I see... Well I haven't bothered listening to much music lately so... ye... It reminds me more of ferns. Damn that green colour! >: ( Thanks, I think I'll edit in pics on the progress on the priest later today, depends really... Cheers!
This has slipt down way too far... No editing then! Du-du-du-duuuummm! Anyhow... Mr D has paint on him! But I have no idea how to do the eyes and such... I did them like the skin but with a white dot in now... I'm thinking of black eyes with a white dot in... Don't say yellow, I tried, looked horrible. So... Warning for Cellphone picture! Here he is in all his master-classed shaded glory(skip master-class, my shading sucks...) C&C Welcome! ^^ Cheers!
Looks pretty cool, will your phone focus from a bit closer? He seems far from the camera. The cloak looks a bit flat, but it is hard to tell if it is or just the camera. Also, new poll? I love converting my models and making them unique.
I tell you, it wouldn't focus any closer than that... Stupid piece of carp... If I get my hands on a real camera I'll upload real pics... Regarding the flatness I would blame the camera... And the lighting, it ruined my crappy shading. And I added the poll since I was curious on opinions on conversions. ^^ Cheers!
This is slipping down a bit too often... I blame al these other wonderful lizards, damn you wonderful lizards! >: ( Anyway... As you may have noticed the previous pictures were craptacularily(?) bad... So the great gods of taking pictures blessed me with a camera! I mean... My mother didn't hide it for me... So... Here's some better pics of my craptacular painting! (That won't hurt your eyes...) 'Ere we go! C&C is welcome. ^^ Cheers!
I hate to be a pain, but can you take a straight front on shot? He looks like he is trying to hide his face in all the shots. I like the colours you chose for him, he looks quite dark and menacing. It does make the cloak look a little bit out of place though, it still feels flat to me.. Maybe you could paint some details onto it? Even something simple like a couple of stripes or dots, or getting some scale onto it somehow would probably look cool.
*grumbles* Oh well... Here's some straight front shots. ^^ Good feature... This bookmarking... But the slow uploading time on photobucket doesn't really help. 15~min and 2 uploads later I got to post the pics... So... As you see the eyes are actually just the same colour as the skink itself... I need ideas on that, and well... Yellow DOESN'T work, I've tried that already... What you said about the cloak reminds me Strewart... I was going to add glyphs on it, I'll work on that. Cheers!
Right, now top view! J/K You could try green for the eyes, green and red usually go well together. Or go between yellow and red, try orange. The skin colour is quite striking though, I would probably not try to make the eyes take too much attention, it might be best to leave them just a few shades off from the skin colour but put black lines through the middle to clearly show they are eyes. Just a few eye-deas. I like the cloak in the front view shots, even though not much of it can be seen. Makes me wonder if maybe it should just be a bit darker and not so white, keep bleached bone as the upper highlights not the bulk. We'll see what the glyphs look like though, will probably make it look better than just having a darker colour.
I quite like your lizards. What I do for my skins is dark angels green for the eye, and a warlock purple pupil (say that 5 times fast...) and I think it looks pretty good. However, my sinks are blue.... I can send you a pic or 3 to show you if you're interested.
Hehe... Oddly enough... Top view is what follows... Odd, isn't it? I tried this and personally I like it. ^^ Thanks. ^^ And well the glyphs did make it look less plain, but I'm not sure if it look good, see the following pics... Thank you. ^^ I'm not sure I would want to say warlock purple pupil 5 times fast thou... Tell me thou, where did you buy your sinks... Since they're blue... And what do they have with my Lizards to do? (J/K) Note: Skink is probably the most stupid name ever... If you typo it, it becomes: Kink, Sink, Skin, Skik etc... Ok! So just because I can I'll update this thread with a few pics on stuff... Like the eyes and cloak on my (S)kink priest, Mr D(you can still see the Lizardman symbol for 'D' on his staff) The things that's still not done since I haven't got around to how to do it is: The skull on the staff The bracelets The leather strap the 'D' symbol hangs in The feathers on the dispel scroll(It IS a dispel scroll!) The little pearl on the scroll The 'eyes' on the scroll Yup, and I can ofc change anything... So... The other things I'll show off are 2 (S)kinks which I've converted in a way so dodgy that I created a thread about it... Enjoy! (I too advantage of the sunshine that was present) I quite like the pose on the last skink, maybe I should attach the last bit of the leg so he gets that pose after all. ^^(he's currently levitating since I'm practising making illusions) (figure out how and you get a cookie) C&C is welcome. ^^ Cheers!
He is resting on the tree branch isn't he? Now your priest is painted it kinda looks 'busy'.. Still i like the idea.. i was 'converting' a skink to a priest .. it ended up having a mutated crab arm.. Some story for characters makes it more fun for me to play(A student of kroak got taken hostage by some WoC peepz). The last skink looks like he is either drowning or stabbing someone in the back. It looks weird but fun at the same time. Once again.. Good Job.
