Make that '90% of movie romances should be considered sci-fi because they would just never happen in real life'
No disagreement with the base premise. But I noticed that romantic comedies peaked in in the early 2000s, then rapidly tapered off. I'm not sure any came out in the last five years, maybe not even ten years. I'm not sure how I feel about this trend. I will admit that I went through a phase where I watched a lot of romantic comedies. A few stand outs I still like include Groundhog Day, The Truman Show, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Splash, Big, The Princess Diaries, Se7en, Ella Enchanted, Pleasantville (even though it is literally a Satanic movie), and The Princess Bride. I'm more romantically jaded then I was in the early 2000s. Did the entire world become more jaded and cynical when I did, or did Hollywood stop making Rom Coms simply because I stopped watching them.