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Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Oh old ones I have made a poor decision. They would try to figure out what they could remember of the spiders native to this section of the Lustrian wilds, trying to figure out if they needed to relocate, investigate, or if it would be best to lay low. He tried to listen, seeing if it was just a feast, or if there was still a scuffle going on.
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    --Beast Profile--
    (Beast tamer passive)

    Arachnolf Spider:
    These alien-like creatures are known to dwell within the deepest and darkest part of the jungle, living in huge groups these nocturnal spiders create sprawling silk nests and drape the canopy with thick webs perfect for catching smaller mammals or other insects off guard.

    Armed with huge fangs and an array of agile legs these creatures can achieve both incredible speed and accuracy with their attacks. In addition, Arachnolf’s are known to first immobilise their victims in a squirt of sticky silk that binds together limbs making prey all the easier to attack and chase.

    One of the few known species of arachnid to hunt in packs using both eyesight and their ability to detect vibrations they will swarm in a flurry of vicious bites, attacking prey once they have blindly stumbled into a tangling web or a large nest.

    Known Weaknesses:
    - These creatures all share a hatred of light and will do anything to extinguish it before attacking, This is one of the main reasons why lizardmen trekking through inhabited areas are well equipped with several torches and light sources in order to fend off the creatures or burn down their encroaching nest

    Rough size:

    Arachnolf Default stats: - M9 WS0 BS2 S2 T1 W0.7 I0 A2 Ld0
    (Pack Instinct: For every other Arachnolf within close vicinity leadership will be increased by ONE)
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Too scared to move Xahanol tries to calm his breaths trying to stay unnoticed. Now angling his keen eyes and ears towards the darkness he can still hear the noise of struggling, as what seems like a large body is dragged to the ground prone with a grunt as more and more swarming bodies pour in from the canopy above.

    Thrusting forward one of the smaller Spiders bodies is chucked away onto the ground in front of Xahnaol as the figure attempts to get back onto their legs, failing miserably as they trip back down as yet another sticky net of silk envelops them.

    Mere meters the skink can see the spider in front toiling, its legs flailing in the air before another bigger one of its own kind picks it up and drags it up a tree ready to be consumed.
  4. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    They checked their supplies. This was stupid, but they couldn't watch someone get hurt without trying to help. They looked through their supplies, hoping they had something to cause some light. If they had multiple torches to light that would be ideal, but even one could work for a very stupid and possibly suicidal plan.
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Holding their position Xahanol riffled through the many mud-covered pouches stored on his belt, trying to make as little noise as possible he quickly reaches into one of the smaller pockets revealing a flint and steel.

    The small sharp rock weighing his hand down as he wiped a layer of mud off the metal in the hope he could still produce a spark even with the rain still dripping down before grabbing a small woven sack filled with fire lighting feathers and kindling essential to any lizardman’s kit.

    Unable to find any other torches or light-conducting material he let a prayer slip out of his mouth before opening the bag to reveal intact fuel still dry and crisp to the touch. Lucky the moisture and rain had not managed to puncture through the bags thick exterior and ruin the material inside.
  6. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Here goes nothing. They would work with the flint and steel, trying to find a dry enough spot to start the fire of the kindling. They would start the fire on the half of the kindling, giving up their safe spot to sleep for a fire distraction. They would then move to another spot that seemed dry enough to deposit the other half of the kindling, trying to light it there as well. Hoping to split the spiders, and either scare them away or get them to deal with two separate areas, and praying to the Old Ones it wouldn't come to a straight up fight with these creatures.
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Trying to keep his hands from shaking the skink works swiftly, Striking the flint time and time again, each additional attempt causing him to panic as the sparks quickly fizzle out or fail to produce.

    The distant shouts and screams of the figure spurring him on Xahanol beseeches Chotecs name and strikes, this time the flint showers with burning sparks that defy both the cold and darkness giving the skink a final chance to ignite the kindling.

    Mere moments after a few singular sparks make contact with the fuel it bursts into dancing flames, the blazing light fully illuminating him and the surrounding tree’ in a flickering storm of illumination.

    Now with the burning wood flakes and feathers in his hand the skink splits it into two, placing the first half into the earthy sheltered cove near a collection of drier roots and leaves before darting to place the other closer to the fight inside a collection of snapped branches and plants all whilst ignoring the hundreds of gleaming inhuman eyes that stared upon both him and the flame with a primordial hate.

