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Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The quivering slave’s huge eyes glanced at the blade to his side, Causing the whole creature to freeze with fear, The thoughts of Xlauax’s burning blade slowly slicing into the soft flesh of the Skaven’s eye, carving out the tissue in a frenzy of violence.

    Unable to react, Xlauax Quickly kicks the slave, Jolting it forward and back into the real world where it realises that its only option is to speak…

    ‘MasTer! Don’t Hurt Skaven-Rat! Euhh euhh… Best-Clan ‘Dust seekers’ Best best clan. Ordered to search-steal from temple vault .. vaults” The rat splutters, Trying to formulate an answer to the rapid questions whilst simultaneously trying to writhe its way out of the many chains and ropes wrapped around it.

    “We-We must Do as Stormvermin StormVermin HaTE STormVerstormvermin say yes-yes, Take gold-shiny plaque many power-magic trinkets back to Dust seekers. Dust seeKer Euhh for-r E-EshiN EshiN….” The Slave suddenly forgets his fear and looks around, studying the area with great alarm before continuing.

    “Euhh… PlEaSe Master donT Kill, D-dont Kill, No more… Secrets-lies. Only Only Poor-low slave rat… Cant Euhh.. D-Dont-cant no-Know any more more… ” The slave mumbles, its pitch starting to become more erratic and uneven, Whilst it whisperers unintelligible words under its breath..

    Grabbing the slaves head with his free hand, Xlauax angles it upwards staring deep into the rat’s eyes now swirling with madness as its mouth froths stirring itself into a frenzy of fear. ‘Ss-Speak, S-sslave or I will Cut y-you’

    Despite The chameleon’s threats, the slave is unresponsive, Its eyes blank and unblinking as it continues to breathe rapidly and sprawl out in a seizure.

    Now realising that the captive had no more to give, Xlauax readied his sharp blade. He wanted the rat’s death to be as painless as possible… A clean-cut preferably… Xlauax could only handle so much suffering and torment… After what he had been through.. He knew the slaves fear and torment…

    As the rat’s limbs flailed widely, Xlauax quickly pressed its weak body against the floor before striking down with Pain’s searing blade in a rapid motion.

    Without stopping the metal sliced through the soft, corrupted flesh of the Skaven’s neck.
    Finally, the slave’s body stopped moving, its decapitated head slowly rolling away from the bloody stump it originated from.

    The small trickles of blood gently pooled onto the sun-baked earth, Slowly draining away, saturating the soil with a dark crimson… The serpent gods thirst would be slaked for but a few more minutes.


    “Very interesting, very very interesting… I may need to get hold of some of that stuff myself some time…” The priest sigh’s, looking down at Xolek’s Pipe before handing it back to him whilst speaking out about the oracles recent remarks “Indeed, Yuxa does not weave your paths… Your future is within the hands of the serpent god And intertwined with that of a beast you so knowingly speak of so seems…”

    Now realising that he is going off track again, The Seer trails off, glancing at the many glass orbs lining the shelf before getting back to the subject. “About that salamander… swamp creature of Ololoq... “ He mutters “ Well, From what I have seen during my many years, salamanders are hostile, survival minded creatures... Yet they still have many, many uses… All of which we at the camp could benefit from…”

    Xolek slowly nods, listening with full attention. “The skink artisans have been lacking ways to superheat their forges and kiln’s with the dry season coming to the end dry tinder is starting to become scarce.” “And well, With the recent news of Skaven infiltrating the ruins… Our ruins… Beasts of war can never go amiss if well handled… Burn their tunnels to the ground, Sear their corrupted flesh, Burn their broken bodies and pave us an ashen path to reclaiming what is rightfully ours...” Now let some of his anger slip past his calm exterior, Izqux continues, his flickering eyes wandering around the room as he thinks.

    “We should, however, be vigilant of its Chotec gifted abilities… Flame paired with animalistic savagery can cause much damage among a maze of thatch and wood... ”

    “I suggest that you keep the beast well away from the camp until it is needed, and even then handlers should be present… If you wish to make a pen or confine for the beast as well as any attempt in domesticating it, Speaking to the camp’s lead handler ‘Uykar’ wound be invaluable. Despite my reluctance to say, He is far more knowledgeable than me when it comes to beasts of the jungle and their many ways….”

    “Uykar can usually be seen amongst the Ahautli holding bays, Those great beasts are truly invaluable to our efforts, able to bear huge loads and extract rubble with ease... “ He sidetracks, before giving out the directions “Just on the east outskirts of our camp, near the tidal swamps…”


    Xahanol let his mind wander as he stroked the salamanders calmed body, its exhausted limbs splayed out as its chest gently rose and fell with relaxed breaths whilst its large face fell on the floor, its large mouth open letting small beads of corrosive saliva pool onto the damp ground with a hiss.

    Stretching his arms, Xahanol slowly gets up to begin gathering stones and rocks for a small pen where the beast can be safely stored.

    The sounds of several frogs rhythmically croaking from amongst the reeds and mirky water gradually perswaded the skink handler to get up and begin walking towards a collection of large rocks at the edge of the bank, the satisfying sound of soft muddy sand and leaves crunching underfoot punctuating the jungle orchestra.

    Muttering to himself, Xahanol stepped over to another larger rock, partially digging out of the swamp bank before clasping it with both hands and hauling it back to a small pile of similar stones with a grunt.

    The skink’s muscles seem to groan as Xahanol looked over to the neat heap of rocks he had assembled in front of him. With help from some others and the use of thick mud, He could get an enclosure built in no time.

