Id be down for about 40 depending on price, color and design. (would strongly prefer that the 6s is replaced)
I'd be down with getting 24 dice, hopefully with the snake eyes ones and the 6 replaced with a frog face (slannish) glyph. I would be willing to to the art design on this so we don't run afoul of GW's copyrights. Are they $1 each, or $6 each? Would two images be $2 per die?
I would also be interested in 24-30 of these. I like the idea of the snake eyes along with the 6s being replaced, but if it runs the cost up too much, I would like just the 6s.
2 custom sides doubles the price. At base price, that's $2 per die. I think I'll just get my own separately if everyone decides to go with that. I'd prefer the 6's be replaced, so that you're HAPPY when the lizard icon comes up Mmm, I think I'll bump up my eventual order to 24
Ive sent Chessex an email requesting some sample dice using a paint version of the glyph n810 posted on page 1 to replace the 6. I have requested the following colors Gemini Copper-Steel w/ White txt Gemini Blue-Green w/ Gold txt Vortex Green w/ Gold txt but Im sure Ill have more contact with them before the dice actually get cut. Here's hoping...
Green and gold is perfect EDIT: Mossy, remember one shouldn't be happy to see sixes for everything. Leadership and ability tests are very important. I'd be willing to pay for fancy 1s and 6s. I'd prefer Slann head glyphs for one (because the Slann provides good leadership) but I'd accept snake eye ones.
I agree those green and gold ones (Vortex) are really nice. My wife will be disliking you guys after this....
Haha, I think Arli has spent too much on GW stuff this year. I'd like to get in on this also, but I kind of think it would be easier to just order them myself. I also like the one glyph per dice idea replacing 6's, so that would be my deciding factor. Hey, do you guys remember the LM numbering system? We could go super crazy and use that to replace ALL the numbers on the dice... We'd still need a glyph for a 6 though.
I really like Qupakoco's idea with the numbering system, however it would just cost too much and cause too many arguements with other players Also i have some chessex dice, and they are quite big: a d6 is about 1.5cm3 (cubed). So your not gonna be getting 40 in your hands at once without a struggle I'd be up for getting a few though, say 10-15.
What we did at TheUnderEmpire for the skaven dice was make two kinds, one with just one glyph for ordinary rolls and special dice with every side replaced, for special rolls, like leadership tests. Snake eyes on a leadership test would mean insane courage! Also remember that the more we buy, the cheaper it gets per die, so it pays for us to all work together on this.
I'll throw in my two cents and say that I much prefer the blue and green over the vortex green. Makes more sense, considering that the lizardmen's blue skin is kind of their trademark.
I think that maybe the best thing to do would be to make something on survey monkey or something and use that as a poll. If no one minds I think I will go ahead and make one, I'll post it here shortly so we won't keep back-and-forthing. EDIT: Here it is you guys. The results are visible after you have already taken the poll. You cannot go back and change your answers once you press submit, so choose wisely. EDIT: Added another option to help clarify a bit more, however the first two participants in the survey won't get to vote in it since it was added on. However, we know who we are (and I'm going to count your comment).
We wont all have to get the same color. From past experience as long as we get the same symbol we will have 4 colors or so we can all choose from and the cost will be the same. I do not know about multiple symbols and engravings.
Wouuld different numbers then 1-6 cost more? I'm thinking of d6s with 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and a grinning Salamander or frowning skink.
The poll was really just to see how everyone stands, because as is we don't seem to really be getting anywhere. xD