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8th Ed. Lizardmen personalities

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Guran, May 3, 2015.

  1. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Tiktaq'to and Kroak are cringeworthy, but come on with Grymloq! He's a bloody transformer, that's f**king awesome!
  2. Matty

    Matty Member

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    I think they do have persoanlities, but I also think they are very organized as a whole like the warriors in the 300 movie lol. They might yell, This is Lustria! We dont know much about the day to day life of them, so its possible after a day of training that the Saurus gather and enjoy a few jungle berry beers and chat about what new weapons they have, ect.. The skinks I think most definately get down and boogie around bomb fires at night pretty much like ewoks..hmm skinks in a tree village! I never really thought of Kroxigars as stupid or slow, but just bigger lizards. I think sadly, people think of them as like the cave troll with the moria goblins...
  3. Essmir
    Chameleon Skink

    Essmir Well-Known Member

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    Well all Sauruss does probebly have the same goalss in there lifes but they do not follow the same phat to there goals. If the goal is to kill the enemy you can kill them whit ssavegery like Gor-rok or you can kill them whit sstrategic fhigting and battle planss like kroq'Gar, the enemy is as mutch dead. They migth seems dumb when they are young but in reality are they just not caring fore other things than battle and before they gain comand it does not show to outsiders. The same is fore kroxigors they are great builders and they love the craft and pursue there goals in the craft difrently some may see it like weght lifters and try to build mussels and likes to carry stuff. Others might be like masons, maby they even becom architects or bulding engineers when they becom ainchent because of there love to the structure in building. But this is just my opinion :)

    Matty likes this.
  4. Matty

    Matty Member

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    Thats an awesome thought Essmir, I can totally see the Kroxogars building and doing construction type work. I wonder if they would be happy with a lego set?
    Qupakoco likes this.
  5. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    I think GW had a bit of a nerdgasm when naming Lizardmen character mounts - they're all named after Dinobots

    Grymloq = Grimlock
    Zwup = Swoop
    Zlaaq = Slag (renamed Slug)

    Personally I love the pun names, if I was a more clever person I'd make up more of them myself for my own characters.
    Korhedron and Qupakoco like this.
  6. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    You guys made me dig out my old book, lol. Here you go:

    Inxi-Huinzi is one of the few Skinks ever to capture and succeed in riding a Horned One. His mount is named Xltzhpctli (ermagerd) which apparently roughly translates to bite-gore-lash-with-the-tail-beast. He also throws 2 poisoned darts if you charge him from over 8", and 3 if from over 12". Wounds count towards combat resolution! (Also poison used to always wound on a 4+, so that's pretty hardcore)

    Kroq was a Scar-Vet equivalent with huge crocodilian jaws who did D3 wounds (Massive Jaws special rule) with no armour save allowed AND he had a rerollable 4+ armour save (Bony Plates special rule).

    Lotl Botl was a Scar-Vet equivalent with a 3+ save who caused Fear due to his Blood-Curdling Roar AND he granted a permanent +1 to combat resolution (Cold Blooded Determination special rule)

    Itzi-Bitzi was a Skink Cheiftan equivalent who had heard the Mage Lord Zltep of Tlaxtlan speak his final words before his death. This is known as The Incantation of Xetlipocutzl, which are prophetic words that tell of utter dread for all enemies of the Lizardmen. This causes a Panic test to any enemy units within 8", rolled on 3 dice and choosing the highest two. He can only do it once per game due to a vow of silence to Sotek. He is ALSO the original bearer of The Piranha Blade.

    Interesting stuff about Mazdamundi too, his Steggy used to be INVINCIBLE (treated as a single model) AND he was the original bearer of The Egg of the Quango! But it only gave him +D3 attacks.


    Also please order some dice :D
    n810 and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  7. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Also found

    A Skink Chief in the fluff named Wochuluquinat.

    A Skink Priest named Ichipoxi

    and... A Skink Chief named Yniminhi!!

    Scalenex loves all these names.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I wish we had that now.

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