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Contest Lizardmen Poetry Competition April-May 2017

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by SlanntaClause, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Well that worked!
    Aginor likes this.
  2. Soxii

    Soxii Active Member

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    @thedarkfourth Exactly right- but also a big thing to remember, is that a lot of epics were in other languages (Greek, Latin etc) and so the rhymes and flow would be ever so slightly different in their native language (although I think iambic pentameter was around during the classical period, as it is derived from Greek, but only really took off from the Elizabethan era because of Shakespeare, Marlow, Spencer etc) especially once they have been translated over into other languages. Typically the origin of the words chosen can have an impact upon the tone of the poem- case in point many polysyllabic words are from Greek/Latin roots and are more 'technical' e.g. 'caesura' compared to 'stop/pause' which can either slow down or further the flow of the poem.

    @Scalenex I uh... did my dissertation on writing poetry! Although that was quite a few years ago... and I haven't written that much since, so I am a tad rusty. In terms of getting a good rhyme, one of the best ones that I remember studying was 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' by Coleridge (with an i! Not Rhyme). It didn't have the exact ABAB, it was more ABCB- I think it did make use of iambic pentameter in some stanzas, but I seem to have misplaced my copy that had all my notes in :/
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    In the meantime I managed to dig up this old gem from the UE Extreme Skaven Paintball rpg (the Slann sued them when they tried to call it ESP.) Pardon the terrible structure, timing, and rhyming, but hopefully it'll bring a giggle:

    Seer Gnawtail: Tkull! Why-why is this always your fault?

    Engineer Tkull: Because...I want tae be thar very best-best...

    Seer Gnawtail: Like no-rat ever was?

    Engineer Tkull:
    Tae build them is my real test,
    Tae blow things up is my cause.
    I will travel under thar land,
    Searching far and wide.
    Thar Warpstone, tae understand,
    Thar power that’s inside!

    Clan Skryre! Gotta build it all!
    It’s always me, fear-fear my electricity!
    Clan Skryre! Oh you’re my best sprocket.
    When I fire my Doomrocket!
    Clan Skryre! Gotta build it all!
    Our warpblades so new!
    Our gadgets will pull us through.
    You teach me and I’ll zap you.
    Clan Skryre! Gotta build it all! Gotta build it all!

    Every challenge along thar way,
    With warpfire I will face.
    I will kill-slay everyday
    Tae claim my rightful place
    Flee from me in utter fright,
    There’s nay better machine!
    Claw and flame I’ll win-win thar fight,
    It’s not-not a dream!

    Clan Skryre! Gotta build it all!
    It’s always me, fear-fear my electricity!
    Clan Skryre! Oh you’re my best sprocket.
    When I fire my Doomrocket!
    Clan Skryre! Gotta build it all!
    Our warpblades so new!
    Our gadgets will pull us through.
    You teach me and I’ll zap you.
    Clan Skryre! Gotta build it all! Gotta build it all!
    Clan Skryre!

    Seer Gnawtail: Well that happened.
  4. Soxii

    Soxii Active Member

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    Also, looking at some poetic forms in case people get stuck or don't know any of the terminology: (get ready for some learning! :D )
    Petrarchan Sonnet- a love poem where the first part is ABBA-ABBA (no not the band) which is called an 'Octave', as it is 8 lines. Then you have the second part which is 6 lines CDECDE or CDDCDD or CDCCDC, which is the 'Sestet'.
    Volta- is the turning point in the poem (literally means 'turning point/crisis' in Greek) where a sudden shift in tone or surprise occurs. (Happens when you introduce the Sestet typically)
    Shakespearan Sonnet- came to use, as English (at least the Early Modern version Shakespeare was using) was not always the best when combined with the Petrarchan form (arguably not as many similar rhyming endings compared to Italian etc that it originated from), hence it has a ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme. (Look up Shakespeare's sonnets- seriously, he wrote A LOT OF THEM)
    Caudate Sonnet- A 17 lined sonnet in the same scheme as the previous, however, there are 3 more lines, in which the 15th is trimetric (has 'ti-tum, ti-tum, ti-tum.' form of stress - like a heartbeat with 6 syllables) BUT it must rhyme with the last (14th) line of the main sonnet, then you have a rhyming couplet in iambic pentameter (so 'ti-tum', 5 times per line).
    Quatorzain- a fourteen line poem that is not a Sonnet.
    Of course, you can always experiment with your own version of a sonnet if you find that the scheme or number of lines isn't quite suitable :p
    Bowser likes this.
  5. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    Time is running out to perfect your master pieces and send them over to me - tick tock tick tock
    Bowser likes this.
  6. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Wot? No poetry voting thread? I haven't had anything but maggotty art competition for three stinking days!
  7. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    Sorry for the delay folks will put a voting thread up shortly
    Killer Angel and Bowser like this.
  8. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    Heh, was going through my archives and found a selection of (slightly innuendo rich) Skaven limericks.

    Here's one of the nicer ones:

    There once was an Eshin breeder
    Who others saw as a leader
    Her plans were divine
    As her body sublime
    Shame we forgot to feed her!
    Scalenex, Aginor and Bowser like this.

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