I have taken some WIP images of the movement tray, which will be posted later tonight or early tomorrow!
I baked some sculpey for the new bases/movement trays the other day... It is very different from the original kinds of movement trays I did for the previous Lizard units. I had to make a number of changes from the original concept due to practical concerns, but it began to take shape, such as the Sacrificial Pit... Here is more info: http://wappellious.blogspot.com/2013/09/while-im-at-it.html
Your stuff never ceases to amaze me! I remember the first time I saw your work, at Adepticon 09 with the unit of different color sallies. Looking forward to seeing more!
More on the bases and movement tray! I love my refrigerator magnets!!! The blog post with additional info here: http://wappellious.blogspot.com/2013/09/why-does-it-have-to-be-snakes-again.html
While all of the other bases and movement trays have been gray, I think I will be shifting the colors here a bit. I might go towards a lighter stone color, so that some of the designs and the blood show up more. That would make this unit even more distinct from the rest of the army!
Many thanks! I have been prepping some of the Temple Guard. It will be a mixture of old Saurus with new TG parts, old metal TG, new plastic saurus with TG parts, etc. I even have a Reaper figure or two converted! The advantage of not playing in a GW store, which are mostly closing down anyway.
Thanks! I have been working on the saurus conversions like crazy. I need to see where they will go on these bases so I can get a better idea of where to carve in some designs!
Very nice! He do you get round that horrible sensation of cutting through foam? YUCK! I do want to see more as i was thinking of doing overgrown temple city gates in a similar manner, except it would have hidden chameleon skinks on it! Any tips on actually planning your totems out would be gratefully appreciated
Thanks! The foam cuts very well with very long extendable utility knives. If you look around the terrain building section of the blog, you will see many posts where I am cutting the foam. Those knives will give you a blade that is 3-4 inches long, which allows you to cut it way more easily!!!
Very cool! You do have to treat the extendable blades with some care, since they can sometimes snap off when you don't want them to However, those blades allow you to make all kinds of cuts that others can't!
Hey wapple how do you get the fish bowl terrain to stick to your pieces. Im having trouble with the anti fungal coating not letting the superglue adhere