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Blog JORGIK´s work table

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Jorgik, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Tyranids are a great army and a really interesting analog to Lizardman, based on the natural armor and varied color schemes. They were my first army and I've painted a lot of them over the last 15 years. If you need any advice, let me know.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I completely get where you are coming from with this very detailed ramble. The true-scale marines are really nice looking, and are something many people in the 40K community have been asking for, for a long time, but the fluff is a tad problematic.

    I would imagine that the arrival of newly minted primaris marines, fresh from the factories on Mars and Holy Terra, to their new space marine homeworlds would go something like this:

    Ultramar: the Lord Primarch ordered their creation, so they would fit in beautifully with the established chapter as a welcome addition, to the Ultramarines and to many of their most loyal successor chapters who live in the sector

    Baal: The Blood Angels, long suffering from their secret affliction, would possibly be affronted by the arrival of marines from Mars. They were never brought up within the Chapter's holy halls, nor drank from Sanguiniaus' blood, therefore are they truly the sons of the Angel himself? And the bigger question would be, after 10,000 years of seeking a cure to their curse, would these primaris giants now be free of the taint and anguish of Sanguinias's final moments?

    The Rock (Orbitting Caliban): I doubt any chapter (or legion) would view the arrival of the primaris marines with more suspicion. They could never be trusted with the Dark Angels secret sins, not ever truly counted among the Unforgiven's ranks.

    Medusa: The Iron Hands, who have a history of mechanicaly modifying their battle brothers to the point of obsession, would probably view these marines with suspicion or downright scorn. Mars has spent the last 10,000 years perfecting these new, bigger flawless battle brothers (who have no exposure to the esoteric mechanical beliefs of the chapter) but the Mechanicus was never able to fulfill the Iron Hands' back-order to replenish their stock of terminator armor??!?

    Fenris: Similiar reaction to the Dark Angels, but more drinking, name calling, and fighting. Why should these newly arrived marines even be allowed into the Space Wolves halls? Their would probably be a brawl, and the might of the Great Companies would send the primaris marines limping back to Mars, may they and their blue-bellied primarch be damned!

    Crusader Fleets of the Templars: HERESY!

    On a more serious note, I would like if GW decided to take the inherent lore conflicts that the primaris marines present to the established canon of the 40K universe (now moving into the 41K maybe?) and show the conflict that many of the chapters will undoubtedly face in the coming months.

    On the other hand, its a game, and your individual army's fluff can always be altered to fit your own needs. My Templars, for one, shall not be trusting these primaris marine spies for Mars anytime soon.

    Also on the other hand, go for the tyrannids! That would be a fun project to take, I like the look of the genestealer cults myself. And I need to finish my orks sometime too, after I get some more headway on my other projects.
  3. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I sure will if I come across anything. One question already :)p): have you ever magnetized your tyranids? I have thought that it could become problematic due to the round shoulders instead of having a flat contact surface, and I´m not sure how I could go about it myself. I have thought about cutting off half the shoulder to fit the magnet so the model doesn´t look too funny. I haven´t got any tyranid model yet, so I´m just speaking out of what I saw on youtube & the internet in general :confused:. :D
    I really can´t tell why on earth would GW do this. There are so many explanation as to the rescaling of the space marines (fluff-wise), and they had to choose the one that would give them most trouble. Depending on how you look at it, this grants them the opportunity of doubling the amount of 40k universe fluff: how the different chapters react to the primaris, what they think of guilliman now, maybe even a split imperium!. The thing is that they are not addressing them (in my opinion) properly, and just say that the chapters unreasonably accept the primaris, like if they had been always there. As you said, this would be considered HERESY in all its meaning by the whole imperium! It´s fine if you then continue the fluff and explain all this, but the thing is that they aren´t, and it seems that they´re not going to do so soon.
    The fluff they´ve chosen would have been all fine if they had actually considered the consequences it would have had across the imperium. I hope they do, or I´ll be otherwise forced to think that the primaris and their introduction was a bit (very) rushed.

