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Let's Get Motivated - New Year's hobby reselutions 2021

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Imrahil, Jan 2, 2021.

  1. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    End of year review:

    - finish painting my Orruk Warclan models. This includes: Ironjawz SCB, Ironskull's warband, Orruk Megaboss.
    * This goal stagnated a bit. I did finish my Ironskull's warband. For the SCB there are still two Gor-Gruntas to do and the Megaboss as well.
    - finish painting my first Scenery piece
    - finish building my modular Scenery building

    Well, not much has changed since the last update half a year ago :oops:
    I have made a lot of progress on my MESBG models and scenery. And played quite a lot of games, at least way more than in the last 10 years :eek:

    Grrr, Imrahil
  2. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    Here were my goals:
    • Finish painting my 2k 8th edition list. (Temple Guard, Skink Priest, 2 Salamanders and herders, Saurus Cowboy). - I managed to get the priest, 1 Salamander pack, the Saurus Cowboy and 10 Temple Guard done but fell short of this goal. Going to keep chipping away at the TG in early 2022.

    • Paint up enough units to get both my Clone and Droid armies to 800pts for Star Wars Legion. - This goal went very well, with both of these armies now having over 1000pts worth of painted models.
    Onwards to 2022!
  3. Andrew Smith

    Andrew Smith Active Member

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    Final 2021 verdict (with points adjusted to AoS 3.0):


    - 20 Saurus Warriors (210 points)
    - 3 Kroxigors (150)
    - 10 Skinks (75)
    - 10 Saurus Knights (220)
    - 3 Terradon Riders (105)
    - Bastiladon with Solar Engine (250)
    - Skink Starpriest (130)
    - Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (270)

    Total: 1,410 points

    In progress

    - Lord Kroak (430)

    Not started

    - 20 Skinks (75)
    - 15 Saurus Guard (345)
    - Stegadon (265 or 305)
    - Saurus Eternity Warden (125)

    I didn't get to 2,000 points even with the 3.0 points adjustment, but I still easily surpassed my minimum goal of 1,000.

    Bonus goal: I painted 6 of 12 Orc Blood Bowl models. No league due to the pandemic so I'm lacking a bit of motivation to finish them, but they were kind of fun to paint so maybe it'll be a goal for early 2022.

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