    Now slowly walking back to the salamander to catch his breath, something flashed in the corner of his eye, A fleeting shadow…

    An indescribable and eerie feeling came over the skink, The faint sounds of rustling getting carried on the wind now accompanied with what felt like several pairs of eyes watching him from a distance sent shivers down his spine…

    Trying to calm himself down, Xahanol looked around. “Xolek… Why in the old ones is it taking you so bloody long…” He whispered under his accelerating breath, now feeling his heart beginning to beat faster and louder...
  2. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Okay, potentially multiple eyes on them, Xahanol knew what to do, to some degree. They would slowly back towards the salamander, finding an area that provided some cover. They would gently prepare their blow-pipe, settling low into the undergrowth of the marsh and watching, waiting. Blow-Pipe in hand and ready with a paralytic dart, in case something did come out.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A large cloud of smoke covers the Oracles face for a moment before it disappears, thoughts race through his mind. What all does the star seer know of the beast I track? How does he know my fate is intertwined with Texōtli tlawīli (Blue Sunrise)? He must be leaving out more than he wants me to believe he knows, the skink ultimately decides in his mind.

    Showing nothing but respect Xolek rises to his feet, one leg showing a rather fresh but healed bite marks on one leg, and bows.

    "You have given me much to think on, great all seeing Seer" still bowed as he speaks, the orange-red crest of the Oracle slowly vibrating, "I however wish you to have this". Reaching into his second herb bag (he has 2, 1 for soothing, one for energy) and takes out the last of his Amazonian herb. "I have further dealings with the warrior Island to return to in time, please have the rest of what I have, as an offering to you, great Seer." The Oracles head slightly rises to show an awkward but genuine smile before putting the last of the plant material on the same table the pipe had rested on.

    Rising up now, his voice clear but a little hazy due to the herb smoked begins to speak on the Salamander,

    "I will return to the Xahanol who watches over the Salamander, I will have him speak with the head tamer first, in time I will meet this...Uykar...I do wish to learn from him to better harness this jungles fauna and Soteks spawns." A determined look on his face shows strongly at the mention of wanting to learn more beat handling tactics. "We will heed your word of building a holding area for the Salamander, and others we capture." Trailing off...he bow, "I will return to the swamp now, with your permission" Xolek's orange eyes meeting the gaze of the Seer
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “Respect among lizardmen will get you far young one... “ The Seer looks Xolek in the eyes before taking the small pouch filled with large leaves sprinkled in a cerulean blue powder. The smaller particles drifting into the air, Creating soothing swirls and spirals in the air as the seer lifts it up in his hand.

    “Blue paradise...” Izqux mutters, his eyes wide as he gently places the pouch into one of his feathered cloaks many hidden pockets.

    “A great offering indeed… One that must be Atoned…” Izqux reaches into another unseen pocket, his hand returning with a small woven bag. “Fates Felicity… The pure material extract from Nexlum Nucuyx. Or as you would know.. The lesser Emerald lotus...”

    “Its effects are strong in high amounts… Take it as a gift of respect.” Before Xolek has time to speak or even deny the offer, The seer quickly grabs the oracles hand and places the bag into his palm.

    Consumable: 1x Fates Felicity
    Description: This rare emerald pink fine powder is known to be the pure extract of The lesser emerald lotus, Supposedly one of the rarest and most beautiful flowers in all the jungle. Many creatures are often attracted to its strange scent where they stand mesmerised by the huge flower suspended on a thin pad that gently drifts on the water. Some legends even go as far to say that the animals attracted to it often wade too deep into the swamp waters in a trance, resulting in their untimely demise. The Emerald Pools of Itza teem with many beautiful and rare water lilies such as this one…
    Effects: (Duration: 3 Minutes)
    - +3 Initiative
    - +1 Skill point
    - ???

    Now returning back to his normal position, Izqux speaks out “And yes, I think it would be wise to return to the salamander lest we have a new camp problem that takes the form of dancing flames and furious jaws..."

    “I am sure Uykar will be happy to be within the presence of another considerate skink, Especially one that has his way with serpents…” He says whilst Xolek slowly leaves his seat and moves towards the exit….


    With a sleek movement, Xahanol quickly loosens his blowpipe, the long bamboo cylinder gently dropping into his one of his hands whilst the other retrieves a paralytic poison-tipped dart before dropping it into the tube with a satisfying noise that was now obscured by the sound of rustling leaves and the tread of many feet surrounding him...

    Now with a dart loaded, Xahanol looked down at the salamander’s unconscious body, it’s tail gently swaying whilst its large chest rises up and down with shallow breaths. Before speaking out a prayer to the old ones… A prayer that was inexorably needed…

    Seconds later an almost animalistic yet demonic laughter rattled out, Only noticeable due to the sinister lack of other noise, It seemed the jungle chorus itself had become quite, its animals watching the scene unfold from afar… Both them and Xahanol transfixed on the cackling sound that permeated through the thick, suffocating air that had come over the swamp bank...

    Suddenly the increased sound of more rustling broke the silence as two eyes revealed themselves from within the deep foliage, the shadowy pupils staring into the skink’s soul for mere moments before their owner emerged…

    A Hideous creation… The beasts bipedal, Hyena like form emerged. It bore its malicious fangs dripping with clouded saliva whilst letting out a cackling growl as it slowly approached the skink frozen with terror.

    The beasts dirty beige coat of rugged fur speckled with black dots… But also something else… Blood. Down its left side was a large gash, oozing with a bubbling sickly yellow-red liquid that seeped from the wounds many pustules and infected boils undoubtedly caused by jungle infection down onto the creatures pelt.

