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Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    With An all-encompassing darkness promising uncertainty and danger engulfing the trio as they pressed on further and further into these tunnels of antiquity Xlauax seemingly faded into the background. His scales filtering the light in an almost perfect replica of the crumbled stones and boulders which blocked many further side tunnels behind, each and every rock promising a long-forgotten history. The only sign of life if not for the rhythmic pattern of uncertain footprints and heavy laboured breathing was that of Xolek's obsidian scales that seemingly produced a light of thier own.

    Seeming as if the cold stone and crude earth was bent on preventing passage the light behind fades leaving the skinks in an only intensified darkness. A Darkness so dark that it was almost alive, tendrils of shadow gnawed away at the fleeting light in the form of a thick mist which had now encouraged what was rows of simple chambers to warp into a cobweb of tunnels. Each and every one curling and coiling with a serpentine suggestion leading to ever more tenuous depths which no doubt housed such vile creatures as the Skaven and who knew what else… there is much that lurks out of view within the places which even the sun fears to shine upon, within the freezing subterranean shadows of once-great cities...

    As if On Que a Sudden bestial growl roared out as the rapid stomping of feet came to accompany the skinks, each and every impact pelting down onto the cobbled floor only forced down harder by the memories which weighted thier owners shoulders. In an instant Xlauax instinctively dropped down to the floor almost melding into the wall whilst Xiuhcoatl suddenly whipped around, her eyes flaring as she readied to spray out a mist of flame.


    As Hakal roared forward he was equally surprised, immediately feeling a rain of horrified stares piercing into him, each one like a steel bolt further inducing his heart to beat faster and faster as the two skinks and salamander further forward were almost pushed into a fight or flight response.

  2. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal felt his roar reverberate off the cave walls, tensing his blood. In his pained vision, he saw little sacks of fur moving amidst the darkness. Rats. Rats to pummel and eviscerate and squish.

    He stomped on over as he trembled the cave with every step made. The kroxigor got close enough to launch his attack, only to see those sacks of fur weren't skaven. He saw a skink priest staring at him along with a creature spouting saliva onto the floor.

    A queasy feeling of embarrassment and disappointment stirred Hakal into a rumbling growl.

    "Hey. I kill rats now."
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Seeing the Large Kroxigor coming towards him Xolek eases up and puts a hand on Xiuhcoatl's shoulder once again to calm the fire within her, sensing the young Salamanders nervousness that could erupt like a volcano at any moment. Stepping forward Xolek greets Hakal with a warm greeting, not having seen the Kroxigor since the night if the Carnosaur it was good to see him.

    "Mighty Hakal! It is great to see you! I take it you heard if the Skaven infesting these ruins? Are you here to aid us or lead us to a bigger group?" Many more questions escape Xoleks mouth like rapid fire lightning bolts, fast but precise.

    Looking at the Skink the Kroxigor can be seen thinking on the questions when a simple expression in a low tone comes out, "Hey, I kill rats now"

    With a smile Xolek accepts the Kroxigor and can sense Xiuhcoatl's unease begin to slip away as another joins the party, and not just someone, a mighty Kroxigor.

    As they walk down the tunnel Xolek again takes the lead and comes across a wide opening that leads to many different passage ways, but one stands out to Xolek [#4]. The tunnel he chose seemed to be rejected by the rest of the ruins, for it smelled and it was as if Darkness has overtaken it. This bothered Xolek little, doesnt the moon become the light within the darkness he thought to himself? The Moon does not cover but beats back the darkness with her ever glowing light, leading her followers through the darkness that they dread. Confidence and a burning duty swell within him as he motions Hakal and Xiuhcoatl to follow him, his scales and tail begin to illuminate as the darkness begins to steal away any natural light. The only light now was Xolek and small droplets of Xiuhcoatl's corrosion bile turning to flame as it hits the floor.

