I think this gifted writer has written some recent movie screenplays as well... In your head, in your head, they are typing With their jokes, and their memes And their memes, and their pics On your blog, on your blog you are griping Oh wait, I got "Bloody Sunday" mixed up with "Zombie." The muses called out to me to make that joke. Thalia the Muse of Comedy is busy, so Reditito the Muse of the Internet had to fill in for her.
Okay, I don’t often genuinely laugh out loud when I like memes, but that one got a genuine guffaw out of me.
I always thought you guys were taking the piss when you were talking about the flat-earth society. Just googled it now... oh dear... I guess they think satellite imagery photographs are just all a huge scam?
Yep, they think it is all a big cover up by NASA. It is why they don't trust NASA's climate data either. They don't however think the international space station is fake. They just think it is inside the firmament of earth. Oh yeah, they literally think the earth has a physical barrier around it. (other than the magnetosphere and atmosphere). Not sure how comets play into that. Most members of the Flat Earth society also support a Geocentric model of the universe and a good portion believe both the sun and moon are inside earths firmament. Here is how they think the sun and moon path:
When it comes to a lot of conspiracy theorists and cults, some people are just contrarian. When you know something 99% of the masses don't know, you are always the smartest person in the room. That is very validating. Evolutionary psychology applies. If humans today are doing something that makes sense, chances are their nonsensical behavior today made perfect sense 100,000 years ago. The mysterious sound in the dark? Is it a hungry tiger or is just the wind? 99.9% of the time it's the wind, but it only has to be a tiger once to kill someone. All the prehistoric people who did the logical thing rather than the emotional thing got eaten or their logical descendants got eaten. The genes for logical reasoning went away. The genes for those who survived were the genes of those who were constantly vigilant against the beasts in the dark. That's why our prehistoric ancestors were habitually frightened of the unknown. Even before the adoption of agriculture, human technology advanced to the point where humans could avoid or defeat all predators but the fear of the predator in the dark remained. This was the impetus of ancient monster stories. Supernaturally augmented versions of natural predators that their technology could not fight. This instinct to be wary of monsters in the dark is why large number of people that mountains were petrified trolls well into the twentieth century. At this point science has disproven all the ancient monster stories. We know there aren't vampires, trolls, Medusa, the Manticore and other baddies out in the wilderness but our primitive instinct seek some enemy for us to guard against. Big shadowy conspiracies are the 21st century version of ancient monster stories. The conspiratorial "They" is the monster just out of sight waiting to get us if we are unwary.