    Without thinking, Xahanol quickly brought the loaded pipe to his mouth before letting loose a shot (-1 Skill point, Leaving Xahanol with 1 remaining). But as the dart ripped through the air the creature lept to the side, taking cover amongst a thick grove of tangled shrubs, Almost as if it anticipated and planned for the shot... These were more than mere beasts…

    Within a split second, another beast emerged from behind, Leaping forward from the undergrowth that shrouded it with its wicked jaws agape. Before the skink had time to even register the events unfolding creatures serrated jaws snapped down, Clamping onto the salamanders tail with a crush. Now firmly attached the beast violently jolted its head backwards, causing blood to dribble down from the punctures in the salamander’s leathery skin whilst its unconscious body was beginning to get dragged away into the thicket.

    Now glancing around to view the salamander’s body getting towed away, dragging against the jagged rocks that littered the sandy bank. Xahanol could make out the shadowy silhouette of a third hyena as it prepared to pounce onto the vulnerable skink…

    These creatures were craving for an easy meal… Soon they would gorge themselves on flesh and blood. Once glutted on the nutrients the pack would have a chance to heal their recent wounds…

    Only one thing is worse than a hungry animal… A desperate and hungry animal…


    Xahanol - Options:

    • Quickly Xahanol loads another dart seconds before the creature in front of him pounces, taking a shot before its too late. If successful the posion would soon take effect, entering the beasts bloodstream within seconds. (-1 Skill point, 20% Chance of missing, Leaving Xahanol with 0 remaining)
    • With time running out, Xahanol has no choice but to draw his blade and handling stick, He would meet the Beasts looming charge with sharp points and cerated edges. (-1 Battle point, Leaving Xahanol with 0 remaining)
    • Xahanol has no choice but to run, Outnumbered and surrounded his only option is to leave the unconscious salamander and hope the creatures fixate on the defenceless meal. (This will open Xahanol up to possible attack)
    • Xahanol is a beast handler And a good one at that… With his tools at hand, he could easily subdue a singular beast in a flurry of ropes and perfectly angled jabs from his handling tool... Perhaps even sedating it during the rapid motions. (-1 Beast handling, Leaving Xahanol with 1 remaining)
    • Other opton - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction.

    Meanwhile, Xolek gently slides out of the entranceway, the veil of soft tassels and ribbons that form it sliding along his scales as he re-enters the baking heat of day…

    His eyes adjusting to the sea of light that now bombarded him Xolek could see Xlauax standing over the slave’s limp body, its small head rolling along the floor, creating a smear of fresh blood. Both the sight of dead Skaven and the sickly smell of sanguine wafting on the air brought a smile to his twisted face.

    Despite his want to stay and inspect the slave closer, Xo knew that the salamander would need more attention than just a lone skink. Hoping that the sedatives had not worn off the oracle began to stroll with slight haste after reclaiming his weapons from Qelionxi.

    As he turns the corner however, he notices another skink running towards the starseer’s tent, its breaths rapid and muscles burning as it kicks up small clouds of dust in its wake.

    It looked like Izqux was in great need of the ‘Blue Paradise’ Xolek had so kindly gifted him, It seems the seer’s day would only get more turbulent as the commotion that had arisen from the excavation site and ruins was requiring the seer’s utmost attention.

    Now Ignoring the bustle behind him, Xolek moved forward twisting his way past a group of skink artisans gathered around a blazing forge, some deep in concentration crafting ceramic pots and containers, Others bellowing the flames, forging new tools of iron that would be of much use within the excavations.

    Trying not to get bogged down, Xo angled himself towards the swamp, whilst letting his mind wander.

    The salamander’s endless uses now forming within his head were only further spurred on by the view of six large saurus armed with large obstinate spears or spiked clubs pared with impervious shields as marching past. The head of the group clutching a small glass orb in one of his hands. Perhaps Izqux had sent them out to deal with the new Skaven threat…

    It wasn’t long before Xolek made his way to the edge of the camp, the normal cacophony of noise produced by the jungle strangely quiet as the repressive afternoon air became thicker, suffocating the area in a blanket of fog.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
  5. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    AT this point it was more imperative to get them off the defenseless Salamander. Blade and stick in hand he shouts a challenge, stabbing out with the handling stick at the one attacking the tail, and preparing to meet the charge with their blade, or dodge out of the way if they can manage a reaction fast enough. The plan was simple, keep them off the helpless beast, but keep moving to not get hit themselves. They'd make lots of noise and hopefully get Xolek to kick it into gear. They couldn't be that far away, could they?
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Impressed with the Saurus he salutes them in a way that was foreign as he was not from Lustria, but as all Lizardmen are connected the Saurus warriors would understand the gesture. It had been a long time since he had seen saurians in proper formation, a surge of vigour flowed through him. Quickening his pace he Xolek reached the edge of the jungle and not until he was further in but still in earshot of the camp edge did he notice how quiet the jungle seemed to be.

    Then he heard something out of the ordinary...a call? The beating of a blade on the ground? Then it hit him, Xahanol and the Salamander, he had been away too long. Adrenaline pumping through him now he lets out the warcry used widely by Saurus "Xiliquncani!"
    • In the video game Total War: Warhammer 2, the word "Xiliquncani" is treated as a warcry by the Saurus.
    • Xiliquncani means Volcanic eruption[2a]
    while channeling the winds of magic aggressively to the point another magic user might notice, the words of the Star Seer burning in his mind "Endless Uses of such a creature". He would then start running quickly back into the direction he had left his new, dare he think, friend. Friends tame dangerous animals together, right? Xolek wasn't very good with making connections unless it was for trading goods or ridding villages of skaven. Both of those he did well, he had gained the trust of many small settlements, lizardmen and warmblood alike doing both of these things, the latter keeping him alive in the hands of the Amazons.

