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Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    In the moment Quas wanted to shout back a surge of water defeated the flames before them and then a rain from above started to pour dealing with the camp on as if somebody decided to re-roll their fates this terrifying night. Exhausted and confused the Kroxigor collapsed to his knees where he stood and humbly bowed speaking - "Praise... Tzunki" - gasping between the words.
    Couple of moments passed before he stood up again and regained a steady breath. He spoke no more and strolled to the center of the camp where his kitchen was.

    (Plot notes: Hakal can probably insert his lines after hearing Praise Tzunki or later)
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Getting lead closer and closer toward the camp the once-raging inferno’s destruction only became more evident, fallen trees still smoking with thick, suffocating fumes whilst sizzling sparks and ash mixed fluttered down like swarms of hungry insects weaving in between the plummeting rain. Each and every drop of the serene liquid that touched the flames impacted like a searing javelin into Druchii flesh yet when it landed on the two lizards below, it reinvigorated them with strange new energy as well as seeping into their blazing wounds and helping to lessen and revoke the pain.

    As the skinks reached closer and closer the scorched trees were replaced with smouldering huts and collapsed huts, thin wisps of smoke rising from the piles of ash and soot to be carried away on the raging winds. tt seemed the ruins had recovered their dominion over parts of the camp, reclaiming them as their own as piles of dust and rubble.

    Crows and circled above scouring the ruins, their shrill shrieks mixing in with the maniacal muttering of Xlauax as he continued to wind his way through a series of still-standing buildings that were formed with more permanent blocks of blackened stone which mock and laugh and the fallen wood.

    Xolek started out across the fresh destruction, his fractured and frail mind unable to muster little response other than a series of sorrowful and deep breath before he was once again tugged forward by the chameleons curling tail.
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Blinking back his exhaustion, Tiqxoltiq surveyed the damages and let out a bitter sigh. Long days of work repairing the camp lay ahead of them, but that was, perhaps, a job for another day. In the distance, he could see a pair of skinks making their way across the fire-scarred landscape. Mentally, he ticked off two more names from the list of those missing. He called a weary greeting to the pair as they approached.
  4. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Reaching the camp Xlauax look at Qul'toq questioningly. "Why havent you cast your spell? We must hurry! It's only a matter of time before the Druchii find the dead scouts.". After this Xlauax stares off into the camp. "YES! THE DRUCHII BURN!".
    1st person
    He dove into the camp and started slashing at Druchii all around him. He winced, a Druchii had caught him in the arm so he swung his Pain to decapitated him. After this he lept backwards, slitting a Druchii throat with his Justice. Suddenly he looked over to where Qul'toq stood, a Druchii bolt embedded itself in his heart. He went into a mad fury screaming "NOOOOO!". Crawling around like a wild animal and using his camoflauge he creeped through the camp like a viper, striking down Druchii from the shadows. After dispatching then he leaped over to Qul'toq and spoke with him before his death.
    3rd person
    Xlauax dove into the camp, swinging at branches and air. He attacked them with a mad fury before suddenly staring at Xolek-Zi and screaming. After this he started crawling all of the place ambushing many fallen logs and sticks like an animal before pouncing on top of Xolek-Zi and violently muttering incoherent words while crying. After a minute Xlauax's eyes suddenly cleared, he backed away staring at Xolek-Zi as if he were some sort of monster. Xlauax started shaking erratically. He slowly sheathed his weapons before saying "Th-this w-w-w-way.... Th-THEY ev-evacuated. It sh-shouldnt be f-far.".
    Sevesh, Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and 3 others like this.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    As they enter camp The Chameleon leaps infront of the Oracle, disappearing as if he was never there, moments later reappearing in a flurry of blade dancing...at half bured hit sticks? "What is he doing...." Xolek said to himself "Does he not see the camp is half burned down?"

    Looking around Xolek could see nothing but high black and dark grey smoke, black charred logs smoldering, large muddles from the deluge mixed with parts of huts were all around. Coughing the Oracle covers his mouth with his hand to try to block some of the smoke but to no avail.

