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Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax was overcome with rage upon the mention of skaven. If there was one thing almost as bad as the Druchii, it was skaven. Vile, verminous, vicious pests that had no purpose in life except to annoy the Lizardmen. Xlauax quickly struggled to regain his composure as Talock looked at him, annoyance written across his face. "What do you want Chameleon, we are very busy holding back these pests. I need to get back to work so make it quick.". Xlauax nervously shuffled a but before he responded "S-starssseer Iz-Izqux wishes for th-the artefacts to b-be prepared a-at o-once. We will strive t-to set out at first light in T-three Cycles, T-three Dances of C-Choteq and Hunachi...". After saying this, Xlauax starts to head off towards the beast handlers pen, hoping to find Uykar there. Qul'toq must...be....avenged. With this thought, Xlauax started taking out more pent up fury upon the many innocent branches around him.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2020
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    A throbbing sensation still burning in his injury Tik carefully made it back onto his feet. Now upright a strange dizziness assaults the skink, causing thoughts of the risks involved in retrieving the dusk shadow and the potent mushrooms lingering effects to bubble up.

    Pushing the induced tiredness away the priest steps out of the stuffy and cold tunnels, greeting the light with a smile. Standing still the skink bathes in the heat of the rising sun, allowing its luminosity to wash away any unwanted effects before continuing

    Eventually, Tiqxoltiq stumbles toward the central plaza, or what was the central plaza… Where the communal centre of the camp once stood was a field of debris, piles of ashen wood rubble, Failed stones and a cluster of fallen collapsed trees and huts…

    Among the ruins was a small team of skinks who had been working tirelessly to clear out a small patch in order for reconstruction to begin, However indefatigable their efforts were the progress made was insignificant.

    Even more so when the team of three kroxigors were seemingly useless at rebuilding the large wooden foundations of a hut which caused their skink supervisor to shout with angry glares, his attempts at redirecting the larger lizardmen only causing further confusion.

    Upon seeing the priest approach the skinks strained face immediately becomes relieved… perhaps they could have some better luck with the kroxigors.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2020
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    In complete despair, Xahanol lies still, not even able to show his emotions as his body becomes a battleground of burns which fight against the cool stone floor. Both unwilling and unable to move h due to his wounds but also his mental affliction the skink sits motionless watching Zuztle methodically move from one patient to another. There was something truly calming about watching the healer at work. When one truly concentrates what was initially random movements and capricious actions turn into a well practised thought out process, one that comforts and restores patients in the shortest and most efficient time.

    Letting his mind travel away from the harsh reality Xahanol tries to focus on Zuztle’s actions only to be disturbed by the quiet murmur of Xhuli’s voice “Tlaxtlan? Did they say that they’re going to Tlaxtlan?” The beast handler quickly motions toward Quelionxi who was now leaving the tunnels. “I-If they’re going to Tlaxtlan, That means they will surely pass through the kueyatl Swamp right?” He snaps his head around to the other two beast handlers with the hopeful eyes of youth only a new spawn could have. “M-Maybe maybe you could gather… you could gather new frogs? You might even be able to get a mikoapāhtli tekuani, I-I heard t-that they are among the rare others abundant in the region…”

    Xhuli’s optimistic rambles are soon to be shut down by Yixolk, The much older skink new that silence and rest was among the best treatment for sadness…

    (You may use your beast tamer passive to look at the mikoapāhtli tekuani (Poison Beast) beast profile)


    M4 WS1 BS1 S0 T1 W0.5 I3 L3. 2 skill points, 1 battle, 0 beast handling

    - Your Characters Wounds are ‘Healing’. (+0.1 Health)

    Active effects:
    - 20% Chance to fail combat actions.
    - +1 Wounded state.
    - +1 Wounded state
    - -0.2 Max wounds.