    As they come further until the tunnel it leads to yet another small tunnel, a heavy mist begins to swirl around them. Xolek notices this 'small tunnel, one that curves away in strange loops and coils as if crazed by these long years of isolation, years of isolation Xlauax had come to know. A thin mist lies heavy in the air signifying that this is truly darkness's domain. As the eye travels further and further into the deception which is this tunnel they can see the rockface turn slimy with water, the mist picking up as the air becomes foul and the whisper of water's many voices chant in the sound of echoing drips. Even the water here seemed to revoke Tzunki, trying to conceal itself away.'

    Unease strikes him, but Xolek does not look back, but waits a moment before entering the smaller tunnel...
  4. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax sees Xolek-zi heading into a dark tunnel, so he diverts his course to scout ahead, slipping past Xolek-zi without even the Priest realizing it. Hopefully their new ally could make enough noise to lure the skaven out, then Xlauax could deal with them. He heard the sound of stalagtites dripping, reminding him of his torture,
    These Skaven would pay.......
    Sevesh, Sudsinabucket, Nazqua and 3 others like this.
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    The gatherers were easy to find. Most of them hung out in a burned-out hut over near the kitchens. Tiqxoltiq was not surprised to find that the gatherers had already made heavy repairs to their gathering place. While parts of the walls still showed heavy charring and a burnt smell still overhung everything, they'd replaced the roof with fresh leaves and thatched grass. Chunks of rock, loose wood scrap, even fire-melted, coarse glass made from the local sand served to fill the holes in the walls. Stepping inside, he looked around and smiled when he caught sight of Tlakeke. The older gatherer waved him over as he entered, speaking before Tik could say anything.

    "So I hear you need some roots for an anti-toxin of some kind?" Nodding, Tik laid out their requirements concisely and quickly. Keke did this odd habit he had where he moved his head from side to side as Tik ran through the short list, then nodded. "Okay, well Turmeric Root is no issue, we have a stockpile of that on hand in the pantry now. Ginger root as well. Ginseng though, is in short supply. The Oloq destroyed a large swathe of the territory we used to collect the root from." Thinking for a bit, he looked around at the others and queried them without speaking for a moment. After a bit, one of them mentioned that he'd seen some Ginseng in the ancient city ruins. "Could you please take the priest here to gather it?"

    "Certainly, elder one." Getting to his feet, the younger skink grabbed a blowpipe and his pouches, then motioned for Tik to follow him out into the ruins...
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Each footstep trudging through the thick layers of slimy, water-saturated silt that edged the sides of the tunnel produced a startlingly loud noise that seemed to cause both skinks to almost flinch back. Travelling for what seemed like an eternity the sound spread out, scanning down the long passages and winding tunnels. Each wave bombarded the ancient stone In a rally of sharp jabs pushing it ever closer to the verge of insanity, an insanity it was destined to fill, the weight of isolation would eventually overcome it in a shower of rubble, a shower that would never be heard by a single soul, a shower that would lock away the secrets of these tunnels for an eternity.

    The smell of putrid, long-stagnant water hangs low in the air, each and every breath an undertaking in itself as feet sunk down into the mushy and squelching floor, a floor both skinks hoped was only mud, however, the strong presence of bats suggested otherwise. Though the alternative to Xlauax was no different, There was nothing worse than those conditions suffered within the Druchi prison.

    Yet another dead end… Where are these tunnels even leading anywhere?

    Every twist and turn, coil and loop drove the group not only further in distance from the safety of light but also into an even greater anxiety that wormed its way into the skink's minds in an all but similar way to how the scent of dank, clammy decay burned at their nostrils.