    In the end if they don´t explore all this in the fluff, I think I´ll just have to make my chapter be the weird one that refuse to accept primaris. Time will tell. :oldman:
    Lizards of Renown, Warden and Ritual like this.
  4. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    I haven't. Based on my general experience with Tyranids though, it shouldn't be that big an issue. Tyranid arms tend to be ball and socket as opposed to flat. At worst, you just need to cut the ball flat, glue it in the socket with plastic glue, then drill, insert, and glue the magnets in as usual. I will experiment and see as I need to magnetize the weapon arms on a flying hive tyrant. Also, the Warpshadow forum may have some collective wisdom that you can mine.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Explanation is pretty simple for why they did this in my mind:

    Option #1: Remove regular-marines from army and replace them with (truescale) Primaris marines

    Results: 40K community riots and burns HQ down to the ground because all their marines are now obsolete. Would still earn lots of :greedy: because the modelling community now has to replace all their old marine armies to "fit in" with the new, bigger, more awesome marines.

    Fluff-wise: Actually would be a seamless fit, just not from a modelling perspective. You could pretend their was no change at all, except the marines were upgraded to the MK10 power armor thanks to the new Ultramar crusade.
    Option #2: Add primaris marines to the marine roster as a new unit

    Results: People can still buy the old models, but the community is now enticed to buy newer, bigger, more awesome marines at a higher :greedy: because the new marines cost more. (also GW can discontinue the tiny marines someday in the future if they really wanted to once they stop selling... but for now its all about the :greedy: :greedy: :greedy:

    Fluff-wise: BIG issue, because where did these big guys come from? I am not sure how much better GW could have added them to the lore without breaking some other rules. Overall I am "happy" with it, BUT I want to see more conflict than the whitewashing that is happening now. I am going to attribute it to the Imperial/Inquisition/GW propaganda machine :shifty:
    I am hoping for more grimdark. Considering how many imperial-playable factions there are, it would be awesome if GW decided to fracture the Imperial warmachine into many seperate warlord-states. Imagine if each one was governed by a returned primarch??
    Each of the returned primarchs could conceivably see themselves as the true heirs to the Emperor's throne, and duke it out with each other to prove supremacy while chaos watches on the borders...

    Imagine an Imperium, fractured into multiple states with Guilliman ruling Ultramar Imperium...

    The Lion Awoken ruling a Dark Inquisition, refusing to bow at the call of the Blue High Lord...

    The Black Templars and the Ecclesiarchy teaming up and ruling a realm of ardent Emperor-worshippers, launching crusades to retake Terra from the infidels...

    The Returned Khan ruling some vast horde of barbaric stars...

    Whats-his-name from the Space Wolves coming back out of the Eye of Terror raiding all the rest of the Imperium viking-style.
    There would probably be other primarchs who would return (maybe Corax?) but I can' think of any more at the moment.
    Ritual, tom ndege and Jorgik like this.
  6. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    That´s exactly what I had in mind to do. Just say they took the armor and put it on normal marines. But then again my chaper also considers the armor sacred :joyful:
    Warden and Ritual like this.
  7. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    So, I´ve finally completely finished my temple guards!


    Forgive the poor picture quality. I usually take pictures with my phone but I sent it to be fixed, so I´m using a lower quality camera. I´ll take proper pictures and close ups once I get my phone back (which should be in one week max). Just so you can see what I´ve been up to.

    The temple guard have taken forever to get painted, but I´m extremely happy with how they turned out. I´ve just today applied the last coat of varnish after having let the basing dry. I´m specially happy with how the bone came out. Also, as I had all the basing material out, I took the chance to base my troglodon and make a little jungle on its base.


    Again forget the picture quality, I'll post a full picture of the troglodon (still without a rider) once I get my phone back :confused:

    Other news! I got a new airbrush!