    Unicorn vine: (Duration 90 Minutes)
    - + Pain resistance
    - +50% Regeneration rate
    - +0.3 Max wounds
    - + Disease resistance
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Fighting back the pain, Tik took in the sight around him and sighed. Turning to the kroxigor, he walked closer and examined their work. "This does not look right," he told them softly. "You have used the cross-beam as one of the uprights. Take that pole out of the ground, put this one into the hole you dug." He waited while they did that, then continued to direct them in their efforts, letting the skink supervisor get back to his own task. When the supervisor was out of earshot, he paused for a bit, then leaned in and motioned for the kroxigor to come closer. "I am guessing you three are not too fond of your supervisor? I have worked with you before, and I know you know how to do this correctly," he added with a wink. "If you want to mess with him, I won't stop you, but it will have more impact if you build three or four hut-frames correctly first, then suddenly forget how to build them. That way the other skinks can keep working while you make the supervisor look like a laughing-stock. Got it?"

    While two of the kroxigor had to think it over for a bit, their boss began to laugh, a deep, slow laugh that shook Tiqxoltiq to his bones. "Yessss," he grumbled out, "I know you. You the priest with a sense of making laughs!" Grinning, he leaned in and smiled a toothy grin at the priest. "We will do as you say, make more fun for us that way!" Turning about, the boss krox and his crew went back to assembling hut frames.

    Laughing softly under his breath for a moment, Tik headed over to where the supervisor skink was working, wincing every now and then at the pain from his shoulder. "You shouldn't have any issues for a while. I have tasks elsewhere. I will swing back later to see how things are going." That said, Tik headed off towards the kitchens.

    As he approached, Tiqxoltiq was relieved to see a slow stream of gatherer teams trickling in with bulging baskets. Mostly fruits from the jungle, but at least one group had a trussed-up wild hog with them. Nodding to himself at the progress, he checked in with Tlakeke. "Hello, Keke. How goes the gathering?"

    Relief washed over the old skink. "Ah, Tiqxoltiq! I am glad to see you up and about again! How is your arm?"

    Shaking his head, Tik let out a sad sigh. "I cannot lie to you, Keke. It hurts a lot, but I have too much to do to be able to rest. The Starseer relies on me to keep things running around here," he muttered. Thinking about the issue with the skink supervisor, he winced. "I have already seen what happens if I do not keep on top of things. We have too many conflicting personalities within the camp to not have someone keeping tabs on everything." Using his good arm, he clapped Tlakeke on the shoulder and smiled at the older gatherer-skink. "Your team seems to be doing very well though. The whole camp appreciates the efforts of you and your crew. I am going to recommend you and your crew to the Starseer for some kind of commendation." His smile grew wider at the shocked look on Tlakeke's face. "You have truly earned it, my friend, you and your whole crew." Waving his hand at the partially restocked pantry, he couldn't help but nod. "What you have done here, in so short a timespan, is nothing less than miraculous. The entire camp owes you for this. I would love to linger more, but I have to continue my rounds. I will check back later though. Good hunting, Keke, and may the serpent watch over you."
  5. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Xahanol's mind breaks itself from the despair at this news. Tlaxtlan Could this be a way to redeem themselves? To make up for the mistake that cost the camp and themselves so much? The Old ones work in grandiose plans. They quickly wracked their mind, trying to think of all they knew of the mikoapāhtli tekuani. Turning as best they could manage to Xhuli, they rasp out, in their now almost familiar cracking warped voice. "H-H-How many d-d-days before they leave? I-I-I..I-I must go."
  6. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Roll: 19


    Hakal grunted as throbs of pain raced throughout his body. It felt like a fire had entirely consumed him, yet the pain still went on, tormenting his consciousness. Amidst it all, his vision swirled and shifted into shapes completely strange. Chitterlings echoed about as his stomach growled and twisted. Moments later, he heard someone awfully familiar talking. His visions took him to a place oozing familiar vibes, but never could recall.

    Hakal wondered if he had truly gone mad. With muscles bulging and struggling, he tried getting up.
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thinking on both the Wisdom that spilled forth and the Anger that also seemed to briefly consume the Seer Xolek thought if his next words carefully.