    A strange sensation washing over him Xolek can hear the noise of scurrying as movement drags his eyes further into the gloom as a silence overcame the group in anticipation... Suddenly Xiuhcoatl Leaps forward in a blur of movement and a gout of dancing flame that reflected her swiping tail immediately immolating what appeared to be the darkness itself in a flash of light. That was until the flame only slightly died down leaving the sizzling noise of flesh as the rat’s body almost sunk down into the steaming water as the small creatures light starved, pale eyes angled toward Xolek mere moments before all life was ripped from the rodent… a chilling sign of what was to come… The rat was but a mere Harbinger of those other vermin that the oricle was still yet to face. Looking upon the lifeless body the thoughts of anxiety began to fester like the rat's flesh as further suspicions gnawed into his consciousness.. Perhaps that rat had another purpose other than mindlessly searching these tunnels, perhaps… Perhaps it was sent out-. Seconds later Xolek-Zi’s thoughts suddenly cease as his whole body freezes and shivers, his gut wrenched for the skink to leave this accursed place, that was if it was not too late… The shared anger and righteous hate between the skinks had only made them blind, many eyes watch.... Wait… both back and behind shadows silently murmur interwoven with the irregular jolting drips of what was previously thought as water...

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Sensing that they were likely surrounded in some capacity Xoleks first reaction is to flee, but then thoughts begin to pop up in his mind, the main question being...why are Skaven in such a number so deep inside the ruins.

    Getting his nerves in check he reaches into his herbal pouch and takes out the dried Purple Moon flower and begins to chew on it (-1, 0 Purple moon left, +1 magic point) and looks at both Hakal and Xiuhcoatl hoping they were ready for what was likely to come. Pipe still in his mouth the Oracle steps forward in the direction they had been going, something told him that he would find something important down this tunnel, and if not it would be cleared of the Skaven, a win regardless.

    His claws scraped against the tunnel floor from time to time, chatter and scurrying was heard all around them, once in awhile Xiuhcoatl would dart out into the black and in her mouth would be a small skaven slave, no doubt sent in to prod at them, but failed. Dropping the charred body Xiuhcoatl atood close to the Oracleas he readied his pipe and had his whip in one hand and the Carnosaur tooth gripped by his tail...suddenly a loud noise in front of them echoed down the tunnel...and then silence as if death itself hung in the air...
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    An enthusiasm and purpose that only young blood could have was within the skink’s steps whilst Tiqxoltiq followed closely behind, each and every stride taking the pair deeper into the forlorn ruins of Kara. As they moved forward with speed the destruction and effects of the Oloq were lessened, charred stone blocks turned to mounds of overgrown rubble laced in thick ivy and luscious ferns who hid in the shadow of the many jungle tree’s that had taken root here. A canopy of forgot archways interwoven with scintillating leaves filled the sky providing shelter from the beating sun in a dance of both nature and the ancient history of these lizardmen structures, both thier purposes and makers mostly forgotten.

    Taking in deep breaths Tik was more than a little relieved to see the other skink kneeling down, his eyes full of both wonder and curiosity as he brushed yet another thick clump of tall grass out of the way and clawed at the mud and boulders before turning to the priest. “Here… I knew they were Here!. Ginseng roots, Quick come here Priest.” After a quick bow, he motioned Tiqxoltiq forward expectantly.


    An ambush. Within an instant, the darkness exploded as Fetid bodies poured in from both sides. with gurgling and harsh cries slaves swarmed inwards, thier fur already warm with a vile splatter of warm blood, urine and faeces as thier chain bound bodies flew forward with the sharp thrust of a spear. A squirming slave body already within Xiuhcoatl’s mouth the salamander was unable to unleash a burst of flame as its already wounded tail was now besieged by two of the smaller rats. However, this was the least of Xolek’s problems…

    As more and more slaves poured in those that were wounded desperately tried to escape were only pushed back and down into the pool of stagnant water in a wave of bodies, thier gurgling cries turning into frantic howl’s as they lashed out in all directions in pure desperation.

    Rusted, jagged blades Slashed widely in all directions. Not only pure instinct guiding his body but seemingly the warmth that rippled from his lungs and pipe Xolek Ducked down, barely dodging a huge withered pickaxe which soared above his head before becoming lodged into a nearby slaves head, the sheer force of the swing sending the wielder flying down into the mud. Before the oricle could even begin to recover or react a set of hands grasped out onto his wrist and blowpipe. The slaves untreated, blunt dagger grazed past the skink’s flesh, the irregular barbed side digging into the soft skin just enough for a drop of blood to trickle down (-0.1 Wounds) As the blowpipe was yanked out of his hand and lost into the swarm. The water turning crimson the scent of blood wafted in the air as Xolek-Zi could feel the wound burn, a burning that these slaves would so too come to know.

