xap didnt understand where the answer had come from but he couldnt ignore the voice that told him, with the group seeming pleased with his actions xap followed into the next room
Hexec sighed again as thy continued. He really wished they would get out of the caves soon. What he would give to feel the breeze against his face again.
Ilok sighed again as they continued. He really wished they would get out of the caves soon. What he would give to see the sky in the air again. The Hunted (( ))
((lots of depressed Lizards LOL)) The room was empty, however it had an odd breeze coming the east, seemingly coming from the wall itself, possibly a crack in the rocks. The door on the northern wall did not seem locked at all; when they tried the door revealed a hall, about 10 feet long which ended in a door. It was solid stone and had an intricate design, of gold and silver.
((depressed lizards who seem to be thinking the same )) Ilok was puzzled, the darkness was getting onto him. "More doors?" he thought to himself. He had enough. Still, his patience somehow got the better of him and he started studying the patterns. The door looked massive, so they couldn't just break in, it seemed. He thought over this new problem, Ilok even considered bringing in Xap. Not for muscle, but for his simple way of thinking that just made sense. The Hunted ((+3 magic, can I just throw a comet or something at it? That should break it ))
xap was tiring the time spent underground away from the warmth of the sun was making him larthargic, the thought of going down another corridor chasing after gold and silver paterns did not appeal to him, with that thought he caught the breeze coming from the east wall and the memories of the jungle and the freedom that it offered hit him hard and he started to hit the east wall with his heavy fists trying to get to the breeze, part of xap wanted to see if there were even more ratmen but part wanted to be free as well
Being wary for additional traps, Ax-rodriq proceeded down the hallway towards the gold and sliver door.
Huaroc stepped up beside llok, studing the intricate and finely crafted lines of the designs on the stone. Though he was of a lone spawning of skinks he was still a skink and so had an innate ability to see things in the runes and designs of his ancestors and the Old Ones. "My Lord llok, do you think we will see the lush jungle soon?" Huaroc asked hopefully.
A few things happened to the lizardmen at that moment, the first was at the eastern wall in the main room. when the mighty kroxigor struck it the wall shattered revealing a iron door behind the layer of stone. The second was that Ilok remembered the design on the door from an old tablet that was in the Slann's chamber. It meant that beyond this door was some sort of guardian.
Huaroc hunched his head as the the Kroxigor smashed the stone door to dust. The metal door beyond was a mystery to him and something he'd not expected. Whatever was beyond was obviously meant to be well guarded. "We should proceed with caution, layer of iron is a strong deterant and I think we should take the nessisary honors before openning the chamber." He said with a hint of reverence in his voice.
Ilok was stunned by the fact the actual wall collapsed. He was also very surprised to see what was behind. He took some time to think. Ultimately, he decided to go for the iron door, the guardian that was behind the stone door would be very potent. Too strong even, Ilok believed. Huaroc was right, they should proceed with caution. The Hunted
xap was stunned also as his fists crumbled the wall and revealed a new door it it seemed as if he was being led in these actions first the opening of the earth door and now this, xap didnt dwell on it for long on hearing of a guardian xap thought it may be a freind a guardian of the old ones like themselves maybe. xap was split between his curisoty of the two doors
Choosing the iron door, the lizardmen pushed the door open with much caution. Behind the door, a small room was revealed about 5 feet wide by 10 feet long, with cielings of about 10 ft. The floor was laid with fine stone as where the walls with tiny gems throughout. Add the end of the narrow room was a gold alter, placed on it was a large banner, it was made of gold and the cloth was a blue, with white words reading Huan Tli written in Lustrian ((Leave you guys to translate it.))
as xap walked into the room only one thing caught his eye nothing else registerd as important to the kroxigor only the word on the cloth which was TLI xap knew this in an instant as it was of his name Xapati'tli the stone servant or stone beast xap was sure the word meant beast or servant like in his own name
Huaroc pointed to the lettering upon the banner. His was as streight and steady as any of his blow gun shots. He looked back to llok. "I know the word Huan. We use it sometimes to warn of the deep jungle, that territory which does not include any of the lands which our temple cities lay in." He dropped his hand to his side. "It sometimes means something else, something altogether more sinister. Darkness." He said the final word with a glint in his eyes, as they all knew the darkness which was out there...that of evil.
Ilok had a bad feeling when he read those words. Xap and Huaroc confirmed his concerns. Behind the stone door was a guardian, one that would be very powerfull. And now it seemed that this guardian was an evil monstrosity... 2 Guardians would be unstoppable, Ilok knew. He just hoped they would all make it out alive. The Hunted
i know its kinda late, like WAYYYY late but this seems kinda cool and i was wondering when another would start or if i could join now? sorry just read the rules i shoulda looked for those first haha
Not as well versed in Lustrian as the others, Hexec just let them decipher the writing. It was a very ominous clue, he thought. Guardians could be tough to handle, though Hexec believed if they worked as a group they could overcome that obstacle.
Ax-rodriq gripped his sword in anticipation. He reveled in the idea of fighting a worthy opponent. He just hoped that his strength would be enough to defeat the Guardian.