    "I do feel within myself that there is more in Kara, that we have not scratched the ruins surface let alone deeper chambers. On my travels I felt a pull here, as if something was corrupting it. After seeing the Skaven here, I felt that they must be menacing with our ancient site. I faught the same clan when captured by the Amazons, riding them of the rat spawn was how I gained not only life and freedom, but the respect of their High Priestess Kelira. I fear the Skaven have dark plans for Kara and the surrounding area, as if staging another war, a war I fear we may not be ready for." Sorrow enters Xoleks eyes as he continues

    "This is why I doubt the great Serpent Sotek, this vile filth still rise from the ashes, as if apart of the very jungle, but they are not. The night if my spawning, no skaven were allowed to live ad I saw strange Serpents and chameleon skinks all around me, and it's as if the Dark Moon itself ceased to corrupt the light around it, if only for a moment in time..."

    Time. The Seer had mentioned Time...

    "Perhaps it is time for a new Serpent, one that controls greater celestial powers and is able to fight back the dark Moon and purify the very corruption that led to these....these..." his eyes begin to shine bright like the stars and Moon themselves "these Skaven, poison to the jungle and world itself...it is time...." his tail now erupts in a light show and then as if not able to move Xolek sees a vision: The moon in a Waning light with a bright light above it, as if an eye was open


    Coming back to reality it was as if his back was steaming from the vision

    "I've seen something...but I do not know what...an Eye ever watching...the moon awaiting it's full strength...." gasping Xolek stumbles as he falls to the ground

    "Time...time is on our side....I need to explore the ruins...but I must properly arm myself...lost...weapons and dagger...." the words struggling to get out

    His tail still bright like the Moon in a far north winter as if on command showed the same vision to the Seer that Xolek had seen, but possibly with a different meaning.

    "I feel the Amazons could be allies against this rising tide of plague and posion... " the words coming out shallow and knowing they could strike anger to lash out from the powerful seer

    "Axlotol still has much to tell....I feel a pull to return there also...I feel there is much going on under the surface among Kara thst is linked to the Star City...."

    Still on the ground Xolek tries to stand slowly...
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking at the Scale, star spots in his eyes, the Oracle struggles to see all around him until finally his vision clears. The scale jow it's normal appearance looks more like a scale now and not a piece if colorful glass

    "I did not...I did not know it had magical properties..." Xolek says to the Seer as he notices the smoldering hand

    "Are you hurt? Were you burned?" Looking up as if searching for answers he says a soft prayer to Yuxa

    His tail swaying side to side nervously he awaits any response from the Seer

    "Do you need me to fetch the healer?" Frantically he says, before feeling yet again a cool sensation from his tail as it radiates outwards with light and an ice cold effect
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    After Hakal Dragged himself to his feet the world spun like the sky above. The blurred voice of effort mixing in with the defending screeches of the jungle… of the beast that had condemned him to these seconds of nauseous and stunned suffering.

    After seconds more motionless spinning the hazy thick mist cleared revealing the scene of Quas in hard pursuit, A pursuit he would soon come to share.


    “Am I hurt… no… Pain is but an obstacle to achieving our goals, Created by the old ones as but another challenge to overcome, one that separates the weak and the worthy. An ever-constant reminder of our morality…. A reminder of the weakness we must strive to defy…”

    “Knowledge not only serves me as a weapon but also as a shield, as a healer… The only healer you can fetch is the uncatchable, Time heals all wounds…”

    “I can cope, allow Zuztle to treat those in need.”

    Izqux seats himself once again, folding his hands into a forest of tassels, feathers, golden trinkets and beads.

    “Indeed… It does seem that way… Magical properties, strong ones at that… To the likes that are not often seen.”

    Pushing away the anxiety any other skink would face the seer reaches down and retrieves the scale, its surface adorned with a reminiscent glow. A shallow heartbeat-like pulse of glittering light…

    Only then does the pair begins to realise the absence of something with the room, normally noticeable until removed the once magically saturated air lies dry and stale, The only logical assumption being the scale had all but consumed it, an insatiable thirst for light and magic…


    Crack. Snap. Chop. A storm of daggers. Lashing out Xlauax lunges at a Skaven slave, slitting its throat clean with Justice before leaping away to impact into a Druchii’s outstretched arm with Pain. A twisted smile on his face as he watches the dismembered limb tumble onto the ground.