    Taken similarly by surprise Xlauax’s memories lapsed in his head causing his mind to spiral wildly as his concealment gave him barely enough time to retreat back to the rest of the group who were already engaged in fierce combat.

    M5 WS2 BS2 S6 T2 W0.65 (-0.1) I4 A1 Ld5. 1 Skill point, 3 Battle, 1 Magic ,1 Beast handling. (+20% Dodge chance)

    - Effects: (Duration 120 Seconds)
    +1 Magic point
    -10% miscast chance

    - Effects (Duration 110 Seconds)
    +3 speed
    +20% Chance to dodge incoming attacks.


    M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5. 3 skill points, 1 battle, 1 blend (1 Blend currently active)


    M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W1.5(-) I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill points, 5 -MAX battle, 0 Strength (Recovering from stun)
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A smile forms on Xolek's face, his obsidian black scales that blended into the darkness so well giving way to a row of teeth that included reptilian fangs. The skaven slave who dared grab his wrist was soon met with the blunt impact of a carnosaur tooth into his skull, blood and brain matter escaping as Xolek's tail withdrew the tooth from its first victim. Loosing his whip its obsidian laced end danced in the darkness, lashing out and striking with quick and precise hits, slave after slave feeling its cut. Laughter, a mad laughter, starts to erupt from Xolek as he lights his pipe holding the sunray flower within, its effects taking mere seconds to hit the Oracle. Speed and awareness were his as if he had many eyes and could see every move before it happened, a strike here and a strike there, all missing him as the skink pivots and weaves in a dance of unstoppable slaughter. Xiuhcoatl gives out a angry hiss as she lunges wildly with two slaves trying to hold her down by her already wounded tail, Xolek's eyes burn with a righteous fury. Seeing his companion under attack he begins to chant loudly seemingly incomprehensible ancient and forgotten verses as if he had known them all along, not only did his tail begin to glow brighter but so did the white scales that dotted his obsidian black skink (Blazing Aurora Spell, - 1 magic point).

    As his body begins to illuminate the whole tunnel to a blinding degree to all the skaven around him, Xolek leaps to Xiuhcoatl's defense and looses his whip against those that besieged her tail (-1 battle point) while looking around briefly to see where Hakal and Xlauax are in the carnage. As all the skaven are blinded by his spell, Xolek jumps onto Xiuhcoatal, checks to make sure no lizardmen were infront of her and in a loud commanding voice tells her to unleash her fire as he fights off skaven who begin to blindly rush them.....
  10. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    After talking to Tal lock, Kuoteq's mind was rotten away because off the smells of the Saurus breath. He couldn't grasp one clear thuoght about what the Saurus said and what to do now , after a while of dizzy and confused thinking he decided to take walk thruogh the ruins of Kara before leaving them to Tlaxtlan. He took the broad path where the Ahuatli stomped thruogh the last days and with the help of these gigantic foodprints he found the ruins again. The sight of the ruination of Kara forced him to open his bag and pull out what was very important to him : a copy of the plaques about the siege of Itza.

    He began to read the plaques again, which were bound together by to metal rings with a serpentlike design. The Part he most liked was then when Lord Kroak resisted the rules of thephysical world with just his mind and sent the deamons back to the warp . Suddenly he recognized that the light was fading were he sat ,thuogh it was only noon, so he stud up and searched with his eyes for abetter place to read the plaques and found one. Upon the ruined temple of Tepok. He ran over to a wall the plaques in his right hand and the staff on his back . He had to find a wall where climbing was easy with his injured arm and after some seaching he found a small path on a wall like it was made to walk on it up.

