Obviously I chose Jedi. I mean, Aayla Secura is a Jedi! I found it hard to believe she died in episode three! She would have owned that! Plus, Jedi have rainbow light sabres, not just red! If you are a Jedi, you can earn the right to be respected as you save people, but sith just kill for power. Why? You could probably get to the same point except you don't have to kill anyone/tauntauns. For those of you who are uneducated in the force, Aayla Secura is a Twi'lek + Ninja + total badass + 2 light sabres! even in the clone wars series she is awesome and wise and, and cool and awesome and...
In the expanded universe, which admittedly has now been rendered non-canon, sith have been known to use lightsabers of colours other than red. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me. The Sith also have a more impressive range of powers and have historically been shown to posses greater levels of absolute power. Of course story-wise they eventually have to be defeated, and Luke is probably the greatest force-wielder of all time.
Cats. They are all-powerful beings who are not good or evil, just strange. Also we can purr. Can you purr? We also have tails.
Funny how that coincided with the moment took your cat god, Baset, down! As soon as I had an irrefutable line of logic, other things demanding your time crept up. Spoiler: translation In my defense, I gave you a way out... The offer still stands.
But I proved that a Sith could take her down. So even the divine form of your beloved cats could not match up against the power of the dark side.
In terms of evilness, cats and Sith are about the same, I reckon. Cats kill other species for fun, Sith kill other species for fun. Nightbringer and Phoenix, you both win!