    It´s been bought off eBay and from a brand named VEDA, distributor Bartsharp Limited. The old one gave me problems after being airbrushing for some time. Air leaks inside the airbrush itself, random paint spitting, extremely difficult to clean, and if I´m fair, I didn't actually like its design. It also had problems spraying fine detail, so I've decided that that airbrush will be for priming and varnishing only. After watching tons of videos of airbrush reviews I decided that my next step would be a fairly cheap airbrush from eBay. It cost me 34€, and the cheapest decent one I found on an actual store was 75€. Here is the link (it works now, not sure if it will in a few month´s time). I still have to try it, but when I do I´ll post my initial impressions on it. The airbrush came sealed in a double layer bubble wrap and then inside a garbage bag, which, without exaggerating, took me well over a minute to manage to open even with a knife (being careful of not damaging the airbrush, of course. The airbrush had a pretty good weight to it and a far smoother trigger than the airbrush I had until now. The needle arrived very slightly bent (I only noticed after I took the airbrush apart and upon close inspection) but I managed to straighten it. I would have complained but I didn't feel like waiting for a replacement :joyful:. I used all tips described in this video to try to improve the airbrush, but as I said I still have to check how it performs.

    Everything be said, I´m quite happy overall with my initial impressions

    Also, in my youtube excitement I found this video:

    How to make slime for tyranids! And it looks very simple and with great results. So I went to the DIY shop to try to get some "polymer glue" and I think I found it!


    I´ll have to test it too, so I´ll keep you updated on that when I get to it :D

    Now, tomorrow´s a special day!
    It´s birthday for games workshop here, so I´m going to spend the whole day in the store. There´ll be golden demon, fast painting competition, games, exclusive products and CAKE!!!!! [--no party smiley, insert as appropriate--]
    For the golden daemon I´ll be submitting my temple guard, and most provably my riderless troglodon too, but just for the sake of presenting something. They´re painted to tabletop standard, nothing that could win me a golden daemon, so I expect no prize but the rewarding sensation of seeing my models in GW´s display cabinet :p:joyful:.
    I´ll also take part in the fast painting contest, which consists of trying to paint a space marine (provably will be primaris) to the best standard possible in just half an hour. If I´m able to successfully paint only the armor I´ll be more than satisfied :joyful::joyful:
    But what I´m most excited for is that it´ll be money spending day :greedy::greedy::greedy:. It´s been ages since I last went to GW and spent that much money (I am not too sure on the fact that this is not the first time). I´ll be getting tyranids, like I explained on my last post. To make it short:

    enjambre tiránido.jpg SC tyranids.jpg

    I chose the (only) two boxes that have the most saving in them, and added them up to the final price of exactly 200€. This will get me 40 hormagants, 40 termagants, 20 gargoles, 3 tyranid warriors, a carnifex, and a hive tyrant. Plus the 22 genestealers and a broodlord from Space hulk. Pretty insane! Many many bugs :joyful::joyful:. It´s a brigade detachment already!
    I´m spending it all at once so I can get for free the store birthday exclusive model (primaris captain), which you get when you spend 180€ or more, and would cost 25€ retail. Not really planing on using him, but if I´m going to spend the money anyways, I prefer to get a model which I can later sell for 20€, or even more taking into account it´s a birthday exclusive. I´ll provably spend more on accessories like the index and paints. I'll ruin all my savings in one day :D.

    That´s it from me! (pretty long post:confused:) I'll let you know how the birthday goes, and more importantly, how many lizarmen entries are there in Golden Demon! :D:D
  8. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Looks good! That's a lot of bugs, but they should be fun to paint and play. I've been having a blast with mine, it's been since at least 5th since I had this much fun playing tyranids. Any ideas on how you're going to paint them?
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    The forum is broken again, I can't like your post more than once.

    I love your temple guard! The basing, painting, everything really, is amazing. The champion is epic, have you put pictures of him up before? Also stunning work on that banner.