    (Rolled 4 on a slippery test where I decided myself it would be a 5 or more to pass)

    He ran full of excitement over it and so it was inevitable to happen , one of the stones was wet and slimy. Kuoteq tried to balance it out, but it was already to late and he fell down from the wall. He could see his fault: He stepped on the only mossy stone of the wall. While falling he widened his eyes, because he remebered he had his bronze staff still on his back.
    Then everything became black.
    Nazqua, Sevesh, bOdziO Wolf and 2 others like this.
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax smiled, this is what he had been waiting for, they took the bait. Drawing out his Pain and his Justice he lunged into the fray, taking skaven by surprise from behind. He hacked and hacked at the slaves in a Savage rage. (-1 Battle)
    He was covered in blood but it was not his own. His serrated blades sliced through the slaves like troglodon's acid through wood, this was fun....
    Nazqua, Sevesh, bOdziO Wolf and 3 others like this.
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As they were extracting the root from the earth, a muffled clanging sound from nearby made them stop. Tik glanced at Nik'xol, the gatherer-skink, who pulled out his blowgun and loaded a dart. Not for the first time, Tiqxoltiq wished he'd been able to gather the materials to make a new Star-Stone Staff to replace the one he'd lost before coming to the excavation site. A few starbolts fired from the gem atop one of those staffs made short work of, say, a skaven scout.

    Slipping into cover, the gatherer crept forward to see what had made the sound. To Tik's surprise, Nik'xol returned in a hurry, not keeping to cover! "Priest, the sound was made by another of our priests! It looks like he fell from atop a wall, and landed on a bronze staff he was carrying! I think he is hurt!"

    Glancing down at the root, Tik made up his mind and followed the gatherer to where Kuotek lay, unconscious. Looking the priest over, Tiqxoltiq shook his head slowly and glanced over at Nik'xol. "Could you finish gathering the Ginseng root while I see what I can do here?"

    "As you say, so it will be done." As Nik'xol scurried off to finish collecting the necessary reagent for the anti-toxin, Tik did what he could to aid the unconscious Kuotek...
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2020
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Nik’Xol Scrambling away at the dirt and weeds behind Tiqxoltiq quickly tended to the fallen priest… The skink’s face was mottled with dirt whilst his eyes were blood-shot, blank and distant as he was still recovering from the shock more than anything. Kuoteq’eko’s leg and back throbbed to the rapid beat of his heart as a thick mist obscured his vision, providing him with only a glimpse of Tikxtoltiq who leaned over him, checking his vitals and pulse. Coming out with the symptoms of shock and a large graze on the leg Kuoteq was lucky that this was a minor injury especially with the state of his arm. Fortunately, the large bronze staff had been angled in such a way to only impact onto Kuotoeq’s scaled back whilst the rest of the fall was cushioned by multiple layers of fern and other plants, large proportions of thick water-saturated moss amongst them.

    Shaking his head both his vision slowly cleared and the ringing in Kuoteq’Eko’s ears died down to be replaced with the noise of Tiq’s soothing words as he was guided to lean against the wall in a recovery position

    Senses and feeling slowly returning to Kuoteq’eko he could now hear the rhythmic beat of running footsteps accompany the pair as a kroxigor suddenly veered around the corner, not any ordinary kroxigor, but in fact Quas... The Quas who had so valiantly saved his life…

    Incredibly relived Quas’s beat softened as he drew in breaths upon looking at the priests. His journey was guided by a gut-feeling, his legs almost moving him through the maze that was these ruins. The world around him hazy and disoriented Quas felt almost felt like he was still in a dreamlike t state as Kuoteq’eko’s image once again appeared in front of him.
  14. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal eyes spun all around in a frenzy, seeing masses of fur pouring from the darkness. Soon, he could hear rats shrieking and their little feet tapping upon the cave floor as they enveloped his lizard comrades.