    Thoughts rushed into his mind as he ran, hoping the saurus guard, patrol or even a lone skink had heard his cry in the camp. The fog of the jungle turning into swamp land almost overcame the sight of the Oracle, hearing the noises more clearly he could tell the situation was dire, taking out the dagger from his belt and basic whip from his pouch the Oracle charges forth into whatever waits on the otherside of dense fog....a familiar sinister laugh is the last thing he hears before plunging in....
  7. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax stared at the body with a look of contemplation. He quickly shrugged this off however and made his way towards Starseer Izqux's tent. Noticing a skink already inside he awkwardly walks in behind it, waiting his turn to speak. He stares at the guard holding his weapons with annoyance. If they come to harm, that guard will come to harm. As Xlauax listens however he hears that the skink is talking about the Skaven. Stepping forward Xlauax says "u-umm excuse m-me. I f-finished interrogating the ss-skaven slave I brought. He mentioned his c-clan was called the D-dust Ss-Seekers and that they worked for E-eshin.". Afted this he silently waits for a reply to break the awkward silence he had caused by interrupting.
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Extending his hand, Xahanol quickly jabs at the Hyaenodon that was tearing into the salamanders tail, the scent of blood filling the air only driving the beasts further, making them more relentless and vicious with every passing second.

    With the creature's jaws firmly attached to the salamanders tail it was unable to escape the sharp metal points of the beast handling stick, Letting out a cry and a yelp as the two tipped barbs lunged forward, digging themselves into the Hyaenodons shoulder and lower neck (-1 Battle point, Leaving Xahanol with 0 remaining)

    Now struck the beast rapidly backed away, pulling the lodged stick from Xahanols hand, leaving it suspended in the Hyaenodons flesh, the creatures struggles only driving it deeper causing more and more warm blood to begin dribbling from the wound and onto the ground where it would undoubtedly mix and swirl into the pool of salamander blood waiting for it.

    As the Handling stick slid from his grasp like a slinking serpent Xahanol felt a rage burning inside him, concentrating his anger the skink’s hand quickly joins his other, both positioning themselves on his swords handle, Now he could put more strength, and control into his blows.

    In the fleeting moments before the Hyenadon would surely pounce Xahanol Clenched his grasp on the sword and narrowed his burning eyes, He would meet the Hyenadons charge with a Furor of well-timed hits and slashes.

    Xahanols sword housed a strange triangular blade, providing it with the additional weight needed to become functionally both a sashing and bludgeoning weapon, allowing it to perform a wider range of actions than a normal blade...


    Upon seeing Xahanol grab his weapons the Hyenadon knelt down ready to surge forward in a blur of vicious motion. And with a final piercing growl, it suddenly withdrew back into the undergrowth, its shadowy form merging with the brush before it disappeared.

    the second the creature disappeared Xahanol suddenly felt fiery claws slashing down his back as serrated teeth dug into his arm, ripping into both muscle and tendon alike. The sheer force of the impact sent the skink forward sliding into the mud whilst his hand jolted from the pain-causing his other weapon to elude his faltering grip as it flew down, burying itself in the sand closer to the bank and out of reach.

    Now prone the full weight of the first Hyena that had hidden behind was crushing his body as it pinned him down whilst savaging his frail arm. (+1 Wounded Stat, -0.3 Wounds) (M5 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.7 I3 A1 Ld4) 1 skill point, 0 battle, 2 beast handling)

    Between the skink's desperate cries Xahanol could hear the noise of heavy rustling nearby, the anticipation of another Hyaenodon attracted to the bloodshed was replaced with the sound of a warcry as Xolek-Zi burst forth with both dagger and whip in hand…


    Without waiting for the saurus of other skinks within the camp to respond Xolek sprinted towards the action his weapons drawn, the winds of magic spiralling around him as he held his dagger to the sky and invocated soteks name, causing the air to become saturated with power. (All spells within the area can be cast as a bonus action for a short period of time)

    Leaping over both fallen logs and pushing through the thick ferns and other plants that littered the floor the oracle reached the swamp bank, his delirious laughter accompanied by the familiar sound of Hyaenodon cackling…

    Eyes ablaze with hatred and teeth gritted Xolek-Zi’s gaze met with that of a Hyaenodon as it turned to look at the intruder. As it reared its head it revealed its teeth plastered with the crimson blood of his fellow lizard and the left side of its face that was raw and burnt, the fur recently singed by roaring flame.

    As the beast looked over to the oracle its jaws released and its pinning grip slacked for a mere second...

    Xahanol - Options:

    • In a desperate and frantic Struggle Xahanol tries to escape the Hyaenodons deathly grasp, whilst shoving the faltered beast onto the flaw beside him (+1 Exhausted State)

    • Shouting out with the last of his strength Xahanol desperately uses the time to grab a concoction of venom or primed dart from his belt allowing the skink to strike the beast in the leg or cast the vial into the creatures mouth and open wounds hoping the poison can find its mark. (-1 Skill point, leaving Xahanol with 0 remaining)
    • Xahanol may choose to assess the damage on the salamander as a free action due to his status as a beast handler.
    • Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)
    Xolek-Zi - Options:

    • Meet the nearest Hyenadons (currently pinning Xahanol) gaze with a swift strike from his ceremonial dagger (-1 Battle point, 30% Chance of missing, Leaving Xolek with 0 battle points remaining)

    • Lasing out with his whips far reach Xolek strikes out at the already wounded beast attacking the salamander (-1 Battle point, 20% Chance of missing, Leaving Xolek with 0 battle points remaining)

    • Within a flash Xolek Loads his blowpipe and lets loose a shoot into one of the creatures (Ethier the one attacking the salamander or the one attacking Xahanol) (-1 Skill point, 20% Chance of missing, Leaving Xolek with 1 skill point remaning
    • Cast a spell from this list: (As a bonus action, This means Xolek may cast a spell and do something else such as attacking)
    - Enchant with venom (1 magic point) this spell will add venom to an allied weapon within 100 meters for 10 minutes.