    Also it sounds like you got a great set of bargains on your tyrannids! I second @Padre 's question, very curious how you are going to paint them.
  10. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I´m also really happy with how they turned out! And so were the people at the birthday. Every one seemed to ask who painted the guards and would come and congratulate me; which is something I had not expected! I actually ended up winning the first price on the store birthday Golden Demon! There was such a huge level of painting I really didn't think I´d get anything. As I said in my previous post I just summited them to participate with something, so I was amazed and very surprised (and happy, of course) when they said I was the winner of the competition :p. There was no price other than a diploma, but now I have a golden-demon-winning unit in my army! :D:D:D
    And I´ll post better pictures when I get my phone back :)

    About the paint scheme, I have a few options. The carapace will be black, but I´m between two colours for the skin: green and purple/pink. I´ll have to test them on some termagants.what I know for sure is that I want snowy urban warzone for the bases, and I´ve decided that for models that have multiple wounds I´ll magnetize tyranid rippers (from the swarm bases) to use them as wound trackers, so I don't have to use dice, which, in my experience, always end up falling off the base and you forget how many wounds a model has.
    I´m still deciding on wether they should be gory tyranids, or just slimy. I think I´ll go for just slimy, but I´ll provably still paint blood on the snow :D:D:D.

    Also, I´m fully magnetizing them. It´s been two full days since I started building my tyranids and I´ve only managed to fully assembly three hormagaunts :joyful: (the adrenal glands and toxic sacs are tough to magnetize :confused:)
    Warden likes this.
  11. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    UHU glue for slime and blood effects, you can mix and colour into it.
    Jorgik likes this.
  12. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Good luck on the magnetizing. I'm not even sure how I'd do it. I actually gave up putting adrenal glands and toxin sacs on my models after 3rd edition. I just always claimed that the upgrades were internal if anyone ever asked. External upgrades like that just doesn't seem right to me. I'm interested to see how your paint scheme looks. It's kind of the opposite of what I finally went with which was a black skin and red armor.
    Jorgik likes this.
  13. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    When I searched on the internet on making slime and blood effects most people seemed to use UHU. But then I watched that one video I posted above and it seemed so much easier than UHU glue (even though it´s still easy) that I had to give it a shot. Plus for just 6€, which is the amount that the polymer glue cost, I can't really go wrong. And even if it doesn´t work for slime & blood it still seems to be a glue with loads of applications on the hobby, specially terrain making. :)

    I did manage to magnetize them, but now I need to cover the drilled holes with green stuff. It doesn't seem to be too hard. When I have enough to show I´ll post it so you guys can see :)
    Warden, Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
  14. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    This is overly amazing ! Congrats !
    BeardyGecko and Warden like this.
  15. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Lovely work. Your terrain gives me something to aspire to.
    Jorgik and Warden like this.
  16. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    @Jorgik's terrain is top notch, and you should check out his stegadon conversion too!
    Jorgik and LizardWizard like this.
  17. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Oh boy... It's been a while.

    4 years and a half, actually. A lot has been going on but I've kept on painting at my usual slow pace. And stuff has been done. :)
    Today I took the good camera out to take some pretty pics of all the units in the army and its batteries died with none extra around my house, so I couldn't finish all the photos I had hoped for, but I took a few.
    And as excited as I was to finally make a triumphant return post with the completely finished stegadon (save some of the magnetized configurations), here it is, with a promise to return (again) once I get more batteries and have another opportunity to take more pics. :snaphappy: Enjoy!

    (It seems that when I log out the pic is displayed in a much lower quality. So log in. :p)

    As I've said I'll come back but knowing me I'll take my merry time, so it may be in a while. In the meantime, I'll leave my insta account here so you can go there to check it out if you wish, and please leave below yours so I can follow you! I've already found there some people from here and I've discovered some there that turned out to be here too (totally talking about @Explodingzeb, your stuff is amazing).

    Happy holidays everyone! And as always any comments are welcome. :happy:
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2021
  18. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for the very kind mention :)
    Your stegadon looks incredible! The contrast in your paint job is amazing and your gems look phenomenal.
    I can't wait to see more of your stuff!
    Jorgik likes this.
  19. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Great work!
    Jorgik likes this.
  20. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I dig it! Blue and yellow looks cool.
    Jorgik likes this.

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