The group following the hall was eventually safely led toanother door this one facing west. The door had the same intricate patterns that has been a constant throughout here, this door had symbols of two halberds crossing each other.
The halberds crossing was likely a sign of an upcoming battle, Ilok thought. He prepared for it. They had no other choice than to face whatever was waiting for them. So in they went. The Hunted
((Sorry Craken, decided I am going to take about a week break. I will be back up and playing soon though!))
Huaroc looked up on the door and the symbols upon it. Prepairing himself for anything else which might come upon them past the door. Checking his blow pipe he saw that it was ready with a dart in the barrel. He could feel the banner's pole humming with it's reverberant power.
Ilok pushed the door open and stepped into the room, almost immediately a massive halberd swung at him, he managed to duck and roll forward just in time to avoid any damage (-1 skill Ilok). The rest of the group Could clearly see two large statues figures like the one they fought before, moving toward Ilok. Statues cannot be wounded by blow guns. There are exactly two statues and each requires 2 hits to be beaten. Again you can only make as many hits as you have attacks WS 2 or less - S3 - Wound - 5 battle WS 2 or less - S4 - Wound - 4 battle WS 2 or less - S5 - Wound - 3 battle WS 2 or less - S6+ - Wound - 2 battle WS 3+ - S3 - Wound - 3 battle WS 3+ - S4 - Wound - 2 battle WS 3+ - S5+ - Wound - 1 battle BS 3 or less - javalin - 7 skill BS 4 - javalin - 6 skill BS 5+ - javalin - 5 skill Magic - (they seem to be resistant to magics) - 4 magic (1 wound, only can be done once)
The statue that swung at Ilok was temporarily off-balanced by his attack. Ax-rodriq seized the opportunity and charged, stabbing the beast in the side. The creature gave an unearthly bellow of rage and hurled itself on the Saurus, knocking him to the ground, and using the haft of its halberd to knock Ax-rodriq's sword out of his hand. Ax-rodriq recovered swiftly and grabbed the haft himself before the beast could use its strength and weight to force the haft down on his throat. Despite his great strength, Ax-rodriq could not compete with whatever strange magics animated the monster, and try as he might to resist, the haft began slowly descending...
Ilok recovered from the blow and saw that ax-rodiq was in trouble. He instantly cast a spell felling the statue, Ilok directed the force so that the statue fell away from the party; ax-rodiq was safe. For now. The Hunted
xap was more vigliant this time having faced this enemy before as the stone statue swung its halber xap batted aside the atempt with his left arm and using his momentum slammed his tail into the stone warriors chest, the stone warrior staggerd backwards with a large crack and chunks missing from his cheast but was still standing after the move xap was dizzy and fought to make the room stop spinning
((Hey guys just managed to get on here wanted to let you know I probably won't be able to make a post for the RP till after the wedding. So probably will be gone for 1-2 weeks. Later guys see ya all soon.))
Huaroc holstered his blowpipe in a swift and deft motion. He'd faced these statues before in earlier rooms and knew that the darts would do nothing to stop them. Hefting his javlin he charged forward with as mighty a war cry as he could muster. Using the Javlin as a spear he swung in vicous arcs to stlach at hte statues but he only carves shalow scrapes into the hard stone. WIth surprising speed the statue he was attack swatted Huaroc aside as if he were a pesky fly. Slamming against the wall Huaroc dropped his Javlin and nearly lost the pole to the banner. Falling to his knees he huffed and gasped as he tried to recover the wind which had been knowcked from him. Suddenly he felt a rage and carnal lust for battle as the power of the banner pulsed through him. Seizing the Javlin Huaroc pressed a foot against the wall behind him and launched with renewed vigor at the statue which had so casually knocked him aside. With an aim true and powerful he lanced his weapon through a joint-crack in the statue and it flew apart in a cascade of boulders.'s been a bit longer than 1-2 weeks. Are we gonna keep going with this or have things fallen apart?
(sorry ya I will be continuing this hopefully within the week, I'll PM everyone when I post. I apologize after the wedding, other thing caused me to be away, mostly getting my car fixed constantly, then a death in the family. Hopefully will have time to focus soon.))
((Alright, home sick today, though feeling better. So I thought I would start posting again)) As the last statue crumbles, a magical sounds comes from the fallen statues, sort of a pop and zing mix. As the dust clears, a door becomes revealed opposite to where the lizardmen first entered the room. The door has an intricate frog-like design, with a green glow in its inlets, however the glow seems to be fading fast.
Hexec rushed towards the door, eager on making sure the glow did not fade. He did not know what awaited them, but he had to make sure that it was not lost.
Hexec rushed through the door, it opened into a hall. In font of him there was another door, it bore the symbol of two saurus swords, the hall also continued to the south, widening as it reached a massive door, about 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide. It bore more markings, which could not be read from this distance, the door was about 20 feet from where Hexec now stood.
Ax-rodriq drew his own twin swords and approached the door bearing the sword symbols, thinking it was no coincidence.
Ax-rodriq drew his twin swords and placed them where the carvings of the swords where there was a an audible click, and the door handle twitched ever so slightly. Gonna need everyone to make a roll d6