So who is getting the Total War: Warhammer Tomb Kings DLC when it is released? I can't because my computer is not up to the challenge.
Probably in the third game. It would make sense, because they have already released most of the armies. Ogres, Chaos Dwarfs and Daemons are still waiting in the wings. Of those three, daemons would make the best antagonists to finish out the trilogy. Of course, this is purely guesswork on my part.
Would Tomb Kings being reintroduced to AoS do anything to make you try it, or are you too against it?
To be honest, it wouldn't. I play 8th edition, which already has Tomb Kings! So having Tomb Kings reintroduced to AoS doesn't give it any leverage over 8th edition.
Highly unlikely. To be honest I don't really like the AoS aesthetics very much. Undoubtedly the models are very well sculpted, but they don't fit my particular taste. Even outside of that though, 8th Edition offers me a rule set, lore and army composition that I enjoy much more. Also it is 100% SCE free!