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Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    Xap listend as the skinks decided which way to go trusting in their quick minds, preffering the gold path due to the effort it would take for his huge bulk to avoid the barbs but if the barbed road it was to be he hoped his strong thick scales would be of use agaist the posioness plants
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  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((I believe the consensus was the flower path))

    Choosing the flower path the group moved slowly. The path was narrow at some points especially for the Kroxigor amongst them, at some points it took a certain amount of skill just to avoid hitting the barbs, but none of the group members hit any of the barbs.

    Kroxigor needs to remove 2 skill points or 1 skill and 2 battle to avoid hitting the barbs. Saurus need to remove 1 skill, and skinks need not worry.

    The path led to a clearing in the jungle, however the clearing was surrounded by a round wall of the poisonous flowers reaching about fifty feet in the air. There seemed to be no exit from here, however the quick senses of the skinks found a difference in the ground ahead,a difference in consistency and color of the ground. On closer inspection the found a stone door in the ground, although it would take some strength to lift the massive block of stone.

    ((Although you had to use skill points you can still save some for today.))
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  3. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    the path frustrated xap he was used to moving through jungle terrain with ease using his bulk to push aside foilage but this path forced him to be careful tiring him in a way he was not used to.

    upon reaching the clearing xap sighed it looked like they would have to treverse back the way they cam it was a dead end.

    just as xap turned around it seemed his little kins sharp eyes had found somthing an entrance perhaps it seemed his little kin would have a hard time moving such an obsticle, xap watched in fascination until he decided it was time to try and use his strength to move the obsticle so the journey could continue.
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  4. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Ax-rodriq was not exactly thrilled to be going underground again, but he supposed there was no choice. He readied his sword in case this hole was full of Vermin and jumped down.
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  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok truly despised going underground again. He even considered blasting the wall of flowers away, but that would be quite useless, he figured.
    So, he asked his fellow skinks one last time: "Do you need those poisons?"
    Ilok did not knew much about poisons, but he did knew how dangerous they were.

    Xap's mighty power was awesome to watch. The stone wasn't as heavy as they all thought, it seemed.
    After checking the surroundings, he went down as well.

    The Hunted
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  6. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec immediately started dousing some of his javelins and darts in the plant's poison, he knew they would come in handy later. Hexec loathed going back underground, though he knew it was necessary to get his Terradon, He sighed and prepared to return underneath the earth.
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  7. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The stone door is lifted, revealing a massive carved staircase. The group moved down making little sound, as the last lizarman entered Xap moved in and lowered the door letting it close above them. Immediately the group was in darkness. Ilok quickly cast a simple light spell allowing light to emanate from him. At the bottom of the steps there was a circular room with doors to the north, east and west.

    The group took a while to inspect their paths, the path to the north, had an odd stench coming from underneath it; the western path a pool of dried blood coming from underneath the door; and the eastern door had a series of large cracks on the floor and on the massive stone door itself.
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  8. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Ax-rodriq went to investigate each of the individual entrances. His wish was to not split up, as the five of them would be able to handle any enemy much faster than if they were alone or in pairs.
    He looked at the cracks in the door to the East. Whatever made them was strong, perhaps stronger even than the mighty Kroxigor. It would be wise, Ax-rodriq thought, to avoid such a foe.
    Next he looked, or rather, sniffed out, the North door. Whatever the source of the smell was, it was unfamiliar to Ax-rodriq. Who could say what foul creation the jungle had given birth to in this hidden cavern? Alternatively, it could be the smell of something not dangerous at all. It was a gamble, Ax-rodriq realized.
    Then he came to the Western door. The blood on the floor near it had long since dried to a flaky crust, so it was impossible to tell who, or what, was the source. Just as much of a gamble as the North door. Behind this door could have lived a mighty beast to guard the hallway, and perhaps an earlier group of travellers had fought and slain it. Equally likely was the possibility that they had been slain by the beast, and the blood was theirs.
    Ax-rodriq was not keen on any of the options. East would lead to a certain fight, but almost definitely one that would be hard fought. North lead to something - what it was, no one could say. And behind the West door, something, at some point in time, had met a grisly end, a fate that Ax-rodriq would rather avoid. Calling Ilok over to him, he described his thoughts, and suggested they take the North path. The group would be least likely to run into a one-sided battle if they took that road, he explained.
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  9. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec looked at the individual pathways. Ax-rodriq's logic was quite sound, though Hexec thought that it was possible that the cracks were just from age. On that reasoning, he advised Ilok to take the eastern door.
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  10. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc had no sense of which way to go besides that the doorway with the blood seemed forboding and the doorway with the odd stench was somewhat unplesant. However there would be good reasons as to why each path had it's own oddities and the blood and stench had to come from some place.

