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9th Age Lizadeptus Custodes Army List [Points = 10247]

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Slannta's Little Helper, May 31, 2023.

  1. Slannta's Little Helper

    Slannta's Little Helper Well-Known Member

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    Sneaking this one in as a thread to list my Adeptus Custodes - Nothing lizard about them sorry. Will update main post only to keep track.

    Adeptus Custodes & Sister of Silence Army List. [Points total = 10247] (Tracked on a google sheet not all listed here yet)

    Named Characters
    [9999]-[01] God-Emperor, Master of Mankind £43.10
    [0110]-[01] Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists Legion £95.00 (Shield-Captain)
    [0110]-[01] Magnus the Red, Primarch of the Thousand Sons Legion £100.00 (Shield-Captain)
    [0188]-[01] Valerian, Talon of the Emperor £17.50
    [0188]-[01] Aleya, Talon of the Emperor £17.50
    [0000]-[01] Constantine Valdor, Captain-General of the Legio Custodes £80.00
    [0250]-[01] Captain General Trajann Valoris
    [0215]-[01] Tribune, Ixion Hale £82.50

    [0980]-[14] Allarus Custodians £140.00 (3x4=12)
    [0360]-[09] Custodian Guard £75.00
    [0147]-[03] Custodian Wardens £22.50
    [0110]-[01] Shield-Captain £07.50
    [0260]-[02] Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour £23.33
    [0000]-[00] Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike

    [0260]-[02] Venerable Contemptor Dreadnaught £75.00
    [0566]-[02] Venerable Land Raider £110.00
    [1520]-[19] Vertus Praetors
    £225.00 (6x3 = 18)
    [0080]-[01] Vexilus Praetors £07.50
    [0000]-[00] Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Terminator Armour

    [0000]-[00] Agamatus Custodians
    [0390]-[06] Aquilon Terminators £125.00
    [0000]-[00] Ares Gunship
    [0240]-[02] Caladius Grav-tank £215.00
    [0130]-[01] Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought
    [0155]-[01] Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought
    [1000]-[05] Coronus Grav-carrier
    [0000]-[00] Custodian Guard with Adrasite and Pyrithite Spears
    [0000]-[00] Orion Assault Dropship
    [0000]-[00] Pallas Grav-attack
    [0000]-[00] Sagittarum Custodians
    [0000]-[00] Telemon Heavy Dreadnought

    [0480]-[12] Venatari Custodians £250 Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels £100.00

    [0000]-[00] Prosecutor Squad
    [0260]-[20] Vigilator Squad £140.00
    [0000]-[00] Witchseeker Squad
    [0090]-[02] Null-Maiden Rhino £65.00
    ^^^^^ Points Value Without Weapons & Wargear.

    Last edited: Jun 2, 2023

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