    Again Xlauax screams about Druchii, while slashing into logs and broken down hut walls. Two things were clear to Xolek: This skink hated Druchii and possibly branches...he did seem to strike at branches often. The other clear thing being that they both needed his pipe and a good sit down with it. He thought to himself, where did he have it last? It then struck him, the beast handler! The Salamander! His mind raced wondering where they had gone and if they were alive, he then figured his bags and belt would be with them, hopefully.

    Out of no where The chameleon jumps from the shadows into Xolek and begins to scream at him, Xolek cant make out the words as they seem to be in...Druchii? There seems to be more to this skink Xolek thought

    In the craziness that followed Xolek began to grow fond of the Chameleon, something calming about the presence of the slightly crazy skink. Flash backs of his spawning came, and like little specs of light images would show, among them chameleon skinks hidden in the brush and trees....

    Nodding at Xlauax the Oracle begins to follow him, smoke nearly blinding him as they trekked through the aftermath of destruction around them
    Sevesh, Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    For a moment, everything seemed normal. Then, right before his eyes, Xlauax suddenly began leaping about, swinging his swords at burnt sticks and shouting in a language he didn't recognize. Tiqxoltiq blinked tired eyes, his jaw slowly falling open in confusion at the sight. A quick glance over at Xolek showed a similar expression on the skink's face. Turning back to the chameleon skink, Tik watched as he continued to stab and strike imaginary enemies in the form of sticks before suddenly turning, staring in horror at Xolek, and screaming in shock and despair before suddenly blending in with the burnt foliage like only a chameleon could.

    Shaking his head, Tik limped over to Xolek, casting the Oracle a look of concern. "Xlauax seems... a little, um, off at the moment, yes? I know he was mistreated at the hands of the dark ones from the North. Is this, perhaps, a side effect of this?"
  7. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax whipped around suddenly noticing Tiqxol'tiq. "W-where are t-the r-rest? C-can you t-take us b-ack to the St-Starseer?". Xlauax started shifting very nervously and kept looking back at Xolek-Zi. Now that the haze had cleared he remembered the fire and everything that was happening. Somehow despite his brief burst of insanity he still managed to find Xolek-Zi and bring him to the camp. Now he looked to Tiqxol'tiq for directions so he could report about the fire to the Starseer.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Unable to muster the energy to display emotion, Quas began to drag his exhausted body towards his kitchen. After looking back at Hakal one last time he glanced around, his gaze met with only destruction and ash as cinders danced around the ruins in victory.

    his scales caked in soot leaving only his bright yellow eyes that scanned the incoming gloom in anticipation and hope that his kitchen would not have suffered a similar fate to all those other buildings.

    Almost unable to breathe the kroxigor finally arrived, immediately his eyes flicked around identifying his huge stone stove which had luckily remained mostly unscathed, only suffering from a thick coating of ash and a trickle of minor cracks in some of the more vulnerable and exposed bricks.

    Cherishing the few seconds of relief he then turns back to his other equipment and tools, those of iron and steel untouched but others not so lucky…

    The slight smile on Quas’s face, however, was immediately dropped when he finally noticed his wooden shelving. Its once majestic and proud racks collapsed on top of each other in a saddening column of broken ceramics whilst the broad frame had buckled under the heat causing it to disintegrate into yet another pile of sad remnants, but this covered in clouds of rare and exotic herbs which mixed in the air. Causing Quas’s nose and eyes to sting and water as he knelt down, the handfuls of scented ash slowly sliding between his fingers into the smokey breeze…


    Awed by the magic unleashed, Tik walked solemnly over to the aged Starseer and bowed before him. "Once again, wise one, your skill and wisdom saves us all, if perhaps not the camp. We are all in your debt." Hesitantly at first, but with more confidence, he wearily returned to his tasks, guiding those still able to aid in setting up temporary shelters in the tunnels. "We will assess the damages to the camp in the morning. For now, we all need to rest..."