    Seconds later the skink desperately encourages the fire to spread as many of the spiders split off from the group charging at the fresh meal with wicked speed trying to both extinguish the flame before it can grow and also take out the skink in a flurry of fangs and punctures.

    Gritting his teeth Xhanol Stares at the incoming

    (Any ranged attacks will have an additional -30 Accuracy penalty due to both the creatures speed and the consuming darkness.)

    Stats: Xahanol - M5 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.7 I3 A1 Ld4. 2 skill points, 1 battle, 0 beast handling
  8. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    For now Xahanol is going to figure out how many are coming at him, and focus on not getting caught in any ways they try to trap him in. He takes defensive action, keeping moving and attempting to stay just barely within the fire line, to hopefully effect their vision, making him harder to find. He brought his weapon out though, just to be safe, favoring melee for now, knowing his chances of getting a shot off is slim.
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Darting around he Takes a defensive stance and holds his weapon forward ready to strike down on any incoming foes whilst he protects the fire, giving its licking flames the chance to further grow.

    Peering through the darkness the skink can make out a seething mass of smaller spiders complemented by several larger ones but also more and more spiders stripping away from the beaten figure in the distance revealing not only its hulking characteristics but also the reflective blue hue’s coming from its scales.

    Who now In an ancient and savage manoeuvre Grabbed a spider from its silk laden shoulder and bit into it. its huge rows of teeth still sinking into the squirming creature's carapace the saurian form struck another one of the creatures with its bare hands, tearing off a cluster of the spider's leg before chucking it to the side….

    Snapping his attention back to the spiders still incoming he can see a few brave enough to close in despite the flames which had now consumed the whole bush and were soon to be spreading across the steaming jungle floor.

    Clutching the weapon harder and fiercer than before he leans in almost ready for a strike when a sudden burst of silk shoots down from a nearby trunk, the sticky net barely missing him as he manages to dodge the web by ducking down to the side...
  10. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Okay, too close to comfort. What's next. They kept moving, keeping an eye on where they net had landed, to avoid stepping in it. "Chotec!" The skink screams, and in a bit of a desperate move attempts to use his tail to push some of the flaming material from his fire into the web. With luck it was flamable, if not it may at least get the spiders to back up for a moment.
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    With a swift movement from his tail, Xahanol gently pushes a small pile of flaming material into the sticky web causing it to erupt in a burst of searing light that illuminates the dark forest for a split second revealing the true horrors in their entirety before the light immediately shrinks causing the sticky web to shrivel up and steam in a defeated pile.

    Now blinded and dazed some of the smaller spiders retreat whilst the bigger ones stand shocked for mere moments giving the slightly freed up saurus in the distance the time to quickly break through the thick layers of silk entangling its body which allows it to reach down and grab a large spear whilst letting lose a guttural fear invoking roar. “XAHANOL!?” The words almost spitting out of its mouth as it further engaged with the spiders around it.

    Muscles tensed and teeth gritted Xahanol’s attempts to warn the spiders are seemingly working as the careless flames leap and dance further up the tree trunk spreading with renewed vigour, their slick tendrils trying to grab onto the low hanging branches and leaves of the tree in the attempt to hoist themselves higher where they could devour even more fuel.
  12. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    They spared a glance at the growing fire. Well, that distraction isn't going out soon. Old ones this is getting out of hand. With such a large blaze visibility seemed to be getting better. Thinking it'd be best to work together they attempted to make a dash to the Saurus, working to avoid any spiders in their way, to set up what will hopefully act as a defensive spot for the two. They would wield their weapon before them, wishing they had their beast handling spear.
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Also taking advantage of the stunned spiders Xhanaol darts forward, his feet kicking up a path of rotten leaves as he weaves is way through a crowd of the partially stunned spiders that unsuccessfully leap and reach out trying to grab him.

    Almost within the saurus reach a larger spider manages to pounce forward, striking the running skink’s legs head-on causing Xhanaol to drift into the mud as the spider’s thirsting fangs bite into his calf, piercing their way through both scales and flesh. (-0.15 Wounds, Leaving Xahanol with 0.55 wounds remaining)

    Upon seeing the skink get knocked to the ground the saurus grabs the spider on top of him, the creatures curved fangs withdrawing with so much force causes excruciating pain to bolt through the skink leg.