    NEW SPELL - Blazing Aurora (1 Magic point) Looking up to the sky whilst chanting seemingly incomprehensible ancient and forgotten verses the casters body begins to slowly illuminate, a strange cerulean light buds from their tail until their whole body is consumed by it. Seconds later the light erupts into a blazing supernova of pure light that bathes the surroundings in a lucent shimmer before blinding all those unworthy that look upon it (Duration: 3 Minutes). All enemies within the area will no longer be able to target the caster or anything within a large radius (10 Meters) around him. Furthermore, the accuracy of all enemies fighting within the light (10 Meters from the caster) will be reduced by 50%

    - Sotek’s Serpents (1 Magic point) This spell will summon 1-3 Large snakes from the surrounding jungle to do the casters biding.

    • Begin channelling magic, this takes a whole action, Ie: several minutes But gives +1 magic point to all casters in the area, including himself

    • Other option - Specify within your next response (please factor in point reduction)


    Xolek-Zi - M5 WS2 BS2 S2 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld5 2 skill point, 1 battle, 1 magic, 0 beast handling.


    Xahanol (M5 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.7 I3 A1 Ld4) 1 skill point, 0 battle, 2 beast handling
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
  9. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Shivers of pain were running through the Quas' body and he didn't like that kind of pain at all. But he also knew whats more interesting than feeling pain. Not feeling hungry. He took the steak of Hyenadon meat and swallowed it whole to the astonishment of the gathered Skinks. Not showing a sign of notice he took a second piece and with an offering gesture he spoke towards them - 'Ungry?
  10. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Xahanol bit down to avoid shouting out in pain from the claws ripping into their back, stiffening and giving an odd grin. Such power behind these beasts! They should find a way to harness them someday. Someday though, for now they had a bigger issue. They fumbled blindly into their pouch, and wrapping their hand around one of the flasts of venom they turned, waiting for the hyenadon to open its mouth to try to bite down on it, and in that moment they threw their hand up, throwing it into its mouth, or moreso maybe bashing it in, knowing the glass will break in its teeth. Hopefully with the distraction they can scramble away.

    If they could get a moment they'd glance at the salamander's tail. Hopefully they acted fast enough to prevent the worst of the damage, they'd feel sincerely bad if it got hurt on their behalf.

    "They're hungry, tough fight!" They'd call out to Xolek, thanking the old-ones they had shown up!
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Smiling as he runs forth into battle at the words of "tough fight" the Oracle chants an ancient chant from the back of his throat
    , leaves and branches can be heard breaking on both the ground and in the trees, and then loud hissing can be heard (Casting- Sotek’s Serpents (1 Magic point) This spell will summon 1-3 Large snakes from the surrounding jungle to do the casters biding.) Looking right at the beast that stood over his fellow skink, the eyes of the Oracle burned a bright fiery Orange-Red, the essence of Soteks fury inside him. Taking out his blowpipe he lets loose a dart quickly aiming for the predators neck, hopefully puncturing a large vein or the artery (Within a flash Xolek Loads his blowpipe and lets loose a shot into the creature attacking the salamander or the one attacking Xahanol -1 Skill point, 20% Chance of missing, Leaving Xolek with 1 skill point remaning) once the dart is let into the air, Xolek Charges forth his Whip high into the air ready to snap at anything that came too close....knowing what was coming to aid them, thought not sure on the size, Xolek would have the majority of Soteks Spawns attack any foe still on the Salamander (2 snakes if 3) and any remaining to aide his fellow skink. With another Loud warcry the Oracle snaps his whip again, and in the same motion his tail acting as a second organic whip, and then the thought struck him: the Carnosaur tooth. Taking it out of his pouch quickly while not taking his eyes off the beast, his whip snapping like a beast tamer, the Oracle takes the large tooth out and allows his tail to wrap around it and hold it tight, this time not digging into his own flesh. Now armed as well as he possibly could be, the Oracle continues his assault....longing for a puff of his sweet sweet herbs.

    "Xahanol!" The oracle cries out, "prepare to move!" running forth the warrior of Sotek surges forth....one large jade and ruby colored serpent emerging from the jungle above, its large head above an unsuspecting Hyenadon, bulky and heavy...a constrictor no doubt. He thought he had heard another serpent near Xahanol. Suddenly if on que from the brush next to Xahanol, a large black head popped out, followed by yellow and red bands...the serpents head slithering ontop of the skinks hand, highly poisonness it shows it fangs to the skink...slightly smaller than the first serpent it then continues on non threatening towards the skink, and then aggressively straight for the creature ontop of him

  12. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Upon impact with the hyaenodons teeth the vial shattered into huge shards of crystalline glass causing the few drops of toxic venom contained within began to fizz and bubble upon contact with the creature's saliva; now made bloody from the multitude of cuts and scrapes the glass fragments slicing into its soft gums and throat. (-1 Skill point, leaving Xahanol with 0 remaining)

    Feeling its mouth burn with the fire of Chotec’s fury the creature flinched backwards, showering down spit and saliva as it withdrew. yet its endeavours were hopeless for a single drop of the potent poison had already found its way into the creature's bloodstream...

    In its desperate attempts to stop of searing the beast unknowingly opened itself up to Xolek, Giving the gurgling oracle the opportunity to take a shot into its vulnerable neck.

    Eyes gleaming, Xolek-Zi slid a lethal bone tipped dart into the tube, allowing the projective to gently slide down the cylinder's surface before exhaling deeply and closing his eyes in a prayer: Tzunki for unnatural speed, Sotek for strength of impact and finally Tepok for Precision and accuracy. (-1 Skill point, Leaving Xolek with 1 remaining)

    After slicing the air like a sacrificial blade through the soft flesh of a Skaven’s neck the dart found its mark, its sharp bone point silently plunging deep into the beast's jugular.

