Hexec was willing to follow the group. Neither way particularly stood out to him, so his judgement would not help.
((I've waited more than long enough, I'm continuing now)) As Huaroc moves forward suddenly he feels a tug on his scaley leg, instantly he realizes he made a potentially fatal mistake and missed a trap. In the split second he realized this the roof released a dozen large boulder which came crashing down towards the group. Ilok who was near the front with Huaroc, as did Huaroc himself, managed to avoid any of the rocks, the rest of the group however where not as lucky. Hexec though he was close to the the other skinks rushed forward but was caught beneath the crushing weight. Ax-Rodriq managed to get himself in a well enough defensive stance that even though a boulder struck him it deflected harmlessly to the ground. The kroxigor took a few rocks on the head but it seemed to have little effect on his thick hide, he stood still looking at the group undeterred.
Hexec felt the crushing weight of the boulder on his body, as he slowly felt the life begin to leave him. Someone needed to help him before it was too late.
Huaroc rushed to Hexec's side and gave his shoulder a squeeze. "I will help, lay very still." Huaroc encouraged. Turning around Huaroc placed his back against the boulder and planted his feet. Letting out a mighty, if not squeeky bellow of urgent need he heaved the rock with all his might trying to get it off Hexec. Huaroc knew that the others would soon follow and aid him quickly.
Ilok issued many commands in quick succession. Everybody was set to work, the stronger sauri for bigger boulders, the smaller skinks for smaller rocks. Ilok aided with magic, for he wasn't that strong. He cast a mighty gust of wind, which cleared many of the small rubble. A handfull of larger boulders got knocked over, clearing more of the path to Hexec. The Hunted (-4 magic)
When the group finally revealed the poor skink, his body was limp, however his breathing was shallow, so luckily he lived.
Huaroc looked to llok with helplessness. Huaroc didn't want his friend and questing companion to die. He knew that only llok had the power to do what needed to be done. Huaroc took up Hexec's hand in his own fist and gave it a strong and reasuring grip. "Stay with us Hexec, we'll get you back to before so we can get out of his death trap." Huaroc promised.
Ilok knew this type of injury and pain. It wasn't that uncommon. He also knew exactly which spell to cast to heal Hexec, he had done it more than often. The healing hand of Ilok brought the spark back to Hexec, though it would take time to heal the cuts and bruises, Hexec himself was fine. The Hunted
(-3 magic Ilok but he is healed) After the collapse the group, reassembled themselves then again affirmed their direction. (please tell me which way you guys wanna go)
Ax-Rodriq nodded in agreement with Huaroc. The cave-in had probably sealed the entrance, preventing them from turning back, and it was entirely possible that it was but a preview of another more serious cave-in. They'd best be moving before they got caught again.
Ilok noticed his magical powers were fading, he would have to be carefull with his remaining power. It was clear that they should press on, and so they did. The Hunted ((I took 2 of, but didn't post it . Oops. So another magic point->away!))