    The only form of resistance being the burning gaze of several nearby skinks, their piercing eyes turning into the Druchi’s blades and spears fighting back.

    Eventually the chameleon is forced out of the frenzy by a tap on the shoulder, the skink behind lucky to not get decapitated by the frothing chameleon who immediately jolts back at the familiar lizardmen face. Before the skink had time to question his actions Xlauax was but a blur, darting away to not only avoid the attention at all costs but also to get back on track and see the completion of his task...

    Tapping into his subconscious past as a scoutmaster Xlauax quickly located the beast stables despite not knowing the camp’s layout in its entirety.

    The main building was black and scorched, the heaps of still smoking wooden rubble yet another reminder of the fire’s vicious attack. Nearby was a mound of salvaged goods, equipment, colourfully dyed banners and huge skulls amongst them. Despite the obvious suffering and destruction Xlauax couldn't help but smile, The sight did indeed invoke a sadness yet this was blocked out by the memories of burnt druchii camps, the scent of smoke one of victory. One of revenge.

    Quickly the chameleons attention was drawn to behind the building, The sound of grunts and squawks mixing in with the jungle behind a clear sign of the area’s designated purpose if not already realised.

    Still catching his breath from the recent skirmish with the tree’s Xlauax turned the corner revealing a large array of makeshift pens, nature itself bound to them in the form of vines, a littering of weeds and overarching tree’s providing much-needed shade to the dozens of handlers and beasts below.

    Letting himself take in all the surroundings the chameleon couldn't help but spot a juvenile salamander basking in the morning sun amongst a larger and more reinforced pen. The beasts huge sail stretched up like an angry skink crest, soaking in not only the warmth and light but also Xlauax’s passion and indignation. The latter made clear by a burning glare, the creatures huge head tracking the skink as he passed, its nostrils flaring in scorn at his freedom.

    Deflecting away the salamander’s stares the chameleon further looks around making out the lumbering shape of an Ahuatli lounging further away. It's raw red khaki carapace almost unmistakable due to the colours likeness to dried blood and crusted earth in addition to the way in which the light reflected off it. A gently rippling sea of shadows and ray caused by the envious leaves above who struggle and fight for the sunlight or the shallow swamp pools that surround the clearing.

    Now surrounding both the chameleon and the beast is a cove of shade-giving trees but also a team of skinks, Uykar amongst them….

    Rifling through his memories and knowledge Xahanol begins to remember the stories and poisons associated with the name.

    --Beast Profile--
    (Beast tamer passive)

    Mikoapāhtli Tekuani:
    the Mikoaphtli Tekuani, Or poison beast as it is more regularly known as is One of the rarest and most unique frog species within the whole of Lustria. As told by its name, this creature is among the largest and most poisonous of all its kind, Its huge body able to pump out a thick sticky mucus layer infused with all manner of toxin coating its skin.

    Over the years many predators have been recorded avoiding these animals at all costs, and any who don't suffer the deadly consequences…

    Not only is this frog armed with a toxic poison but also a form of potent venom carried in sacks behind its eyes, this time however it is used for offence toward smaller prey rather than predators.

    Known to live almost exclusively within the Kueyatl swamp regions and occasionally the surrounding piranha swamps Mikoapāhtli Tekuani is one of the most valued poison producers for those who are lucky enough to gain a- c -/-- /---

    ---/-../- --/- -- -// ......

    (Further Knowledge required to complete.)

    Default stats: - M4 On land, M7 In water) WS0 BS1 S1 T1 W0.7 I1 A2 Ld4

    With the thoughts of such a magnificent beast occupying his full mind, the beast handler was able to push the despair away for a few moments as he turned back to the skinks around with urgency.

