((Sorry I flaked yesterday totally forgot to write this up.)) Leaving the banner, the group opens the door down the hall, and peers in. There are two other doors in here one to the west on e to the east. The room is the same stone and design as the room with the banner. The wall to the north has gold inlets in a spiraling pattern. In the south west corner and the north east corner there are two statues, about the size of saurus warrior they sort of resemble the slann or a saurus warrior in a totem form.
Ilok was wary about the 'statues'. He had been jumped by a temple guard before, which had been standing still for several years. As Ilok moved further into the room, he felt good with the eastern door. Even he did now know why that was, but he was sure it was the right choice. The Hunted
Huaroc stepped into the room cautiously, unsure and wary of the statues. He saw that llok was studing the doors with a wizened and knowledgeable look in his gleaming eyes so Huaroc took up a defensive position at the entrance to the room, just inside the door and to the right. If the statues did come to life and attack, which he doubted, he'd be ready.
Ax-rodriq moved forwards to investigate the statues. He could not understand his fellow party-members' trepidation towards the stone idols, as they were clearly made of mere rock...
xap walked into the room aware of the seemingly stone staues that stood guard and didnt recognise them as a threat and waited for the group to decide a dorr which to got through
The door snapped shut and a terrible grinding could be heard from the statues. Suddenly a deep blue glow rushed through the designs in their bodies. The moved towards the party each was holding an iron halberds. It was clear there was no negotiating with the guardians and their business was death to intruders. Statues cannot be wounded by blow guns. There are exactly two statues and each requires 2 hits to be beaten. Again you can only make as many hits as you have attacks WS 2 or less - S3 - Wound - 6 battle WS 2 or less - S4 - Wound - 5 battle WS 2 or less - S5 - Wound - 4 battle WS 2 or less - S6+ - Wound - 3 battle WS 3+ - S3 - Wound - 4 battle WS 3+ - S4 - Wound - 3 battle WS 3+ - S5 - Wound - 2 battle WS 3+ - S6+ - Wound - 1 battle BS 3 or less - javalin - 7 skill BS 4 - javalin - 6 skill BS 5+ - javalin - 5 skill Magic - (they seem to be resistant to magics) - 4 magic (1 wound, only can be done once)
Huaroc saw the statues come to life and he felt deep in his bones that there would only be battle despite the fact that the lizardmen were the ones in the room and not foul Chaos, Zombies or Skaven. Having the Javlin left over from when he fought the brethren skink and saurus whom had killed each other before turning on the party. Pulling the Javlin from his back Huaroc took careful aim at a segment joint on the saurus statue and hurled it with all his might. ((-5 skill))
Hexec saw the statues come to life and immediately sprang into action. Unsheathing a javelin, he spun and threw it at the statue. It caught him right in eye and the statue retailated, swinging his halberd right at Hexec. Rolling under the weapon, he grabbed onto it, running up its handle. He pulled out his dagger and right as he flipped onto the head of the statue he stabbed into the other eye. As the statue fell, Hexec jumped off, rolling to lessen the impact. ((-6 Battle, -6 Skill))
Ax-rodriq drew his sword and rushed at the statue Huaroc had wounded with the javelin. The creature swung its halberd in a wide arc and Ax-rodriq blocked the blow, however the statue was stronger than he had anticipated, and the force of the clash knocked him to his knees. Quickly regaining himself, he dodged a swing that would have sliced him cleanly down the middle. Seizing the javelin protruding from the creature's side, he pushed it deep within the anomaly with all his might and twisted fiercely, worsening the wound that Huaroc had previously inflicted. The beast gave an earthy groan and sank to the ground, the weight of its body pushing the javelin deeper until it emerged on the opposite side of the beast. The thing seemed dead, but to better reassure himself ((and because I have an extra attack )), Ax-rodriq picked up the fallen statue's halberd and severed what he figured would be its head.
xap want sure what to do the guardians were saurus they were not evil why didnt they recognise the party as servants of the old ones also were they not worthy enough to enter this place, while xap was unsure what to do he saw the first statue go down to the combined efforts of huaroc and ax-rodriq. it seems the guardians must die or they would in that instant he saw the skink hexec launch an attack that toppled another but in the skinks haste he had not wounded it properly with the skinks back turned and seemingly triumphant the stone statue rose again and was about to swing its heavy halberd when xap grabbed the halberd and with his other hand clasped the statues head and with all his strength crushed its head into rubble sometimes xap wonderd why his kin used weapons he saw no need when he had teeth and claws that could be used (-5 battle)
Ilok saw it coming from a mile away, and his waryness also made the group wary. They knew what to do, and they did it more than excellent. He was pleased, this group could handle their own. The stone guardians were pretty strong though, and only the combined attacks brought them down. Ilok wondered what magic would do to these guardians. He figured he would find out, sooner rather than later. The Hunted
Huaroc walked over to the broken statue and retreaved his Javlin. Hefting the shaft in both his hands he checked the obsidian spear tip to ensure it's integrity wasn't compromised. Seeing that the resilient weapon was in no worse for wear he slid it back into the carnosaur hide slip he kept it in on his back. It disturbed Huaroc that the statues of their kin would attack them. That was two skirmishes that the party had fought to defend themselves from their own kind. True the statues weren't technically lizardmen but they had been wraught from the hands of the children of the Old Ones all the same.
The golems collapse onto the ground leaving only the door left, the lizards examine the door before deciding to pass through. They end up in yet another square room. From here there is a door to the east and west. Each look the same. The wall to the north is covered with an intricate design, on it a slann is holding two star calendars depicting the lunar cycles, they sort of resemble dials. Underneath the design is a set of lustrian numbers first is states twelve, second thirty two, last says two hundred thirty. Roughly five hundred years before today, the digits on these numbers seems as they are movable, excepts when pushed on they do not seem to move at all. The doors in this room are stone, and have intricate designs as well. The floor is solid stone.
Huaroc was completely puzzeled by the door with the unmovable - moving numbers and the lunar calenders. Instead he left it to llok whom would likely have more of an idea about the door, being a priest and having studied the heavens. Huaroc moved to the opposite door, instead wishing to study it to find if he could figure anything about about it's intricate markings.
Being unable to make heads or tails of their new predicament, Ax-rodriq waited for the party to figure it out. In the meantime, he said a small prayer to the Old Ones that they would be able to walk above the ground before too long.
Ilok was just as puzzled as the rest was. He knew that he should know more about this, but at this moment; he didn't. He studied the designs on the doors for clues, the digits did not remind him of anything in particular. Nor did they meant anything to him, as of yet. The Hunted