    Now leading both skinks further forward Xlauax’s keen eyes quickly noticed the star seers figure sitting atop the cliff…

    Fleeting storm clouds gathered above making the cliff face shine with a watery sheen whilst its the many sprawling vines and angled tree’s clinging onto it cowered beneath each other trying to hide from the angered torrents of water that gushed down the littered rockface. Unaffected by the now stinging rain Izqux still silently sat amongst the showers, his sorrowful head gently angled over to the frozen hand which once housed the magical orb before turning directly forward and looking out across the horizon with a deep sigh…

    Suddenly the chameleon's gaze was suddenly interrupted as Qelionxi, Izxus's renowned warden approached the group as if on cue...

    A normal glare was already intense, but that of a wardens was even more so, especially Qelionix’s. Shrinking back almost into the shadows Xlauax almost felt a need to grip his weapon as the muscular saurian loomed over the group, his very presence provoking a feeling of control and fear.

    After signalling the others to move ahead he walked closer to Tik, causing the priest's defiant stare to finally break as the saurian spoke out, his voice faster in pace and harsher in tone. “Izqux has S-sent me to inform those of an urgent council. We meet at first light, until then direct skinks, ensure the wounded are seen and the camp well-rested. ”

    The simple words and instructions echoed out into the empty plaza’s and of the charred buildings breaking the eerie sorrowful silence that had settled upon them, startling both Xolek and Xlauax who inquisitively turned around and tried to listen in, only to be gestured away by both a rigid gaze and an aggressive hand motion.

    Within seconds after conveying his message Qelionxi turned around in another direction ignoring any attempt at a response. “There is much to discuss.” he reiterates one last time as he walks away, his many gold trinkets and tassels gently swaying in the breeze.
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding his agreement, Tik turned to enact the Starseer's orders. Heading down into the tunnels, he took a few minutes to check on Zuztle and the wounded, making certain they were being cared for. Some of them were feverish after being moved, but otherwise they were safe and secure. That done, he made the rounds through the camp. Saurus were checked on to ensure their health after battling the flames. Those who were looking worse for wear were ordered to get some water and sleep. The weary but still hale were asked to stand guard in shifts.

    Tik checked on all the skinks as well, with similar results. Skink priests and alphas were warned about the morning council, others were asked to start working clean-up after resting. As he dragged his weary feet in the direction of the handler's encampment, he passed by Quas's kitchen area. Slowing his steps, he glanced in and sighed sadly at the sight of Quas. The kroxigor was kneeling in the ash, trying to see if he could salvage any of his spices and herbs from the wreckage of his shelves. Saddened by the sight, he gently reached up and placed a stiff claw on the kroxigor's shoulder. "I am sorry for your losses, Quas. If I have time, I will see what I can do to replenish your stocks."
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Wanting to speak with the Seer Xolek thinks about requesting an audience, but thinks better of pressing his luck with the Warden. Soon the pain in his leg returns and reminds the Oracle of the stick still lodged in it, not to mention the various stretches around his body from falling down a ravine. Carnisaur tooth behind held in his tail the Oracle follows Tik down into the Caverns, limping

    Finally arriving at what seemed to be a medical area Xolek sees a skink hes very seen before, feverishly attending wounded. Standing towards the doorway the skink watches as Tik checks on various skinks and saurus and then speaking to the attending Skink.

    Soon Tik leaves, the Oracle gives a gesture of respect, and then finds a place of floor to sit on, the whole area being filled with the wounded of camp. Soon darkness takes over his mind as Xolek blacks out...
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax approaches the Warden hesitantly. "I h-have an ur-urgent r-report for St-Starseer Iz-Izqux. I would l-like to acc-accompany y-you so I c-can r-report.". After this Xlauax wait for a response, nervously shifting back and forth. He needed to report the Izqux about the extent of the fire and further threats to the camps saftey. And he was also curious about what the meeting was that the Priests were invited to.
  12. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    A roar of inexplicable sadness broke in the middle of the camp when Quas found the ruins of his kitchen, the ruins of his life. All the precious spices, all the available meat were now gone with the wind, turned into ashes by the recent inferno.
    He realized the feeling of a hand on his shoulder and the calm words spoken by Tiq. Once they stopped he raised his head and now with fury burning in his orange-yellow eyes he asked the Skink before him : "WHAT... DID... THIS?"
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Stopping in his tracks Qelionxi sharply turns around kicking up a small cloud of ash as his piercing eyes make contact with Xlauax’s causing him to twitch uncomfortably as the saurians almost hypnotising eyes looked directly into his soul.