Yes he is! Cookie for you... *gets a cookie* *puts it in an envelop* So now what's your address? Care to explain a bit further on how he looks 'busy'? Hehe, that sounds nice... Original and bound to look... I dunno... Delicious?(Crab claw) Hehe. ^^ Exactly what I aimed for then... Lets see if I can get the leg back on and keep that pose... Thanks. ^^ Never gets old. ^^ Thank you... I knew I would have some use of all those dryad bitz... So anyway... I figured that I'd finish this guy Mr D today, so I did... he pics are horrible atm thou, I'll fix that when I get the camera back... Also I found the crop tool. Enjoy the crappy pics of Mr D and his new friend... Mr C(Crour, as in Bloodshed in Latin) the scar-vet! C&C is welcome(where possible), as always... ^^ Cheers!
How he looks busy? Well it is if you look at him from the front.. The staff and the other.. Dispel Scroll? makes it feel like he has a lot of things on such a small surface... I like the Staff.. I might use the idea if you don't mind ^^ (Not that you are able to check upon it gna gna gna!). Looking forward to the Veteran.. Keep the good stuff comin'! EDIT: By the time your cookie is here.. it won't be eat-able .. T_T.. Eat it for me.. enjoy it!
I see... And I can agree with you... But in my opinion it must be quite hectic to be a priest... Even for skinks... Go ahead, use it... But I warn you... You can never be sure, I may be knocking yuor front door the next day... Thanks, and yes, more stuff will come. ^^ I'm sure it'd be edible... But I can't disobey you, so I'll eat it. Thank you. ^^ _____________________________________________________________________ 'Woosh' Mr time said and a couple of days passed... So I finally got my arse out of the chair(not literaly thou ) and started painting a bit on my Scar-vet's mount... As a result it looked at me, with it's stupid... Encased... Jewelled... Eyes... I can't resist that stupidity, so I decided to take some pics of it... Here he is in all his stupidity, Cold one! And for some reason you also get... His fat arse! C&C welcome, even if it's WiP. ^^ Mainly thinking of the colours used... Cheers!
You should use the same lighting you did for the other pics, this guy looks a bit washed out and I'm sure the colours don't reflect what it actually looks like. To me, the scales look gold? I think they are meant to be black and red though.
This is a problem as the light source in the previous pics are 18km away from me at the moment... At my grandpa, where I've been the previous week... They look dark angels green to me... But I ofc am the painter and know how the look like in the first place... The scales are going to be green, just like I planned in the beginning... Lizards= various brown/red, red and beige... Cold ones=Various greens and greys Stegadon=I dunno, I don't got one yet so... Hmm... Oh well, just to give you guys a grip on what I'm doing here's a pic of the project as it is now... I doubt I'll be able to paint all my lizards(about 1500-1600pt) so this little 400+ pt group will do... Yup, that's them. The mighty sunburnt host... There's more in a box but what the heck... That includes 8 additional cold ones, 40 saurus, 12 skinks, 10 temple guard and another kroxigor... So of to the rest of the update, really... You can see the conversion I did on the skinks a bit better now... More pics! On a bunch of stuff! Cold one Skink WiPs Kroxigor This guy will probably be a victim to my horrible drive to convert stuff too, so I'm pondering the idea off either putting a shield on him(involves cutting the model apart) or give a cloak and then do a freehand in the design I was going to do the shield in... I like the cloak bit, since it involves less cutting and more painting. And as mentioned before, everyone wants a cloak... Anyhow, I've given him a name too. From the genius of WheelR I present Mr T, as in Takuma which means skilled artisan in Japanese... Some primed skinks... Mr C on his happy mount... (S)kink chief returns! With a bane head! I did it ages ago but couldn't bother taking any pics of it... That should be it for now... C&C is welcome, as always... ^^ Cheers!
Wow I wouldn't think that cold one in the last post is the same model as the previous pics of him.... Crazy what lighting can do isn't it. I don't really like the yellow area at the moment, just personal preference though. The GS feathered cloak looks very cool, nice work.
Indeed, the effects of light is astonishing... Good to see opinions that clash a bit, since I like it... But then again it's my idea, so I suppose I should like it... Thank you. ^^ ________________________________________________ As I mentioned in the 'just general small talk' thread in the general board I've been moving for the past week... I finally got my hands on a camera too so pictures are to come (even more so since I post in the thread... ) So... I can't really be bothered writing much description since well... There's not much to write... I finished the 5 skinks, and proceeded to sart with the 5 other skinks, and gave the kroxigor a base... Made with 4 20mm bases and an ice cream bucket lid... So... 'Ere we go! I'm well aware the front skink of the WiP skinks is far to bright... I'll try to fix it as soon as possible... Mind these pics took half an eternity to get... That damn light bulb in the sky wouldn't let me get anything but pictures of stuff that looked all shiny and such carp... Oh well, also, there's some new pics in the blog of mine, linked in my sig... So check it out, and leave a comment if you'd like to. ^^ Cheers!