    No blood or gore, This was a singular strike! Instantly the Hyenadon froze, weather from a muscle paralysing poison now flowing amongst its veins or the unparalleled precision and shock of a dart sinking into its neck can only be speculated, the beasts merciless eyes were suspended in motion as its rigid body collapsed onto the muddy ground with one last sorrowful whine.

    Simultaneously Xahanol scrambled to his feet giving him a chance to leap forward, not only putting some distance from him and the other beasts but also allowing him to scoop up his sword from the muddy bank. Ignoring his substantial wounds Xahanol glanced over to at the salamander's frail wounded body, scanning its frame for bites and cuts. Which both he found in plentiful supply. Tail crushed and bitten. Left leg slashed and sliced. Fin ripped and severed. All now painted with thick layers of blood decorated with small strings of torn sinew and tissue. Yet the creature that had caused the damage was seemingly gone?

    --Beast Profile--
    (Beast tamer passive)

    Propelled by four thickly muscled legs and a powerful tail, Salamanders are swift-moving creatures whether on land or in water. Salamanders are voracious hunters, and their favoured method of catching prey is to swiftly close the distance, moving through underbrush or even submerged underwater. Once within range, they launch a burst of highly corrosive liquid from their gullets, a substance so volatile that it bursts into flames upon contact with the air.

    The burning pitch-like substance sticks to victims, burning them alive whilst already beginning the digestive process. The creature’s neck-frills and back sails provide a cooling mechanism, ensuring the cold-blooded creature does not expire from the heat generated within its own body.

    Salamander Default stats: - (M5 On land, M9 In water) WS0 BS5 S2 T1 W2.3 I1 A2 Ld4)

    Xolek/Xahanol Salamander Current Stats: - (M0 On land, M1 In water) WS0 BS2 S1 T0 W0.8 I0 A1 Ld1)


    Both his whip and tail still casting out snaps and soundwaves Xolek’s Gurgling chants (-1 Magic point, Leaving Xolek with 0 remaining) cease before their noise is replaced with a stimulating hiss as a winding serpent revealed itself from the grass, after coiling its way up into Xahanol’s palm the small coral snake slithers back onto the ground, biting into the nearby collapsed hyaenodons paralysed flesh. Undoubtedly putting the poor beast to rest.


    In a similar manner to the blazing bush viper that was now assaulting the Hyaenodon that had attacked the salamander Xolek’s tail coiled and twisted, the serrated carnosaur tooth held within acting as a third weapon if needed.


    The Hyaenodons teeth and claws met with a pair of shining fangs and blazing ruby scales as the recently called Viper relentlessly attacked, swirling between feet and limbs lashing out with strike after strike into the beasts soft underbelly, injecting huge doses of hemotoxic venom known to cause extreme haemorrhaging and imbuing the victim with the inability to form blood clots.

    Making the Hyena’s Situation worse a larger and more viscous jade tree boa emerged from the branches above, its thick body mottled with ruby built to constrict and suffocate its prey.


    Unnoticed the boa slinked down closer allowing it to pounce onto the hyaenodons back giving it the chance to coil around the preoccupied beast with ropes of scale and flesh within seconds. Now firmly wrapped the huge snake tightened and tensed, slowly crushing the hyaenodons rib cage whilst squashing the air out of its lungs.


    Xolek-Zi - M5 WS2 BS2 S2 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld5 1 skill point, 1 battle, 0 magic, 0 beast handling.


    Xahanol (M5 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.7 I3 A1 Ld4) 0 skill point, 0 battle, 2 beast handlin
  13. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    With this kind of damage Xahanol was worried about losing their quarry. They would begin to practice what they had known since spawning, the art of caring for beasts, in everything they needed, including their medical needs. They would scramble in packs for anything they could use to bind wounds, staunch the flow of blood. They tried to analyze deeper wounds that would need stitching, anything to try to do triage to save the Salamander.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Seeing the spawns of Sotek do what tjey were summoned to do Xolek smiles, before standing back to back with Xahonol allowing 360° visibility. Noticing the other skink looking through pouches the Oracle loosens his stegadon leather belt with its many pouches on it, throwing it to the handler.

    "Cold One hide pouch has medical balms and plant paste! The belt to help stop the bleeding!" Standing he looks around. He knows there is at least one unattended hyenadon left, one with a barbed stick in it.

    Watching the large boa crush the hyenadon infront of them gave the oracle a sensation of bloodlust, craving the next encounter
    Sevesh, Nazqua, bOdziO Wolf and 3 others like this.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Reaching out Xahanol grasps the stegadon scale belt from the air before rummaging through its many pockets, spilling their medicinal contents onto the floor with haste.

    Forgetting his own injuries and pains the beast handler unclips the many pouches from the belt and begins to tie it around one of the salamander's leg wounds, a deep gash still tricking with blood and filth.

    Swiftly moving on Xahanol continues to treat the salamander with bandages and leaves to patch up wounds, medicinal balms to soothe the pain and healing ointments to stop the bleeding, Doing the best he could to ensure the salamander's survival even with the crude and unreliable materials at hand. (+0.3 Wounds to the salamander, Bleeding condition removed. Lowered chance of disease)

    Rain was now beginning to pour down as the heavens opened up, the torrent of new monsoon water reinvigorating the jungle and revitalising the swamps drained banks.

    As the large drops of rain landed onto the working skink's scales they sizzled before slithering down his back and arms like a serpent licking at the blood from both him and the salamander he so carefully treated. (-1 Beasthandling point, Leaving Xahanol with 1 remaining)

    Feeling a sense of relief, Xahanol finished work on the salamander before gently collapsing down, his overly exhausted body crying for rest whilst his back wounds stung and his arm burnt.