    Huaroc stood by as he awaitted the group's decision. Glad that he'd collected a goodly amount of poison from the plants up top before coming down.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  11. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    closing the heavy door above his head xap stared into darkness untill Ilok started to shine, up ahead were 3 pathways listening to Ax-rodriq his reasoning seemed sound.
    but xap didnt mind which way the group went but he did not like the look of the cracks it seemed wrong for his heavy frame to walk across them just in case,but he would help protect the group no matter what still he longed to be back in the jungle,
    xap waited untill a consensus was met either door but not the cracks was his choice
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  12. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    After contemplating over all variables, Ilok chose the north path.
    Ax-rodriq had sound reasoning, to which the whole group responded well.

    It made it easy for Ilok to make the final decision.

    The Hunted
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  13. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The chosen lizardman turned the handle on the door, immediately the door swung itself open. Revealing two things, a ten foot hallway, turning east before continuing and a dead skavan laying on the ground face down. There was one more thing that happened when the door opened, a hatch opened in the wall and volley of arrows launched out. The group startled had little time to react.

    Before I can tell you what happens next I need you all to roll two dice and tell me the individual results of each.
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  14. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    [[ooc]] Just in here, or should we PM you? [[/ooc]]
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  15. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    ((I PMed))
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  16. wolfspirit

    wolfspirit New Member

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    I have never played pole playing game before so was just wondering how it works?
    What is involved? And weather it is too late to join in? (depending on how it works)
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  17. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((Either PM or put it in hear either is fine))
    ((Wolf Spirit its kind of difficult to explain how it works best thing I could suggest is read all the posts till now, by then you should understand it. As for if its too late to join, no its not I can usually fit new people in, but you have to be sure you can post nearly every day.))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  18. wolfspirit

    wolfspirit New Member

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    ((I am afraid I don’t read much fluff so please let me know if any of the character description does not fit I am hoping to join but I an going away from the 25 and back Sunday the 4 so if I can give you his description now so when I start (?!!) when I get back he will be ready to jump right in.
    I might be a bit rusty to begin with. Looks good though cannot wait.
    If I find that this is not for me then will there be an opportunity to drop out or will that, be quite hard?
    Will I nee to read all of the previous posts or can I start by just reading the last few days before I start?
    Is there any chance that you could give me his stats so I can follow it with an eye for when I start
    Can I say that I start (if that is ok) on Monday the 5 of July
    But I would appreciate comments on his Character description before I start so I have time to amend it if need be
    Sorry about not putting “(( ))” in before guess I did not read far enough before))
    Name, HuanMundi “moon’s of the world”

    Age, 22

    Job, skink priest

    Looks, like any other skink his age but with a very distinctive birth mark of the 3 moons on his forehead

    Character, he was born at tlaxtlan and was always told by his masters that his curiosity would one day be his undoing but alas he would never listen and as he got older, it only got worse. His masters became incredibly worried because he could not pay attention long enough to learn to control his powers. But when he finely learned to control them when he turned 19 he was at last an under achieved priest.

    Achievements, when he finely got to priest hood he requested that he go out in to the jungle and look for old undiscovered relics left by the old ones they let him go, happy to see the back of him. But to their surprise 2 years later long presumed dead he returned with a stone tablet with ancient righting on it with new undiscovered spells, maps and prophecy. greatly prised for his discovery he was allowed to work on deciphering it and he made it his life’s work
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  19. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The arrows shoot at the group, Hexec was hit, but looking at his chest where the arrow struck he noticed it hit a piece of metal on the strap that held his javelins. Hauroc, ducked down avoiding any blows, Ilok moved to the side avoiding all arrows as well. The saurus and the kroxigor were far from quick enough to dodge but luckily the arrows could not piece their thick hides.

    Now that the trap was sprung the group moved down the hall, past the arrow ridden skaven body and to yet another door. The smell behind this door was near nauseating, as they contemplated going through the door, they heard the door they came through slam shut behind them.
  20. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    "I looks as though we have no further choice but to press on." Huaroc said with little joy in his voice. He stood to one side of the doorway, his blow gun head in his hand, ready to strike should he need to.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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