    “Er er, Repor-” He muttered before being cut off “I heard you.” The Dominating cold voice boomed out before the warden approached nearer and quickly moved his eyes down the chameleons twitching awkward body, the judgemental glare halting at each of the wounds and previous injuries.

    Wounds are strong, Scars are resolute.” He speaks out again giving the poor chameleon a chance to catch his breath as the saurian continues. “We value the strong, and respect the resolute. You may report to Izqux before the council, Return to him at first light.”

    Hearing the words come in Xlauax’s felt a strange dazed and warm feeling masked over by his similarly stern maniacal outside appearance, It was one thing to be valued amongst the saurus, another to be respected by them...
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2020
  14. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As those angry words growled out of the mouth of Quas, Tik took a step back, shaking his head. "I... I do not know, Quas. I awoke to the sight of flames spiraling towards the sky, their destructive power turning the night into day. There is a council meeting in the morning. Perhaps I shall learn something there?"
  15. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    When Tik announced the meeting of all Leaders from the deystroyed camp, Kuoteq'eko felt very displeased because he feared that Izqux could be mad about Kuoteq's last days and Kuoteq was worried about that he could be send away. Even more frightening for Kuoteq were his nightmare about the last patrols at Hexoatl with his Saurus friend Tzul'teq and Itazec who both "dissapeared without a trace " on the patrols with him around Hexoatl.For know Kuoteq just wanted to find a place to sleep and hoped that he wouldn't remember his friends in the night again......
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Breathing in the chilled, thick air Kuoteq tried to focus on his own breathing or the gentle sound of dripping water but time and time again he found himself staring into the blazing eyes of both Tzul’tq and Itazec. Every time he mustered the courage to reach out towards them the images would fade back to uncanny all-consuming darkness whilst the friendly lizardmen’s eyes would transform into pale crimson orbs that seemed to stalk the shadows before eventually fading...


    Now sharing Quas’s sorrow Tiqxoltiq looks up to the smokey sky, Dim rays of orange sunlight beginning to creep their way through the clouds before splaying out into an array of blazing reds and yellows that reflected the all to similar colour of fire.

    In perfect synchrony with the light above the jungle chorus seemed to become both clearer and louder filling the air with an orchestra of howls and chirps despite the devastation.

    It wouldn't be long now until he would be expected at the council… (A rough estimate of time until expected - 30-60 Minutes)


    The strong scents of medicinal balms and oils wormed their way up Xolek’s nose as he further approached the medicinal area in search of a quiet spot to rest. Weaving in between the many swarms of skinks and wounded patents Xo eventually settles down in the corner of a large chamber.

    Upon sitting down on the cool stone floor the skink can feel the stark contrast between the hot, burnt air from outside and the cold still air that gently flows within the tunnels.

    Looking around one last time Xolek becomes aware of several skinks and a saurus gathered around one particular skink, covered in burns and blackened flesh mainly focused on its back and stretching across its chest and up to its crest if it could even be called that anymore… The skink's crest was little more than a mangled lobe of charred skin, the whole feature twisted and scorched.

    Almost feeling the pain for them The oracle can't help but step closer bringing the skinks face into view, its eyes barely able to flutter open as its seared body gently moves up and down.