    Immediately Yixolk was able to respond in a similarly questioning manner, unable to keep back the slight tone of underlying excitement and relief at both Xahanol’s brief break from sorrow but also at the stories about such a beast… “W-wait… T-they said three cycles? Three days right?”
  10. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax approached the group of skinks, sheathing his swords as he walked. Drawing nearer, he noticed Uykar's panther sitting in the tree above resting. "U-Uyk-kar, St-Starseer I-Izqux wishes you t-to map out the f-fastest route to T-Tlaxtlan, w-we are to d-depart in T-three days.". After this, Xlauax awkwardly shuffled backwards before trying to think of where the other priests might be. The panther, now awake, looked into Xlauax's eyes before slowly blinking to him.
  11. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    "Three c-c-cycles..t-t-three days..yes..y-y-yes that will do f-f-fine. Can..c-can you help me g-g-get the necessary capture supplies for the Mikoapāhtli Tekuani, dear Y-Yixolk? I do n-n-not plan to fail." Not again. Their eyes darken slightly, a danger behind them. They collapse back after a moment, wheezing from the exertion, their burned body on the mend, but still having trouble with it. The Mikoapāhtli Tekuani..it was so rare, too good of an opportunity to turn away, especially with the loss of their own prized frogs. They had to fix their error.
  12. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Scent of blood was still strong, almost eye-visible to the primal senses of the crocodillian reptile who was storming the jungle once again. The small prey gave him newfound strength and would be enough if that big bitch didn't get almost slaughtered by the two Kroxigors and now was running away in an unbelievable pace. If only he could close the distance by using the terrain and erratic beast pathing to his advantage.
    (roll of 12 out of 20; -1 skill to get closer)
    Distant path of broken bushes and branches appeared to curve significantly. Down below a chunk of swamp dead reservoir had to be bypassed, but the large creature didn't notice the stones protruding from the center and concealed in moss. Quas swerved towards the shortcut, leaped to reach the stones, his dark-bronze claws ripping the moss as he instantaneously jumped off reaching a next stone formation only to land on the soil on the other side of the water bank a moment after. Scent got much stronger and the prey did allow to hear and see itself again, but was still outside the claws reach.
    (roll of 4; fck you dice, -1 skill +1 exhausted, gg)
    Pushing himself to the limit, Quas increased his speed almost twofold. Trees, bushes and stones blurred in Kroxigor's eyes and the darkness slowly crept into corners of his vision. It was this darkness that was also his demise as the corner of the eye, normally wary of the deceptive jungle terrain, missed the rock-solid root which turned the rampaging sprint into a flip-flight. Sent forward by his own momentum he shortly after found himself rolling down the river bank, a blurry mixture of white-blue scales and green and bronze dirt and moss, finishing with the splash that could as well drain all the water from this part of the river. A hot-headed crocodile had to be cooled down by his own habitat this day...
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2020
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Nodding his head the older skink handler does his best to take Xahanol’s mind off the losses and away from sorrow with a quick

    “S-Supplies… If we are… or when we are to catch such a beast we must be prepared…” His eyes stared into the distance as the thoughts of leaving the camp swirled around his head, A difficult task, but also an opportunity. One that he shared the same feelings with Xahanol for, He could not miss it.

    A certain and definitive tone in his voice he continued, almost laying out a map of the necessary steps required to find, let alone obtain such a beast in his head. “3 Cycles… May not be enough time.. Handling tools should be easy enough, no doubt Uykar will be willing to provide, but the others, they are more tedious.”

    “Zxol roots… If I can remember correctly we can try and get some of them to use as an antivenom, Which would be near necessary unless you want to risk your… risk your life for a second time…”

    “I guess I will head out and begin collecting the basics, Though Im no herbal gatherer… Prehaps Zuztle or Tiqxoltiq would be willing to help If I can track them down… I don't want you overexerting yourself, but if your willing you.. You could consult Uykar?” Yixolk questioned, his tongue lingering at each word.


    Disoriented the kroxigors weight dragged him down, the mud and water like a thousand clawed hands grasping every limb with unquestionable fever. Imprisoned in a cell of clay and gravel quas was forced to watch as the parasaur prey he pursued limped away, its slow tantalizing pace provoking a muffled roar of rage. a mouth full of dirt awaited, smothering the sound. One that would have been replaced with the blood saturated raw meat of a fresh kill… The kroxigor could even taste the sweet metallic liquid pooling in his mouth, not of the prey’s but of his own.

    Even the beasts huge foot impressions that were carved out of the dirt in a splatter of red mocked the kroxigor, each one yet another sign of failure… or was it?