    The kroxigor's legs sprinted into motion, and his humongous arms strained with rage. Hakal bounded for the rats attacking Xolek. (-1 combat point)
    Sevesh, Nazqua, bOdziO Wolf and 3 others like this.
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the kroxigor pulled into view, apprehension faded into appreciation. "Oh, Quas! Are you all right? You seem a little confused." Looking him over, Tik couldn't immediately find anything wrong with the towering lizardman, but that didn't mean everything was fine. "If you are all right, could you please help us? Kuoteq'eko had an accident, and I do not think he should try to walk just now. Could you please take him back to the healer's tent to rest, or stay and keep an eye on him if he insists on remaining out here? I would stay, but I am working on an anti-toxin on the Starseer's orders and need to get back to work."
    Sevesh, Nazqua, bOdziO Wolf and 3 others like this.
  16. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    "I help" - Quas spoke to Tik in his trance. He grabbed unconscious Kuoteq with his giant hands, each a size of a third of a Skink and then walked slowly towards the healer's remaining silent the whole road, as if he was steered by some other force.
    Sevesh, Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Time’s inevitable pace seemingly slowed in those fleeting seconds one could catch a glimpse of the situation in its entirety. A singular silver spark budded from the skink oracle's tail illuminating a fragmented flicker of the whole cavern, revealing all to the omnipotent eye.

    A swarm of screaming skaven slaves surrounding the party of lizardmen.

    Xolek-Zi’s burning eyes, burning tail, burning wrath.

    Xlauax’s Locked up rage, power of memories unleashed.

    Hakal’s unparalleled strength and desperation fueled only further by his sorrows.

    Barely handful of clanrats and storm vermin watch behind, thier bodies clad in crimson armour and hands armed with vicious weapons which only reflected the expression of cruel pleasure on thier faces as they stared upon the surrounded salamander and soon to be overrun skinks. An expression however that could be seen transforming into one of pure horror and fear as their eyes reflected back a stream of images.

    Within but an instant the cavern explodes.

    An impossible aurora of light was born as if a second silver star had been forced into existence using the oracle’s body as a mere vessel. The light Eminated from Xolek-Zi’s whole body, whole existance but also his largest pouch containing a specific silver scale that only amplified and channelled its power. The light pulsed to the rhythmic beat of the lizardmen’s heart as it danced through the frozen figures banishing away all shadow before sprinting forward and gliding across the ancient stone wall’s causing them to groan, crack and give way sending down a suspended drizzle of pebbles as the rockface was suddenly exposed to light in which it hadn’t seen for millennia. The stagnant puddles of water below froth and boil sending up a swath of steam which swirls into a silver serpent for but a fraction of a fraction of a second.

    Snap. Reality returns. The Skaven which surround Xolek cower back, thier weapons gliding down to the floor as thier eyes turn white blinded by the light but also in sheer fear of thier unescapable fate. A fate sealed by Hakal’s charge. Pickaxe swinging forward the smaller slave who was already lowered down to thier knee’s at the light’s sheer intensity was impaled through the chest. The rat’s starved body gave no resistance, its ribcage would have snapped under even the lightest touch let alone a full-force swing backed up by the power of iron. Soft, weak organs pushed aside and crushed as the pick’s end surfaced coated in a film of blood and tissue. A clean, yet brutal kill.

    Now free for a split second Xolek decisively makes his move, his very same chants and invocations from seconds before rebounding back to him in the form of an echo to only strengthen the aura of light as he darts to inturn aid Xiuhcoatl. The sunray’s fury pulsing through his throbbing veins Xolek-Zi’s hand-hammered down the carnosaur tooth clutched within, quickly pushing it into and through the soft skin of slaves back. The first wave of pain sending the Skaven doubling over, the second caused by the tooth’s removal sending them to the floor. Prone on the cold stone and crimson-stained puddles the already doomed and dying slave was immediately seized within the sharp death giving embrace of Xiuhcoatl’s bite, her needle-sharp teeth normally suited to slice through fish making yet another set of deep gashes into the silent creatures back.