    The second the features are revealed something seems to click in Xolek’s mind as images flash by the now almost unrecognisable skink's past appearance causing his stomach to twist and his heart to race…


    Hakal - M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.8 I0 A1 Ld6. 2 skill points, 5 -MAX battle, 1+ Strength

    Tiqxoltiq - M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 4 Magic


    Quas - M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.2 I0 A1 Ld6. 2 skill point, 2 battle, 1 Strength


    Xolek-Zi - M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T2 W0.75 I4 A1 Ld5. 1 Skill point, 3 Battle, 0 Magic ,1 Beast handling.


    Kuoteq'Eko - M5 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0. I4 A1 Ld5. 2 skill points, 2 battle, 3 magic


    Xahanol - (+1 Wounded state) M5 WS1 BS1 S1 T1 W0.2 I3 A1 L4
    Xahanol - Lingering Injuries:

    Horrible Disfigurement: Your characters have burn scars to the extent that can’t be easily concealed as well as losing their crest, One of the skinks many ways to communicate and Identify… You will have permanent disadvantage on Persuasion checks and -0.2 Max wounds.
    This status may be partially healed only through the use of extreme divine magic.

    Minor Neuralgia: Your character experiences a somewhat constant and painful nerve damage over a portion of the body. Whenever you attempt an action in combat you have a 20% Chance to fail all actions automatically.
    This effect will heal after 3-5 Days unless healed through the use of divine magic.

    Arachnophobia/Pyrophobia: Your character has an extreme fear of both Arachnids and Fire, You will be extremely impotent to standing within the presence of them… (You will get a notification when these fears are in play and the effects will be decided by an array of factors)

    Your character will feel an uncomfortable fear upon seeing flickering flames
    whether this takes the form of a torch, candle or campfire.

    You may eventually overcome these fears through future experiences and calming exposures.
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Sighing in his exhaustion, Tiqxoltiq made his way to the site of the council meeting. He tried to shake off the sadness that threatened to overwhelm him, but couldn't shake off how tired he felt. Once there, he found a rock - not the best place, but with the addition of some unburned moss at least halfway comfortable - and let himself sink into slumber for the time being. He knew the others would wake him as soon as the council meeting was to begin...
  18. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Pain, pain was what this sensation was called. There's a lot of it. Old Ones what happened? Their eyes flutter open, staring at the skinks and Saurus around them, trying to figure out where they were, and what was happening. Have I died? No, death wouldn't have this much pain, they didn't think. Some had looked almost peaceful in death. Still though, they were confused, but in too much pain to move. Their mouth opened, and they tried to rasp out a question. "Where..Who?" They twitched, trying to sit up, but the pain and state of their wounds made the movement a mistake, and they stopped quickly.
  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Walking closer Xolek pushes skinks out of the way, hearing muffled words coming out of the skinks mouth the Oracle finally comes next to him. His heart and stomach both sank, it was indeed Xahanol, looking over his body all he could see was charred scales. Reaching out his hand Xolek takes the others hand into his and says a brief prayer to the Old Ones.

    In a hushed voice Xolek speaks to the skink infront of him,

    "I am so sorry my friend..."

    Like storm clouds forming in the middle of a sunny day Xoleks facial expression turns from sorrowful to determined. Turning to the Saurus near him he said in a stern voice,

    "The Salamander that was with this skink, the bags and belt, where are they? There was a pipe and a large bag filled with smaller bags, all different herbs, where did they go?"

    Xolek staring down the Saurus, for once feeling the status that he was, stepping closer to the Saurus Xolek again speaks to the Saurus,

    "Take me if you know or take me to someone who might" his voice filled with authority until again the pain in his leg reminded him of his own wounds

    "The herbs I have, some have healing properties with mind expanding and numbing properties, it will allow him to escape his pain further"

    Xolek stands infront of the Saurus, waiting for a response as he keeps his natural skink jitters in check as the towering Saurus infront of him gazes back at him, the reptilian eyes calculating and unwavering
  20. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    At Xolek's voice, Xahanol gave an attempt at a laugh, it was wheezed out, and met with a wince of pain, though that didn't stop it. "Found you." They managed to wheeze out. Elated Xolek had survived.

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