    The juveniles corpse lay behind, the canopy above flickered, almost trying to reach down and steal the body causing the light the bathe the torn and leaking scales in a wash of shimmering light. A light which imitated that of a gently simmering meal, a meal that would no-doubt soon be had. At the blurred visions of the meal Quas’s mouth watered, the thick saliva sloshing in with the blood to become a seasoning to the plate of mud.

    Though It wasn’t long before the kroxigors acute senses began to pick up on the irritating drone of insects, they had come to steal from him…

    As they landed on the carcass inorder to feast, Quas’s nostrils flared and his hand twitched at the thought of crushing the small, powerless pests.
  14. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    "Uykar..yes..yes I will consult him. The a-antivenom is a good idea, i-i-if you could try to find them, please do so. I-I will go speak with Uykar." The skink wasn't sure if their body was up for it, but it had to be. They had to keep moving forward right now, or that despair that creeped at the edges of their ind would sink in again. Using anything nearby they forced themselves to stand, gasping in pain from the movement, muscles causing the burned skin to stretch painfully. Their tail lashed slightly, but they forced themselves through it. "Uykar..i-is in the h-h-handling area, yes?"
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Regaining his calm Xolek stands infront of the now seated seer as both look at the scale as more questions than answers are revealed to the Oracle. Hesitantly Xokek steps forward and puts his hand over the scale, and then slowly picks it up, strangely it is cool to the touch. As it sits in his hand longer both it and his hand begin to light up in a magical display, as if reacting to one another, and then light disappears and a vision shoots into Xoleks mind:

    Both Axlotol and Tlaxtlan are shown to him, but many millenia ago, when only one Moon orbited the planet, both with their formidable armies, large trade centers and large populations before the Great Catastrophe. Zooming through the jungle and time itself in his mind Xolek physically looses control and falls forward, his arms catching him, a scream ushers out. Through the trees Axlotol is shown, a great battle rages, demons and chaos taint everywhere, and a new dark moon above. Both the First Moon and The dark moon seem to do battle with one another, the light of Mannslieb puriftying the dark tainting powers of Morrslieb instantly...and then in the same instant the brightness of The Silvered One seems to fade and with it the defense of the city. Priests wearing silver and moon crescent necklaces in the shape of a large flying serpent he sees, but not that of Topek or Sotek, a different serpent. As the battle rages the skink priests and a long forgotten Slann sat above a high Temple and from above the Original Moon shown brighter than before, and soon falling stars fell down, annihilating all demons outside of the city in a last desperate attempt to stop the onslaught. Soon sweat is running down the skinks body, again as if on fire, steam rises from Xolek. As the vision continues the Oracle sees the face of the Slann, an emotion that is not seen is but briefly shown: Worry. Then something is given to a lone Priest who is commanded to run on the backs of the last Terradons, a plaque and a scale are in both of his hands, the same scale in the Oracles hand. All that can be made out is "do not fail, to Tlaxtlan you ride, the Seer there will know what to do".

    As soon as it had begun, the vision ended. Xolek feels weak but oddly energized by the vision and the scale of which he holds

    The seer looks at Xolek for a moment, and the Xolek speaks: I've seen...something of an ancient past....and then retells his vision to Izqux
  16. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    "A food... in a... food" thought to himself Quas picking the insects one by one and disposing them in the most appropriate manner for a Kroxigor, which is in his stomach. He threw the beast on his back again, placing another layer of blood stains on his back, turned to Hakal growling - "Let's go home... camp" and made a stroll towards a camp murmuring a song to an unknown deity.
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Trying to focus on the other beast handlers words, on his own breath, on anything… Anything to take away the pain, Xahanol dragged himself across the stone floor, his whole body burning like the fire that had wounded it. Xhuli did his best to support and help his fellow beast tamer move through the tunnels, clearing his path of other lizardmen until they finally reached an exit, leading away from these subterranean chambers, chambers that could have been Xahanol’s tomb….

    Entering into the light the skink was immediately bombarded. Each particle like a piercing bolt, tipped with a poison even deadlier than that of the Mikoapāhtli Tekuani, Emotion.