    Following up his strike with the tooth the oricle lashes out with his whip which slits through the air in a mirror image of Xiuhcoatl’s wounded tail. Obsinite tip bathed in silver starlight both tail and whip connect simultaneously. whip wrapping around legs, tail around neck the Skaven was forced to the floor in a muted squeal as both skink and salamander acted in synchrony in such a way that reflected the eternal dance of both sun and moon.

    As the life was choked out of the slave the blood on Xiuhcoatl’s tail flickered like a flame in the blazing light as the beast continued to act through the guidance of the oracle as if the light had no effect on both its vision or mind.

    Now realising the true slaughter that the situation was becoming slaves desperately scrambled backwards in a struggle of self-preservance, in the process only opening themselves up further to a rally of Xlauax’s attacks . A tortured soul centred within a storm of Druchi blades, years of anger and frustration let loose in every strike, Pain and vengeance made manifest in a chaotic yet perfectly fluid series of motions.

    Running down fleeing slaves left right and centre Xlauax's slaughter was suddenly interrupted as a figure clad in crimson armour revealed themselves, thier fur matted with a mix of ally slave blood and sweat. Almost immediately the pair’s exchange of glares fueled only by pure hatred was ended as the stormvermin attempted to strike down, only for his halberd to be met with the fury of two blood forged blades whilst his eyes burnt and hair seemingly sizzled awash in the purifying light of righteous deliverance. Quickly countering the chameleons move the storm vermin once again readied another strike, this time one to fast for Xlauax to react to for this was no slave.

    Almost preparing his body for the sharp strike to impact Xlauax flinched back closing his eyes only for no pain to come as the Stormvermin’s halberd clattered down out of grip in a battle of steel and stone. Unable to land its strike the rat was dragged onto its back and dragged against the floor with a screech of pain but also the opportunity to gut the skink robbed from it. The many chains that had once bound a dozen slaves had now ironically transformed into the Skaven’s own imprisonment. Alone a slave’s strength would stand no chance to that of a stormvermin, however, several fueled only by the pure desperation of self-preserance was a different story, one that resulted in the stormvermin getting dragged back, his armour grinding against the stone in a shower of sparks which only empowered the already present storm of light.

    Mere meters away Xolek-Zi’s hand snapped forward as a sharp order barked through the air. Within the next second his zealous finger flicked out and aimed at a group of slaves cosigning them to meet oblivion. Tethered through the force of the oracles mind Xiuhcoatl’s condemning glare followed Xolek’s point. Not guided by words but instead, both action and instinct fused into one…

    Seemingly sharing the effects of the sunray flower Xiuhcoatl’s mouth widened for but a split second before unleashing a torrent of flame, one that melded in with the silver light as it spilt forward onto the Skaven, immolating them in a wash of purifying, holy flame. Immediately the air was filled with the sound of gurgling screams and sizzling flesh as corrosive saliva ate into skin and fire lept from hair and rags. The same Chotec’s rage which had caused so much pain and suffering for the camp would now be forced upon these slaves to inturn once again imbue such doom, this time, however… the doom was inescapable and promised more than a few mere flesh wounds, tumbled logs and misplaced stones.

    Ignoring all orders Xiuhcoatl leaps forward in chase, savaging any still screaming and fallen Skaven whilst Xolek behind is forced to steady himself, the light around him dying down as exhaustion claims its due. (+1 Exhaustion point). Obsidian scales still burning like molten metal the oracles legs threaten to give way from such exertion whilst his vision becomes hazy...


    Ears ringing Kuoteq’eko could make out the kroxigor coming closer as the world around him spun. Simultaneously being under Tiqxoltiq’s care but also feeling the cold, soothing touch of stone on his still stinging back and the sun’s warmth on his head Kuoteq knew he would make a safe recovery, putting a quick end to his worries and bolstering his ability to cope with the pain.

    Meanwhile, another skink rushed toward him and the other priest a series of large, dirty roots clasped within his hands.

