Huaroc entered the room along with everyone else, his blow pipe sweeping every inch of the large vaulted space so that no surprise would befall them. His keen, Chameleon eyes searching in jerking motions to cover every angle. The chest, while interesting, did not hold his attention as much as the door. After all they had no way of hauling it around so unless it's contents were that of an object or weapon Huaroc felt it would do the group little good. Instead Huaroc kept well back and kept his inate and attuned senses ready for any trickery or sudden attack that may befall the group. ...Such was the way of the Chamelon skinks...
Ax-Rodriq approached the chest, prepared for any booby traps or hidden tricks. He slowly drew up to the large chest and cracked open the lid.
As the lid of the chest is opened an arrow flies forward into Ax-Rodriq, however the arrow ricochets off his scaly hide with little effect. Inside the chest however lies three golden rods each appear to connect into the next, they all taper to the bottom, and are three separate sizes.
Huaroc examined the three rods inside the chest, looking for some way that they could possibly be connected together. He thought that perhaps they might attach to one another some how to form a long rod of sorts to provide some function.
don-kai looked into the chest he recognised these rods and went to touch them but was stopped by a saurus yes he recognised them well. something ran across the corridor...a rat the kroxigor crushed it under its club. overkill ((in case you hadn’t guessed I’m still in))
((Sorry guys, going to have to take a leave of absence for a bit. Just figuring everything out for the summer.))
Ilok saw the rods, and he immedeatly thought about fierljeppen*. It was a foldable long pole, which could have many uses, if deployed right. A nimble skink would be best off using these, but not Ilok himself, he did not have the expert agility for it. *: Fierljeppen (lit. far-leaping) is a traditional sport of the Frisians and of the Dutch. Ljeppen is West Frisian for "to leap". The sport involves a long pole and a body of water. The pole is between 8 and 13 m long and has a flat round plate at the bottom to prevent it from sinking into the muddy river or canal bottom. A jump consists of a sprint to the pole (polsstok), jumping and grabbing it, then climbing to the top of the pole while trying to control its forward and lateral movements over a body of water, and finishing by landing on a sand bed opposite to the starting point. Source: wikipedia/google.
Hauruc found that the rods fit together rather easily, however when the last was connected a jolt shot through the rod, causing him to drop it. The jolt felt odd to Hauruc, he could not explain it but it somehow did not feel like an electrical jolt.
Ilok saw Huaroc drop the rod(s), and decided to pick them themselves. He put them back together, the last one with a bit of a hesitate...and waited
Ilok put the rods together and instantly know what the pulse he felt was, magic. The staff makes you more in-tuned to the winds of magic. ((Basically whenever I post the point total for casting a spell you get to reduce the point cost by 1 as long as you have the staff.))
((There are still 2 stone statues in that room, and a secret stone we have to 'push' to open a door? I'm a little confused, the dungeons make me feel woozy Oh, and that staff is sweet! )) The Hunted
((No no secret door, there are two statues in the room as well as another door, like the one you all came through.))
Huaroc was surprised by the magica item and rubbed his hands together to relieve them of the tingling sensation that had shot through them. When he saw that Ilok had better luck with the staff he gave a nod of approval. Glancing around the room Huaroc pointed his chin towards the next door. In his hissing skink voice he said "Shall we proceed?" Huaroc asked.
Ilok knew exactly what Huaroc meant, the staff would fit his hands better anyway he hissed. "We should move on, and keep an eye out at those statues. I don't trust them" Ilok said. Ilok gathered the party at the door, "Ready?" The Hunted ((Told you I was confused ))
((Sorry for the long Delay guys, my Boy was born on May 13th after over 40 hours of labor and a c section, there was a bit of a recovery period, but everything turned out well and both the baby and my wife are doing great now. Anyhoo moving on)) Ilok pushed open the door revealing yet another stone and dirt walled corridor, it branched left and right like most of the others that had come before this.
((Big Congrats on your new family addition! I've got a 6 month old and it's amazing having a child!)) Huaroc followed his leader through the door, keeping his blow pipe at the ready and his banner held high.