    Trying not to cry out, Xahanol grabs the saurus’s outstretched hand and hauls himself back up ready to face the rest of the spiders, luckily for them a few of their number were distracted with the fresh feast of bodies but also with the mesmerizing flames that thrust forward mere seconds away from reaching the tree canopy...
  14. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Wrong move. The throbbing pain in their leg would be a lesson. They took stock of the spiders, glancing slightly to the Saurus next to them, trying to think if they remembered them. They would move slightly away from the Saurus, so a spider would have to choose to web one of them or the other, and were ready to strike out at the first spider that came near. Going for any vulnerable spot they could remember.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The face still fresh in his head he shouted out as another spider now confident after seeing its brethren land a hit leaped. But this one was not so lucky as its fangs met slicing steel over flesh as Xahanols club-like blade ran through the spiders face, striking it across the mouth and eyes causing a strange almost green blood to spew out over its now limp body. (-1 Battle point, leaving Xhanaol with 0 remaining)

    Upon seeing more and more of the spiders fall the pack was becoming increasingly weary, many of the smaller ones had already fled taking what meat they could from the already dead and dying.

    Now withdrawing his club from the dead spiders face The beast handler readied himself to fend off another attack as he looked up at the canopy one last time before a singular spark would make contact with the silk draping branches that formed a sprawling nest above...
  16. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    This is about to be bad. "GET DOWN!" He shouted at the Saurus, diving down instinctively and covering his eyes and head, knowing the trees were about to go up in a blaze.
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    On the words ‘GET DOWN’ The saurus leapt onto the floor, covering both his head and the skink with his huge clawed hands and muscular frame.

    Despite Xahnaols hands covering his eyes his whole vision suddenly filled with white as a shockwave blasted out throwing both lizardmen like ragdolls as a sudden immeasurable searing heat scorched the skink's back scales as the whole forest seemingly exploded all around.

    Loud ringing in his ears Xahanol pressed his eyelids closed as his body was dragged off the floor, every limb stinging with intense heat.

    Feeling the thudding of feet against ground the unmoving skink peered out, able to make out what seemed to be arcs of fire leaping from the smouldering canopy drenched in flame. Despite his blurred and distorted vision, the last thing he was able to see was the jungle tree’s behind him almost collapsing in on itself as the whole sky was illuminated for but a split second before his vision slipped into darkness as wounds overcame the frail skink...
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    A loud FAH-WHOOOOMP! from in the distance knocked Tiqxoltiq out of a sound sleep! Blinking back his drowsiness, he glanced out the nearest opening and stared in shock at the section of swampland that had suddenly burst into flames! "Ohhhhhh, Sotek, this isn't good..."
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Leaping forth from the smooth stone block he rested on Tiqxoltiq’s ears rang as he stared out into the now illuminated darkness. In the far distance, a section of dense jungle swamp was ablaze with hungry flames, Its fury and luminosity both exaggerated by the darkness surrounding it and the huge influx of sudden, inexplicable fuel that caused it to erupt into a storm of conflagration.

    The inferno’s light and power pierced through the night as if a second smaller sun had been born. Ashax the god of Destruction working in tandem with Chotec was a sight to behold as both of the god’s unending wraith and rage was made manifest, Seemingly brought down to smite crude and unworked jungle?

    Panic-stricken, Tik’s eyes darted around at the other now awoken skinks that were streaming from communal huts and sleeping quarters to both watch the spectacle in awestruck shock and also to begin preparation for the action required to stem the blaze if it further encroached on the camp itself…

    Shouting could be heard throughout the commotion as a unit of saurus and kroxigor were dispatched from the direction of the ruins. They parted through the assembling crowd whilst barking out orders as did the fire’s light that parted through the enveloping darkness, the flames themselves yelling in fractured crackles of victory as tree’s snapped and swamp water boiled beneath the blazing heat...


    Disoriented and confused Hakal desperately struck out at the many pairs of hands that snatched at him, ‘Another dream… Another nightmare…’ He tried to reassure himself as he fought back.

    Only realising too late that this was no dream and that both the unearthly orange light that bathed his hut’s interior and the many hands that grabbed him were all too real.

