xap was invigorated by the presence of the banner of the old ones and was now more than ever to rid these halls from evil things no matter which door they chose
Ilok was pleased that Huaroc wanted to carry the standard. He handed it to him. "Be strong". Ilok investigated both doors. He thought for a short moment, and chose to go for the west door. As earlier. The Hunted OOC( Real life is getting in the way this weekend (saturday&sunday). I will not be able to post then.))
Huaroc took the banner and held it high. He was pleased that llok had given him the honor of holding aloft the beautiful tapestry of Old One power. He bowed his head to llok and then stepped aside to let him pass. What awaited beyond the other two doors was a great mystery but one they would discover.
The banner truly was beautiful and quite the gift from the Old Ones. "Let's explore the other rooms," Hexec said, eager to hopefully find more treasures in them... or a way out!
Ilok returned back to the room before where they found their standard. There he pushed open the Western door. When the door was opened it revealed a long hallway with a single door at the end.
Holding the banner aloft Huaroc stepped through the first door and watched carefully for any signs of traps as he made his way to the door at the end. Once there he awaitted everyone else before openning this door as well.
((OOC: Oh look. Another door. ¬_¬ )) Ax-rodriq followed Huaroc through the door. What mysteries would await the party in the next room?
Haurpc moved down the hall, at the last moment he noticed the pit trap in the middle of the hall, disguised as a stone slab. Quickly he stopped the saurus moving forward and after some time and skill he disabled the trap. Hauroc - 8 skill for all that
Huaroc watched out more closely. He'd only barely seen the pit trap in enough time to stop his compatriot from falling in. Though the banner filled his veins with a furocity he'd rarely felt except in the heat of battle he awaitted the next confrontation as he stalked forward. The trails of the banner caressing the top of his head.
Hauroc pushed the door open to the next room, there was a dark corridor leading west and at the end though extremely hard to see seemed to turn to the south.
Huaroc looked back over his shoulder. "We'll need torches to light our way. I do not wish to spring any traps because we were careless." He said. Huaroc had been through as many other 'dungeons' as the rest of the party and they'd run into more than a fair share of traps. Caution would be a wise guidance, he felt. Never-the-less he was eager to press onward and find out what was ahead of them.
Traps would be quite dangerous indeed, Hexec thought. "Best be careful where we step," he said, warning all the others of the possibilities. "Let Huaroc lead the way, his nimbleness will be very helpful here," finished Hexec.
xaps mind wanderd where he didnt know but he was back in the corridor following the group and letting the more nimble skings detect if there were any traps
Ilok cast a light spell to illuminate the corridor. He tried casting a scrying spell so he could check for traps.Ilok knew that this spell didn't always work, for various reasons. He watched. ((-3 magic for scrying spell. +6 magic=+3!)) The Hunted
(sorry guys missed that ALMOST all of you had posted) The light alone revealed things that where before unseen, along the path two massive statues could be see, one on the corner before the room turns southwards the second was on the right hand side of the wall, in about the center of the hall. Each had the shape of a slann making a face as thought blowing to extinguish a flame. The second spell Ilok cast revealed, the devious nature of those statues. The stones before the statues pressure plates shone with a red glow, easily avoidable now that they where lit.
((err should have done this too)) The group moves down the hall, as it turns south it quickly turns again east, then leads to yet another door.
Ilok needed not to explain the danger of the pressure plates. Everybody understood. Still, as the party moved on to yet another door, Ilok give the statues a closer look. Why did they have that facial expression? He wondered, but it did not stop him from moving on. The next door was the next challenge. The Hunted
Huaroc moved down the hallway with numble movements and a cautious eye. Well aware of the plates he avoided them at all cost, though it really was quite easy to step over them. It was still an exagerated step, possibly quite commical to watch if the perpetual danger wasn't ever present in everyone's mind. Coming to the next door, Huaroc set the staff down on the stone tiled floor and leaned on the shaft. Though he was gratefull and honored to be the bearer of this banner it was something he was completely unaccustomed to and so his arms were beginning to tire.