    Body dripping with Tzunki’s blessing Xoleks Face twisted into a smile as he continued forward watching the hyenadon’s body getting crushed beneath the boa’s coils as he went. Now further into the clearing, the skink scans the surrounding area, his fiery eyes darting back and forth realising that one of the hyenadons is unaccounted for.

    As if answering the Oracles questions the forest broke out in a whimper as the solitary hyaenodon leapt from the bushes scrambling desperately in the opposite direction whining as the handling stick firmly lodged within its shoulder scraped against the floor gouging out chunks of flesh.


    Quas slowly chewed on a large chunk of meat , his sharp crocodile teeth making short work of the tendons and bones stored within. The second chunk of meat within his hand plastered with salts and other herbs dangled down as the kroxigor moved around going to each skink with an almost crazed expression.

    Expectedly, most of the skinks within the room shied away, leaning back to avoid the pungent smell of the half-rotten meat shank until Quas finally got to Zuztle who was at the back of the room tinkering with many small vials of powder and herbs at the time.

    Thinking for a short moment as Quass wide eyes stared at the healer, his attempt to smile only resulting in the kroxigor bearing his huge teeth and crumpling his face. “Uhh…. Yes actually Quas, I could use some of that meat..” Zuztle muttered whilst grabbing the dripping chunk with both hands before drawing it up to his nose and inhaling, its noxious vapours causing him to sputter and choke as he flinched backwards.

    Quas still gawking at him with a strange almost confused expression Zuztle moved from his desk to a nearby shelf where he placed the meat down before retrieving a glass huge jar, Its interior was a huge system of tunnels and chambers formed from mud and dried earth.

    Scuttling within the burrows were trails of large worker ants moving from one place to another performing various activities required by the nest and inside the largest chamber barely visible from the outside was a large nest filled with squirming lava and a collection of feeder ants, their bodies swelled up with a sugary honey mixture, the thick concoction known for its many uses among medicine and healing.

    Mesmerized by the ant's motions Quas could see Zuztle slowly unscrew the jar’s lid before the skink placed the meat onto the soil, the small insects already attracted to its sickly smell starting to bury into the newly provided feast.


    After passing off his weapons Xlauax silently made his way to the entrance unheeded by Qelionx.

    Now peering into the darkness he could make out the silhouette of both Izqux and another skink deep in converse “A vault you say? Yuxa.. Yuxa has surely guided my visions!” Izqux chittered, his face lighting up. “Yes yes.., Another vault I was ordered by Tiqxoltiq to alert you. Kuoteq...Kuoteq-Eko and a kroxigor had found it, but they were both wounded by the weapons of stone guardians tasked with protecting the plaques within.” The pairs words bouncing from the walls into Xlauax's unnoticed ears.

    “Wounded? Is our priest okay? Where are they now?” Izqux bombarded the skink excavator with a barrage of questions. “Uhh, I don't know Seer… I was ordered to get help from the camp and inform you of the discoveries”

    “Okay… Okay okay” The starseer paced about deep in thought “Indeed yes young one, We must rally more skinks and kroxigors to get down there and reclaim the vault immediately, There are many plaques to salvage… I have already sent a band of saurus warriors to clear out the reported Skaven threat, So all we need now is to get the priests back down there… And maybe I should come down as well…” Izqux muttered indecisively still unnoticing of the chameleon skink that was listening in to the conversation.

    Xlauax stood nervously, every time he went to speak out the conversation seemed to suddenly start again, ethier blocking out his quite voice or causing him to cease speaking out.

    Twidling nervously with his hands Xlauax gathered his courage and eventually stepped closer into the tents shade before finally speaking out...


    Immediately the two skinks turned their slightly shocked heads to look at him with confused gazes, the lizardmen’s eyes burning into Xlauax causing him to cease up with nervousness as he tried to explain the information he had gained from the slave to Izqux, Trembling during the whole process.

    “E-eshin?” Izqux looked around before signalling at the chameleon to come closer and take a seat. “Y-Yes Yes the slave said that he was from Clan D-Dust seekersss for Eshinn” The chameleon rambled, tripping over his own words as his tongue troubled to keep up with his frantic mind.

    The skink to his side quickly glanced at him before returning his glare back to Izqux “Err, Seer… Should I rouse more skinks to the excavation site after finding the priests seer?”

    “Yes, Yes you should… I will make my way to the ruins shortly, But first I must talk with Xlauax here” The seer calmy gestured towards the intruding chameleon.

    “X-xlauaxss...“ The chameleon awkwardly whispered, Cocking his head to the side while looking at the skink excavator with a twisted and disturbing smile, Immediately causing the skink to leave with haste to find the priests without another word...
  16. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Pain. Pain was a reminder that you were alive, but at this point Xahanol would prefer not feeling this. They wiggled on the ground slightly, giving a hiss of discomfort and exhaustion. They weren't quite used to the fighting aspect of things, more used to handling the smaller beasts. Things to learn, things to deal with. They just hoped their triage would be enough to save the salamander, so it wasn't for nothing. They did their best to keep an eye on the snakes the other skink had summoned, wanting to make sure they wouldn't be seen as a meal for them.
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As he often did while working in the infirmary, Tiqxoltiq took a moment to go around the room and check on the patients. Not that he distrusted Zuztle's abilities - after all, the ancient skink had forgotten more about healing than Tik had learned! No, it was just that he knew Zuztle could get distracted. To help his mentor, Tik had taken some of the routine patient care upon himself. The administering of common medications, mostly.

    He was making his rounds, in fact, when Quas suddenly appeared before him, holding out a slab of foul-smelling meat. Tiqxoltiq glanced at it and winced. "Quas, I know you mean well, but I do not think that is something a skink can eat. Remember, you kroxigor have a completely different diet from what we consume."