    The skink had gotten used to the stuffy, claustrophobic cool atmosphere of the lower tunnels only for everything to be reversed with the hot sun beating down on his back and the openness of the camp, what would have been a splatter of huts turned into a plain of smoking rubble. Smoking rubble he couldn't help but feel responsible for… Perhaps the burns, perhaps the pain was some form of cruel divine punishment…

    Lucky the spiralling thoughts within Xahanol’s head were short-lived, the faint blurred murmurs of Xhuli’s eager voice mixing in with the jungle’s undertone. Each chirp of a passing bird a gentle reminder of Xahanol’s survival, Each Croak a reminder of his passion and newfound quest but also of his losses, Losses that would not be forgotten.

    Hiking past and through the remains of several huts the pair finally arrive at the beast handlers, the shade providing a welcome relief from the sun, the generous leaves above rustling to comfort Xahanol, yet another distraction from his own mind, another distraction from the piercing glances and stares which slashed into him.

    Eyes burning fellow beast handlers rushed toward the barely recognisable skink in an assault of questions, Each one deflected by Xhuli who shielded over Xahanol.

    Soon Xhuli was reinforced as Uykar himself approached from the shade, a singular word from his voice disbanding the gathering crowd.

    His expression hidden under a mask of bone he strode forward to face Xahanol. The chiefs wild eyes revealing themselves, coming forth from the shadowy pits in the jaguar skull which covered his whole face in the same way a thick black cloak concealed his raw muscular body.

    There was something almost otherworldly about Uykar’s eyes, perhaps it was because they were the only real feature of his face that was revealed … They were shadows yet gleaming bright. Their infinite colours fierce and cruel but also comforting, whilst being underlined by a strange determination, one that rubbed off on all of those around.

    Patiently Uykar awaited Xahanol’s response, his calming silence saying more than any word could.


    Suddenly Reality snapped back to Kuoteq, the blurred world instantly regaining focus as the fog of thoughts cleared. Any residual drops of rumination left from his meditation fizzling away with each stab from Talock’s voice.

    Seconds later the Sauruian’s hot, fetid breath began to choke the dazed priest. An almost visible smell of rotting meat swirling in with the sickly sweetness of blood forced itself down Kuoteq’eko’s throat causing his lungs to burn and body to jolt back.

    “Skink. Make yourself useful instead of standing here in my presence, in my domain." Talock spits.

    “It is time you stopped ordering others and instead listened to Tzcatli and Quetzl, those that speak through me!”

    “Ashax….” “Ashax foretells me your swift doom. that is Unless you are fit to seek out other skinks and bring them to me in order to combat these encroaching Skaven anathema.”

    Intentionally the imposing saurus clutches his huge spear tighter, his clawed grip constricting the handle like a coiling serpent or a hand choking a Skaven by the neck. The raw strength within the grip is personified into almost visible cracks and tremors which run down the bronze surface, the reddish colour so similar to dried blood complements the dark obsinite spearhead it bows to. The black colours make their presence felt by promising only the darkness of death to all those that dare question or impose their wielders will.

    (Kuoteq’Eko Has failed his ‘Will’ Check with a roll of 7. This means he can do little to resist the saurians initial orders and is currently ‘Intimidated’.)


    The fresh kills weight presses down omto Quas’s back scales eagerly, almost as if the body was actively trying to push through them and reach the kroxigors stomach early.

    The Meal’s impatience was almost able to challenge that of the kroxigor claws which grasped it tight with anticipation.

    Taking in breath after breath Quas’s exhaustion finally begins to catch up with him… his limbs burn and muscles ache . Similarily thick bloody beads of saliva hang down, the wind guiding their sticky grasp to the carcass behind. Only able to survive due to the fact the exhaustion which starved Quas’s body made the simple effort of wiping them away or closing his mouth too great of an endeavour.

    Only able to muster gentle rumble which reflected his stomach’s realisations Quas continued, his rhythmic murmurs soon joined by the Deep humming of Hakal who trailed contemptuously behind still recovering from his previous shock.

