?) warlords" challenge to design my own space marine chapter and start a force to be able to play once the new edition would come out. The thing is that once I had already settled on the main aspects of my chapter (legacy, tactics, home world, ideals, beliefs, etc.) the new primaris were announced. I loved the new models (except the new assault ones, but there was nothing that a bit of conversion work wouldn't´t solve :p) and I got all excited about them. But then the lore kicked in.

    According to what my Chapter´s ideals I had chosen to be, the geneseed and the armour were the two most sacred things the chapter considered to exist, both being the two most important gifts from the emperor himself. The thing is that the lore for the primaris said that they were "better" Space marines with improved geneseed and equipped with new armour, both engineered by Cawl. The two things that my chapter considered sacred were the two main changes made to a normal space marine to become a primaris space marine.

    So then I had this fluff "collision" that basically meant that my chapter hated the new primaris, and considered both Guilliman and Cawl traitors, which would mean that they´d be disgusted by both mechanicus AND the rest of the imperium who accepted the primaris. This brings me to a few problems modeling-wise:
    1. They wouldn't accept any reinforcements from any imperial institution. Modeling-wise, this would mean I wouldn't be able to have imperial knights, skitarii, sisters of battle, custodes, astra militarum or other space marine chapter unless they were a divided group who thought the same way that my chapter does.
    2. It is obvious, but I´ll stil say it. I wouldn´t be able to have any primaris in my chapter, or have my chapter allied with a primaris detachment from some other chapter. This is not that big of a problem. At first I thought about doing my army out of only "small" space marines, but then I risk the slight possibility of, in two or three years, see the entire "small-space-marine" range get discontinued (GW have done this before, and even thought it is space marines what we´re talking about, it could still happen again). This is why I can´t start an only-small-space-marines army.
    3. Why not just do the same chapter but with primaris? I considered this option. It could still work, since primaris were created by Guilliman and Cawl and they technically are the emperor´s son and master techpriest (or something along those lines). I´d just say that the chapter beliefs apply on their own equipment, because they feel superior over their small battle brothers. They´d still accept small space marines, but then again these would think differently as to which armour and geneseed are the true emperor´s gifts, reducing this to the first case. I could do then a primaris-only chapter, like those founded for the indomitus crusade, but then again I´d lose access to some really awesome models available to the small marines.
    4. And then you could say, why not change your chapter fluff? Just because I don´t want. It´s become one of those things that I might modify slightly, but I have come to like and don't want to change.
    To the point, please!
    rambling finishes :joyful:
    I don´t want to mix small space marines and primaris in the same force, and I don´t want to do a small-only force, both for fear of discontinuation and because I like the new primaris, and I don´t want to make a primaris-only force, hence not have available to me some of the existing miniatures whose design I just love.

    I´ve decided I´m going to leave space marines now to see what happens and meanwhile I´ll be starting a tyrannid army for 40k, and keep on painting lizardmen for AoS (If I eventually try it sometime :D).

    I don´t want to bore you til death so I´ll keep how I think I´m going to go about tyranids and this summer for next post :joyful:
    If you managed to read all til here, I´m impressed and I´d like your views on my nonsense :p; if not, I can´t dare to blame you :joyful:.
    Seraphage, Warden and Padre like this.

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