    "Zuztle fed some to ants," the kroxigor rumbled back happily.

    "He did? Ah, that is good. Means I don't have to scrounge up food for the voracious little bugs tonight! Meanwhile, you should get some rest." Sighing, he looked around the infirmary, confident that they would not lose any patients anytime soon. "Zuztle, I am going back to the excavation site. We found some new chambers today. I will see if there is anything either of us could use here."
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Seeing as all the hyenadons but the one were dead or dying Xolek using whatever influence left began to influence the large constrictor to go after the last hyenadon, but to not kill it, but rather subdue it. Commanding the smaller two snakes to stay with Xahanol and the Salamander incase of attack, hoping that if his influence wore off that they would just slither away ignoring the two. Assuming that a Saurus guard would appear soon due to his loud war cry earlier, Xolek charges after the wounded creature and the training stick; leaving his companion and new war beast behind.

    Pushing branches and thick underbrush to the side, the Oracle follows the path made by his quarry, in the corner of his eye the skink believes he sees something, he hopes its the large Boa in pursuit as he had commanded...if not, just another thing to deal with. Blood soaked grass and broken branches liter the path ahead of him, and then it seemed to stop cold. Looking around the Oracle feels a cool jungle breeze as the sun is almost entirely blocked by the tall canopy above, but oddly silence...and the feeling of being watched. Tail still holding the Carnosaur tooth, it sways back and forth, opposite of the skinks head darting from side to side, ceremonial dagger firm in his grip and the whip loose while resting on the ground. A snap of a twig alerts the Oracle but nothing can be seen
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax glares at the skink, who is now backing out of the tent. As the skink leaves Xlauax visibly calms down and seems less nervous. Xlauax turns his gaze to the Starseer, now giving Xlauax his full attention, and says "The Skaven are in the ruins to retrieve plaques and ancient artifacts for their masters. Normally Skaven don't hunt after artifacts and plaques so something seems amiss. Eshin tends to be a powerful Skaven clan so it may be wise to seek further aid. We don't know how many are down there and may need many more soldiers to drive them back. If you wish, I could scout deep into the tunnels to find out more information. It would be dangerous but I think I am ready for the challenge. I spent 10 long years hunting dark elves in the shadows and have many new techniques to infiltrate hostile territory, with your leave I will depart immediately.". Xlauax then waits for the Starseer to give him an answer.
  20. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    With a friendly smile, Zuztle slowly turned around to acknowledge Tik’s statements, His clouded eye slightly twitching as he gestured towards the door. “Yes, Yes T-Tik… But but be careful out -there, ever since we started excavations the amount of wounded has increased five-fold… The l-least thing we would want is another injured priest, Especially one tha-” immediately cutting off his sentence the room was suddenly filled with the noise of frenzied screaming…

    Instantaneously Hakal jolted back up from his position against the wall, His ears pounding with both the frenzied sounds and his own increasing heartbeat. Always alert Hakal was the first to realise that this scream was not coming from a wounded patient, But in fact was a warcry… “Xiliquncani!" The simple yet frightening words bounded from the tree’s towards the hut as birds and creatures scrambled from their positions amongst the jungle.

    Simultaneously Kuoteq at his side suddenly awoke from his rest, gasping for air whilst his eyes widened from the sudden and unexpected sounds.

    In a similar manner both Quas and Tiqxoltiq felt the noise bouncing from the walls, Looking at each other before studying the room to see Zuztle on the floor trying to support himself with one hand whilst quivering, It seemed the noise had also reached him…

    Rushing over Tik helped Zuztle Back to his feet before vigilantly listening out again. To his surprise, he was not greeted by another noise but instead the sweet scent of fresh blood that was now slowly wafting into the room causing its occupant's senses to shiver as tingles trickled down their spines…


    Glancing around Xahanol identified two of the snakes trailing away from their recent prey, their streamlined bodies slithering through puddles of bloody mud before they disappeared in pursuit of Xolek.

    Returning his attention back to the salamander Panic began to flood Xahanols mind as he further studied the beasts injuries. Soon the skinks limbs turned into a storm of motion, his hands wrapped around the larger wounds with bandages before applying more medicinal balms whilst his tail squeezed cuts and slashes shut to prevent further bleeding. In this state trepidation and alarm the skink handler suddenly became aware of heavy footsteps and rushed saurian voices coming from the nearby bushes…

    Unable to muster anything other than a faint sigh of relief the skink watched until a large band of saurus obviously alerted from Xoleks cries broke through the trees, their weapons drawn and shields raised ready for combat as their eyes darted between the hyaenodon bodies within the clearing before they settled upon the skink and salamander.

    A slightly larger and more heavily armoured saurus eventually stepped fourth issuing rapid orders to the group. The nearby lizardmen instantly rushed to their newly assigned posts and orders, Two of them coming over to help treat the salamander whilst others secured the area...

    Now approaching Xahanol the group leaders many golden trinkets and hardened armour plates clinking against his scales as he slowly walked forward with a sense of authority. Walking gradually the saurus breathed out, drawing in large columns of blood infused air whilst his tongue flicked out tasting the sickly scent.

    Planting his huge clawed feet firmly into the soil the saurian loomed over the pair before finally speaking out, his voice monotone and harsh yet slow, Its deep and personified pitched mixed in with guttural grunts and sniffs.
    What happened…

    Slightly dazed by the huge figure standing before him Xahanol struggled to reply, giving the saurus nothing more than a disoriented look as the simple words convulsed and rebounded in the skinks ears.

    Drawing in slightly closer, The saurus helped the handler to his feet with a careful strength whilst bellowing out “Speak…”
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019

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