    The trek back instantly fades away as the glory of the hunt catches up with the pair upon arriving into the camp. Quas looks around spotting several skinks who seemingly stare at him in shock, however, the reality is that their eyes are instead placed on the meal upon the kroxigor’s back instead of the kroxigor himself.

    Soon a crowd begins to form as skinks trail behind trying to get a better view of the Juvenile parasaur. Their excited chitters and chirps which would normally instil a sense of pride can only remind Hakal that they had lost the larger quarry, the one he had gone for…

    Dragging himself forward with each step Quas suddenly catches the scent of sweet, sugary fruits mixed in with the already present smell of blood and meat. The sorrow for his kitchen was all but forgotten, the ashen rubble had been blanketed over by a sea of baskets and pots, each one filled with ripe fruit, sensuous spices, collections of herbal flowers and the occasional smaller morsel of meat, all which paled in comparison to what the kroxigor held... The gathers success was evident. The camp would not be going hungry this day.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
  18. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    "U..Uykar, w-words alone cannot atone for the p-pain I have caused our camp a-and all that live within t-this f-f-forest. I-I..seek to a-a-atone for my actions by going after t-the Mikoapāhtli Tekuani. I-I-I..m-my supplies, lost i-i-in the flames. My h-h-handling tools, gone. My p-p-personal beasts, taken as p-p-punishment by Chotec. I-I-I will atone. Yesss. I-I need..s-supplies, t-t-tools to capture it." Their voice is a raspy hiss, and they do all they can to get their message across. They cough, once or twice, lances of pain arcing through their back, from the burns stretching from coughing. They matched the stare of Uykar as levelly as they could, their own flames of determination behind their eyes.
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Turning around and looking back Xlauax can make out the panther lounging in and amongst the twisting branches, its tail gently coils like a serpent's tongue and its eyes flicker as if fireflies in the twilight whilst its master below nods fervently below. Confidently Uykar motions the chameleon away as a crowd forms within the area, the massing of skinks and roar of chirping voices cause Xlauax to speed up his pace, that was something he would no-doubt want to avoid.


    his body relieved to have avoided the commotion Xlauax allows himself to take a deep breath upon arriving at the plaza. Though the chameleon had relaxed too soon as seconds later angry shouts of desperation jolt through the air.

    Forced into alertness Xlauax’s eyes are drawn over to a skink who darts toward a group of kroxigors which had seemingly knocked out one of the supporting beams for a partially constructed hut. With another rattle of shouts the huge chunk of timber lazily fell down, its impact onto the previous hut quickly sending another pillar down which in turn caused a perfect chain, the frames of several huts collapsing into heaps of wooden crosssections and beams. Similarly to the columns that fell to the ground the skink supervisor collapsed down in frustration at the kroxigor’s seeming incompetence.

    The cloud of ash and dust gently settling Xlauax looked over to the group of kroxigors who had already hastily disbanded, There was something too perfect about this complication… almost as if it had been planned…

    Shaking his head the chameleon regains his concentration and focuses on the task at hand, his keen eyes picking out a small handful of other various lizardmen of lower importance. Those that looked like they needed to be alerted shining out like markers on a scouting map.

    Instantaneously Xlauax flies forward like a shot dart in order to inform them of Izqux’s recent orders though many had already gained the word which had spread around the camp like in such a similar way to that of the fire…
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    (Out of character: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! :D :D :D )

    At the sound of crashing timbers, Tiqxoltiq pulled his attention away from his inventory of their food stores and glanced over his shoulder. The cloud of dust and ash rising into the air told a story he'd suspected would happen. Shaking his head but hiding a smile, he stopped what he was doing and made his way back to where the trio of kroxigor were working. What he saw looked like nothing less than an enormous pile of dominoes, formed from the timber framing of the huts they'd been working on! For a time he just stood there, jaw slack, taking in the sheer magnitude of the mess the trio had caused. The sight of their skink supervisor lying on the ground, having fainted from the magnitude of their supposed incompetence was the last straw for the priest. Clasping a taloned hand over his mouth, he turned and ran off into the ruins as fast as his feet could take him.

    Somehow he made it out of hearing range before bursting out into gales of laughter so hysterical that the birds in the trees surrounding him took flight...

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