    Dazed and unable to understand Hakal could see other kroxigors and saurus surrounding him, the largest kroxigor standing over him bearing his huge gnarled teeth in an angry growl.

    The reason for his fellow lizard's anger only became clear when Hakal finally got to his feet and noticed the fresh and a rather familiar set of claw gashes swiped across the lizards face.

    Before he could reach out or even respond the indignant kroxigor was shoved aside as a saurus took his place. The reptilians muscular body and belt draped in buckets filled with sloshing clear water and sand that replaced the warriors normal golden armour in the same way that the normal spear, club or weapon was replaced with a huge steel shovel.

    “Get up. Ololoq (Fire) Encroaches, The Oldones are angered...” The saurus booms, his simple yet effective words mingling in with the ringing still present among the kroxigors ears as Hakal was fully hoisted from his sleep and passed a handful of equipment before being dragged out into the open.

    Looking out past the swarms of skinks now also following the band of saurus’s lead Hakal could see the horizon filled with great columns of smoke as a burning inferno raged below, its heat sending tingles down the kroxigor’s spine as his blood boiled.



    Suddenly feeling his grip slip from the branch as a shockwave of heat and light impacted, Xolek was thrown slightly off balance causing him to tumble into the swamp mud and water below.

    Breaths of clean fresh air were replaced with breaths of soot and smoke and then further replaced with a mouthful of mud and water.

    Shocked and still prone Xolek looked around to see the blazing fire roaring, its flames licking and hissing at the swamp shore trying to reach out to the skink, whilst towers of smoke rose up clouding the night sky in a thick blanket of black that blocked out both the moon and stars.

    Still partially overcoming the shock that permeated throughout his body, Xolek-Zi began to desperately scramble back up the bank as the flames leapt from tree to tree, from mangrove to mangrove slowly making their way towards the other bank…


    Sensing a primitive danger well established within him triggered by the commotion below Xlauax’s partial vision fully cleared as he looked around to be greeted with clouds of smoke and flame emanating from the jungle itself.

    Initially climbing higher up the tree the chameleon would soon see more of the action unfolding as skinks and kroxigors were rallied to fight the blaze which flickered in the distance. The scent of burning and the strange red hue both reinvigorated distant memories in Xlauax’s maddened head.

    The scenes of burning Druchii camps were reenacted once again, whole buildings buckled and fell whilst anguished elven screams were blanketed by the crackling of flame. Reimagining the chaos he unleashed time and time again before slinking back into the darkness was a mere reminder, a detriment of fire’s true power and destructive capabilities….


    “Slam” Kuoteq was jolted awake as the blurred figure of a saurus bursted through Zuztke’s doorway, his soot-covered golden armour reflecting a strange flickering red light onto the walls as he spoke out to the healer before placing a limp body down onto the central table.

    The saurians normal slow and cold voice spurred into action “Struck down by Ololoq, Skink Xahanol-Xolek needs help!” He shouts, the slightest tone of emotion in his voice as he awakes the skink healer.

    The body on the table was that of a skink, its once blue scales plastered with soot and smoke whilst its crest and back were ripped and singed….

    Kuoteq’Eko now turned his attention to Zuztle who’s one working eye had snapped open in an instant whilst his frail body rushed to attend the wounded.

    Hakal - M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.8 I0 A1 Ld6. 2 skill points, 5 -MAX battle, 1+ Strength


    Tiqxoltiq - M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 4 Magic


    Xahanol - ???

    Quas - M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.2 I0 A1 Ld6. 2 skill point, 2 battle, 1 Strength


    Xolek-Zi - M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T2 W0.95 I4 A1 Ld5. 1 Skill point, 3 Battle, 1 Magic ,1 Beast handling.


    Kuoteq'Eko - M5 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0. I4 A1 Ld5. 2 skill points, 2 battle, 3 magic


    Xlauax - M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5. +2 skill points, 1 battle, 2 blend
  20. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax leaps down from his tree perch and glances around, he saw skinks and saurus running around frantically. He made his way to Izqux's tent, the yellow glow of the flame reflecting off his scales, and as he entered he calmed down a bit. "Starseer Izqux, I have noticed a fire outside, I have much experience navigating fire due to my training. Is there something you would like done? Was anyone in the forest when it lit?".

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