    M8 WS1 BS1 S1 T1 W0.65 I3 A1 Ld4. 1 Skill point, 1 Battle (1 Used to take out slave infront, One to help free up Xiuhcoatl) , 1 Magic ,1 Beast handling.


    M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5. 3 skill points, 0 battle, 1 blend


    M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W1.5(-) I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill points, 4 battle, 0 Strength.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2020
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Legs shaking and arms burning Xolek leans against the tunnel wall to steady himself, what was accomplished by himself and the group was no small feat. A smile comes shortly after from the Oracle das the sound of the dying and still burning skaven ring in his ear, wider still by the scream right before they met their doom at the hands of the salamander. His whole being burned, it felt as if he had been poured into the core of a star and then given its power to shine over the darkness itself, that is how brightly and hot he burned during battle and from which he recovered.

    Looking around he can see Hakal though his eye sight begins to blur, it looks as if Hakal checked bodies before impaling the still barely alive. Looking about further flame still burns on sections of wall and floor alike, giving small glimpses of action within the shadow. He hears angry screeches and chattering and within the light of flame he believes to see jagged crimson armor struggling to free itself from a prison of chains pulling it down. Letting out a exhausted scream he calls out to Xlauax about the stormvermins wear abouts. Looking around still he sees the slaves struggling now to make headway, Xiuhcoatl closes in on one, the flame about the tunnel showing her movements periodically. The flame showing the slave looking around nervously, and then gone into the darkness it as if pulled by Hunachi into the dark himself, nothing but a scream then silence. Xolek knows it could be more moments before more skaven came, but he hoped this was near the end of the fight.

    Walking slowly forward toward where he saw the crimson armor Xolek looks about him, his vision still blurry for the moment. Bodies of burned skaven filled his nostrils, he holds back a gag and instead smiles in the righteous wrath brought on to them. Behind the others the skink looks back behind himself to make sure nothing was coming up from behind. He begins to break off the end of skaven spears as he comes across them and forces them into the broken tunnel floor, creating a spiked walk way for any who came from behind (-1 skill point, 0 left), hoping it would slow any reinforcement. As he finishes and comes across Hakal he warns the Kroxigor of his trap and precaution for when they returned through here, "if they did that was" he thought to himself.

    Continuing on he followed the noise of occasional screams, he called out for Xiuhcoatl to return to him before her own blood lust took over her primal mind...
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
    Nazqua, Sevesh, Tk'ya'pyk and 2 others like this.
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax hacked down Skaven in a flurry of Pain and Justice, he cackled madly now as fire began to fill the room, the roar drowning out the
    That echoed through his mind. As he fought he got a bit reckless and a stormvermin was about to strike him when he got pulled to the floor by the slaves chains as they started to flee. Xlauax wasted no time in lunging forth and decapitating the stormvermin. A few moments later the battle was over and Xlauax heard Xolek-zi call out about his whereabouts (that's alot of outs lol). Xlauax crept from the shadows, the stormvermins head in his hand and a wicked smile on his face, the light highlighted his mutilated body, the price he had paid for his freedom, the price he had paid for his Vengeance, and the price he will pay to avenge.
    Nazqua, Sevesh, Tk'ya'pyk and 3 others like this.
  20. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Quas felt a familiar feeling of a Skink hands and feet crawling on his back while he was turning towards the way he approached the group from. Apparently picking the injured Kuoteq prematurely the priest and the gatherer wanted to say something to him, but he was not in a form or shape to discern any comprehensible commands from their rapid speech despite them trying to reason more physically as well.

    His mind unchanged, the large figure cruised towards the camp while the two resigned Skinks secured their places on Quas' back, making him occasionally to sneeze when one of the lizard's bare foot happened to be to close to his nostrils. As the squad approached the camp the two Skinks jumped back to the ground and began pointing Quas to the direction of the healer to which the large Kroxigor turned more promptly now, shortly after being welcomed by the startled eyes of Zuztle.

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