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Let's Get Motivated - September 2022

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Imrahil, Sep 1, 2022.

  1. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    My goals were:
    • Finish painting my Super Tactical Droid. DONE
    • Build C3P0 and maybe some other models. DONE - Built C3P0 and a Bastiladon with magnetised weapon options.
    • Get some practice with my newly acquired airbrush. DONE - Used my airbrush to prime and base coat a bunch of models.
    • Play a game of 8th Edition and maybe some Star wars Legion. DONE - Played one game of 8th Edition and 2 games of SWL.
    • Make progress painting at least one more project. DONE - Base coated 14 Commando Droids and C3P0. Painted the base for a crashed escape pod piece of terrain.
    A pretty successful month. It felt great to finally get to play some games, especially with painted armies.
    Noxolotl and Imrahil like this.
  2. ArtsyAlraune

    ArtsyAlraune Active Member

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    So I definitely bit off more than I could chew :sorry: I had less time to paint than I anticipated, but I did complete one of the two Astrolith Bearers before September was officially over! I'm feeling a little fatigued by the time-consuming and detailed hero kinda guys, for October I'm shifting my focus to smaller and more incremental things.
    Noxolotl, Imrahil and Explodingzeb like this.
  3. Noxolotl
    Cold One

    Noxolotl Well-Known Member

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    A few curvballs were thrown at me so some plans had to be changed. But I still think it's worth noting my progress

    • The terrain piece is almost finished, just need to paint some gold parts and touch up the bits where my brush slipped (sidenote for me: do not use the same stone painting technique that I used fory underworlds warbands for any future seraphon stuff)
    • This conversion will take longer than expected. I need to make the new limbs blend in and not have the saurus holding their weapons in awkward position
    • At least the heads look are don and ready for help in my great plan
    • This project is moved to mid november/early december since the materials won't arrive until then
    • Bonus, fixed up some skinks, now I have 5 with boltspitters and 5 with moonstone clubs. In the future they will evolves 2 units with their respective weapons
    Imrahil and Explodingzeb like this.

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