Upon great reflection, I have figured out the answer. The answer is alliteration. I noticed the swear words and curse phrases that truly catch on tend to involve a "t" sound or a hard "k" sound. That's why I put both in mahrlect, though admittedly mahrlect suffers from being a two syllable. Two syllable swear words have less of a punch. That was deliberate on my part because I wanted mahrlect to be a cute family friendly swear word on some level. Anyway back to "bat shit crazy". It's got to be one syllable. It can be "rhino shit crazy" just doesn't have the same punch. You are limited to monosyllabic animal names. For alliterative purposes, it flows better to have an animal name that ends with t. I googled the list. So it's got to be a monosyllabic animal that ends in "t." That narrows it down a lot. Ants and gnats are pretty small, their excrement is barely visible. Funny crazy things needs to be highly visible. Harts, stilts, stoats, coots, and swifts are pretty obscure animals that people cannot easily visualize like they can with more common animals. Cats spring to mind without using google, but people scoop cat shit out of litter boxes every day, so that doesn't really seem crazy to people who like cats. Rat shit could be crazy but rats have negative connotations associated with disease so it's not a "Ha ha he's crazy" it's an "oh God, he's crazy!" situation with rat shit. Goats are not as beloved as cats but they are important agricultural animals that people clean up after every day. Despite creepy slit eyes, on the whole goats are too cute and friendly. We are basically left with trout shit crazy, "bat shit crazy" and "newt shit crazy" Trout has a lovely double "t" sound but trouts are only found in North America and bats and newts are found on every continent. The "oo" sound in newts softens it a bit too much for it to be a good expletive. So that is why bats have the craziest shit. In short, I do not have a post count of 5000, but I have equivalent of Slann status for my ability to contemplate the deep mysteries of the universe. Despite my great intellect, I do not get this joke. I am a game of thrones fan and I stayed awake during my AP Biology class so I know what DNA and RNA are. I do not get this one either.
RNA is comprised of a single helix (as depicted by the single helix curl of hair on her left) and DNA is a double helix (as depicted by the double helix curl of hair on her right)...
Thank you. My understanding of RNA and DNA was limited to the metaphor my science teacher used. DNA is the blueprints for how an organism exists. RNA is the workcrew that translates the blueprints so the cells know what to make. I had forgotten their relative shapes.